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Michie's POV

everyone was pretty much doing there own thing now. it's was about 9 pm and I was sitting on the couch with Harry as we drank beer. after meeting him and found out that the rest of one direction was here I flipped but started to act normal after getting to actually know them as them instead of "one direction" I decided not to tell Harry about my issues with the guys when he asked me to tell him a little about myself. I was shitfaced and i was praying to God that I wouldn't fuck this up

"so there's no guy in the picture?" he asks taking another sip of his beer

that voice was going to be the death of me

"nope" I lie popping the p

was it a lie? Luke and I weren't going anywhere at the moment and I just planned on running to Michael when Luke fucked up. so I guess I wasn't lying

Harry holds his finger out in a "come here motion" I get up move a bit closer to him

"closer love" he says and I listen. I move and sit directly next to him. a deep chuckle erupts from his throat and he pulls me into his lap, huddling me like a baby

"what are you doing?" I hold his neck as I play with the hair behind his ears with my pointer fingers

"do you think my sister would be mad if I kissed you?" he asks

kiss me? I would but it would be wrong in so many ways. I'm pretty sure any girl would kiss Harry even if they had a boyfriend but I just wasn't in the position to do that. i was flattered but I just couldn't. the fact that I was drunk was even worse

"I think she would plus I'm not 18 yet so that would be breaking the law, wouldn't it?" I slur

suddenly Alex walks in, fingers locked with Tyler's. her hair was tide into a messy bun and all she wore was her bathing suit. I'll always be jealous of her perfect body.

"hey Harry, hey michie. what's uhh going on down here" she raises an eyebrow

"nothing actually" I smile

this was getting way out of hand and my mind would explode If Luke walked in on us like this. I wiggle from his grasp and adjust what I was wearing which was a bikini with an shirt on top

"I'm going for a swim, I'll see you later" I peck his cheek and walk away

that was something I never thought in a million years would happen. I would go to the pool but the other would be walking around so I decided to go to the lake. once I reached the lake I removed the shirt that I wouldn't dare take off in front of the others. I dive straight into the water. I enjoyed this feeling, being alone in the water with nothing but the stars to keep me company. i can't swim but this wasn't really swimming,just treading the water. I was left alone for 2 hours before I decided to go back inside. I was still drunk and I could of sworn that would sober me up but I was wrong. I rinsed off by the pool before walking into the house. I walk into the kitchen and grab one of my bags of goldfish that everyone knew strictly not to eat. large hands take a hold of my waist, at first I though it was Harry or Michael but when I tuned around I seen that it was Luke. big shocker.

"hey you" he smiles

"seriously? don't touch me" i drop my goldfish and take his hands off of me. I cross my arms, mostly so he wouldn't see my body

he holds me again "I've missed you"

if he missed me then he would of made that clear a couple day ago instead of making out with my only girl friend?

"doesn't seem like it and really Luke. don't touch me. your so fake. you can't make out with Gemma and then come run to me and act like everything is okay but it's not and it won't be" I slur

he connected our lips and I felt like the whole fight I was putting up was for nothing because I gave into him so quickly. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me into the counter. his tongue roams my mouth eagerly. he moves down to my neck and plants kisses all over.

"i hate you" i say breathlessly

"mmmhmm" he hums still not stopping his movement

"I wish to touch you" he says in between kisses

this was what the plan was and it was working perfectly. he was begging to touch me and I was going to let him. I love how he talks so proper at times.

"you may" I moan out

he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. he kisses me all the way up the stairs. I wonder how he could possibly see. he suddenly bumps into a wall. I giggle leaves my lips as he attempts to continue kissing me

"shhh the others are sleeping. you don't want them to hear us do you?"

"make me scream" I kiss his neck

I can't believe I just said that. I feel like I have no control over my body and that someone has taken my body over my body and I had her eyes. I could feel everything but my body has a mind of its own

he pushes a room door open that I'm assuming is his. I noticed there's only one bed so he got a room to himself. he locked the door behind him before throwing me in the bed.

warning!! upcoming smut :)

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