Chapter 2, Rude Awakening

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Fifteen years after the event that occurred on that night the child is now grown up. Jordan wakes up from his bed and prepares to get ready for another day of school. When Jordan is about to leave, he realizes that he left his bag in his room, so he runs towards his room and opens the door. something is not right with the room the walls look shorter than what they are meant to do and there appears to be streams of white light illuminating the room, Jordan shrugs this off and thinks that he is just imagining it from. Jordan turns around picks up his school bag and runs out of the door. As he is about to enter the door of the car he is suddenly overcome by a strange feeling. The journey to the school was five minutes, when he finally arrived at the school he hoped at of the car and waved, trying to free himself from the feeling he rests on the first bench he sees and slowly drifts of to sleep. Crying, screaming being heard pitch black only one figure stood out a man who stood there just waiting and staring at his watch through the fogs and clouds of darkness fuzzy unclear images were being unfolded, images where man were dying by horrible creatures and on the other side was an image of massive creatures that appeared to be four horses but in front of the horses stood six figures, the image was to foggy to see what any of the figures looked like. and then everything stopped the blackness transformed to colour the man who stood there smiled and looked up

"not yet Jordan, look up again"

and as Jordan looked up he saw three projections of himself these projections were standing in front of very vivid images it seemed like they were meant to be there one of the projections appeared to be good and be kind and helpful he was standing in front of ruins and surrounded by dead bodies and blood, then there was a neutral looking projection someone who looked like he was still that kind person but could be careless and commit evil acts at times, this one was standing in front of an image of being trapped in a cage unable to break free and being forced to reveal what he is capable of to the maximum potential and then there's the last projection scary, menacing and purely evil only this projection wasn't standing in front of a terrible image this one was in front of a place where everything looked as if it was in order as if everything was meant to be that way. the projections disappeared and the man looked up at Jordan again slowly he began to say

" choose wisely once the choice is made it can't be undone, be ready to accept all consequences, and never give up. The images are all gone it turns out that Jordan had fallen asleep and missed all his classes.

Meanwhile Jordan's room is glowing a bright dark light which shatters the light bulb and the room is covered in darkness. Having a feeling of uncertainty and a strange sense that someone was watching him from afar. Jordan made it back home still feeling uneasy and strange, shaking while he was shaking and trembling for the keys to the door. The keys dropped out of Jordan's hand, he quickly picked them up and instantly forced them into the lock quickly opening the door and rushing inside the house, as he made it inside, he quickly rotating closing the door and making sure it was locked. Thumping at the door, hard pounding, Jordan was too scared to open the door he screamed

"who are you, what do you want and why are you following me.

"Please we do not have a lot of time, you must leave that house right now, come with me please for your own good",

"leave" Jordan angrily shouted at the man.

The man was becoming scared and frustrated he tried to reason with Jordan " Please, you don't understand if you stay there you will be in danger",

Jordan looked at the man and argued "please the only really danger is probably you". Suddenly the man fell over and was pulled away, all Jordan could hear from inside was intense yelling and screams of pain, Jordan looked through the window of the door to see the man with tears in his eyes, Jordan heard the man softly say

" I'm sorry, I failed you master, forgive me" and then within seconds he was whisked up into the air and started to shake uncontrollably until he was covered in shadows and then within an instant he was thrown to the ground and crushed. when all his blood had left his body, it has merged together to form into a ball of light and then he vanished in an instant. Hazed and confused by the events that just happened, Jordan closed the door and walks off to his room. Slowly Jordan opened the door to his room, as soon as Jordan entered the room and went to lie down, he could sense that something wasn't right with his room, all he could feel was coldness and evil but he didn't take much notice as he was extremely stressed and tired. Jordan rested and began to think about everything that had happened on that day from school to the man to his room, Jordan was intent to focus on the man most of all because he had strong feeling that he had seen him before. Just when Jordan is about to fall asleep a huge number of streams of darkness appeared in the room surrounding him, one of the streams made its way inside of Jordan's mouth while the two of the other targeted his eyes. As the streams were moving within Jordan he screamed out in intense pain, While the other streams merged together to form a shape of a sinister looking creature, Jordan saw the creature smirk, as the streams were going into Jordan the creature began to talk

"you're power its incredible, mind if I borrow it" as the creature finished his sentence it waved an and the streams started to retract from Jordan. Screaming painfully all Jordan could do was sit there as his skin started burning and his eye colour changed. the birthmark he had had as a child that was in the shape of a pentagram had begun to glow, Jordan looked at the creature and it and the streams were all forced back into Jordan voice changed and he knew exactly what the creature was, he looked up and said

"Sorry demon, maybe next time." Jordan began to float in the air in a bright gold glow which was instantly replaced by an explosion of darkness and shadow, the pentagram on his wrist had stopped glowing and he collapsed. when Jordan woke up, he felt different, his emotions had become darker and he was colder and caring less about others and more about himself. He was not seeing things as good or evil anymore he had lost most of his sense of morality. although he had changed he had tried to keep it hidden as he didn't like it, and every time someone would ask him if he was feeling ok he would get angrier and angrier he finally got to a put where a feeling of darkness washed over him and his wrist started to glow again and within seconds streams of darkness covered streets the darkness attacked most of the street killing nearly six people someone was watching him they stayed at a short distance but saw that his eyes had changed colour , the eye on his left had turned into a dead grey colour while the eye on his right had turned into a multi-coloured ring containing the colours purple, red, green and black. Jordan looked scared of what had just happened, but his scar remained glowing and his eyes changed. Suddenly Jordan vanishes, and moments later in himself in the woods surrounded by trees and darkness and nothing that he could see in any direction.

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