chapter 9 ~ A Bit different

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"Jordan, are you alright?" Jordan stood there idly laughing in his mind "sorry he said, im fine" Ivy accepted the response unsatisfied but accepted the answer. Jordan heard a very quite rustle in the bushes as loud as a gun being fired and instantly swipped his hand up in the air levitating a cloaked figure who struggled like a worm until he gave up and angrily yelled " you may  kill me but you cant destroy the order, our masters will return and bring with it the end of the world as we know it"  The hooded man spat down at Jordans shoe "I just had that cleaned" Jordan pulled out knive and started carving the skin off of the mans face, Ivy horrified protested "Ivy we need the information, hes got it and if we keep searching he will tell us, trust me i know what im doing" Ivy stood back and allowed Jordan to continue "excelent he said as he forced his hand up against the arm of the hooded figure, the figures skin started sizziling and smelling of cooked flesh, Ivy turned around and closed her eyes trying to not see any of what was happening. All Ivy caud hear were the screams of pain and determinatation, Jordan got his dagger and repeatedly scratched the man over and over agin until he finally cracked "Fine ill tell you, just stop please" Jordan removed the knive away from the figure " its the start of the final days, i believe it commonly known as amrmageddon and appocalypse". Jordans eyes widened, he let the piece of information swim in his head and then he put his knive back around his neck pulled out his reaper schythe and asked one more question " Where are the others" Jordan said slowly as he pulled up the schythe, "where are the ones who are trying to kill me" "hahaha, really you dont understant, we dont want you dead we never did we just want you to join". Jordan raised hsi schythe and in a swift motion cut the head off of the man. Ivy opened her eyes just in time to see the head go flying she screamed "what hell, why did you do that" "because, he was no use to me anymore, he was a demon " Ivy stared at Jordan blankly "You could of saved him you know" Jordan just smiled "nah, just would of been a waste of time, lets go" Ivy slowly creeped behind Jordan and kicked his legs out and contained him momentairly with the purple beams of energy "what is wrong with you Jordan" she said as she put her hand over his head "Nothing get off of me" he yelled, Ivy closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could, when this light beamed really bright Ivy opened her eyes, she was reading Jordans mind, she saw everything from how he got his powers to the trip to the past find out about them all leading up to now, finally as the moving images slowed down Ivy could see a colourful smoke and a red one both attacking eachother with the colourful one still winning and then above both of them trapped inside of a air bubble was a light blue shimmering colour, Ivy reconised it instantly "it cant be, hes humanity its been trapped and is slowly dying" Ivy made her way to the air bubble using her knowledge of how  the mind works and how to alter it, she was above the bubble and jumped in getting herself stuck for a moment, she cupped her hands and grabbed the blue energy, it grew in her hands getting havier and stronger each moment, it then released a blast sending back the magic essence and demon soul giving Jordan dominance again, Ivy ducked as the energy collided with eachother and where balanced when they met with the Blue energy Ivy waver her hand over the energies and then she closed her eyes and let the image fade away. Couthing and screaming is what she awoke to she opened her eyes to see Jordan had fallen on his knees feeling weak. "Are you okay" she asked "Yeah, i dont know what happened" Ivy asked if he remembers anything " I remember being visited by those damn vision things again in my sleep and then i was knocked back by my magic and he allowed the demon to get stronger in me after that all i remember is the feeling of constantly being attacked and demon winning against the magic". Jordan rembered where all the other figures were "Ivy, i remember where all the other figures, are would you like to help me catch and either kill or save them?"  Ivy smiled "Im glad your back to normal, sure" Jordan grabbed Ivy and hugged her, after a moment they were outside of a massive building made of all different materials. "Ivy stay safe, these people there dangerous, i have no idea what else they can do but dont kill them all, try and get at least one to tell you about the ancient being before it catches up with us" Ivy nodded, Jordan let go of Ivy and tapped her on the shoulder and she was sent inside of the building. Jordan entered through the door a buch of ugly looking demon creatures attacked and he snapped the neck of all of them, Jordan went through the first room on the right throwing a beam of fire up on the roof for light, he sorted through all of the files reading history of our organisation. The documents mentioned a few times the god of chaos hes role in the oraginatsion hes betrayal and a few of his contribuitions of what he started. Jordan burnt the documents as he planed to erase all existence of these hooded figures, Jordan saw a amulent on the table next to hi he grabbed it and put it in his pocket. "What are you doing here the hooded figure who had refused to kill him earlier" Jordan looked at him "who are you" "We do not have time you have to leave this is a trap for you, they arleady knew you were on the way" Jordan widened his eyes "How, could they"  The figure started "listen i know why you are here and i know what you want to do but listen carefully, you cant be here now, yes we know how to kill it and i personally have the one thing left you need to stop it forever, but i cant give it to you know, take the amulent and go get Ivy and leave ill find you in seven day and let you in on everything, trust me, i will find you, if you meet the ancient being just run for the time being, puch me out and go save Ivy now before the leader appears and traps you in here" Jordan stood there speechless for a moment, he punched The figure out and was tempted to take off his hood but instead he just ran and saw Ivy being cornered by 5 of the figures they looked as Jordan entered they all ran towards him, however as fast as he could he vanished all over the room until he reached Ivy, he grabbed her "Dont worry ill catch up" Jordan said.

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