New Member

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Sketch of the water dragon slayer, Alice, Satu Conbolt, and Yuki Fubuki for my tumblr.

   She didn't understand why everyone was crowded around the child. Hikari knew that babies were cute and the mothers doted over them often, but she didn't understand with this little one in Wendy's arms. She was small and not to mention, squishy. Her body also seemed smaller as Hikari examined her. Her face was small and red as well.

" Why is she small?" she asked aloud.
Lucy laughed at her daughter as she picked her up. "Well, she was just born. All babies look like that Hikari."
"Your parents looked like this too," Wendy added.
The young girl looked up at her mother with confusion written all over. "Mama and Papa?"

Lucy nodded, " Yes Mama and Papa. By the way Wendy, should we let the boys in now? Romeo was panicking earlier when you went into labor."

" He's here?"

" I asked Happy to go and get him from his job. No one should miss the birth of their child."

Hikari saw the sky maiden's face light up. " Yes please. He would be pleased to see her."

The young girl climbed onto the bed as her mother joined the men outside. She watched as Romeo slowly stepped into the room, his eyes shining from the light. " How are you both?"

" A little tired, but we're both fine," Wendy replied as he walked over. " She's healthy the healers said. A strong set of lungs for sure."

" She's a screamer."

" Romeo, where's Natsu?" Lucy asked.

" He went back to the guild to tell them the news. They all were excited he said."

" Maybe you should head back to the guild Hikari," Lucy suggested. " You can tell the younger kids about the new member."

She agreed and walked out of the room, back to the guild.


When she opened the doors, the younger kids approached her with questions. Many, she could not answer without her parents.

" Was the baby cute?"

" What was the gender?"

" How small are they?"

" I don't know," Hikari muttered. " From what I know, she is really small and squishy."

" She?" Ryuu questioned. His younger sister nodded.

" You owe me a coin Ice!" he called over to Toro. " Hikari says the baby is a girl."

" You can't ask me for a coin when you haven't even seen it yourself!" he called back. " Besides, you don't know if Hikari is telling the truth or not."

" Wendy said it was a she."

" I believe Wendy more than you."

" I heard from my mom that babies are really soft when they are born," Emma mentioned. She turned to Hikari. " Is it true?"

The young girl put her hand on her chin, " I didn't get to hold her. She looked soft, so maybe you're right Emma."

" Were her fingers tiny too?" Toshiko asked.

" They were!"

From the back, Masami sighed. "You and your thoughts about the child. She's just a baby, nothing to make a fuss over. She's just like us."

" You didn't get to see her Masami," Hikari said. " She's was cute and Wendy seemed to be fond of her."

" Because she's her child."

" Now, what are you talking about?"

The children looked up to find Levy, with a book in her hands. " Had Wendy given birth?" she asked, looking at each of them. Hikari nodded her head, with a smile on her face.
Levy smiled. " No wonder Natsu is causing a ruckus in here. I just thought he got some more food."

" Either way, it sounds like Dad," Ryuu muttered.


When Wendy returned, everyone crowded around her and the baby, whom they named Satu. They had wanted her name to honor the guild, meaning fairy tale.

" She is small," Gajeel agreed.

" She may be small, but she can cry," Wendy said. " The poor thing sounds like she's scared of everything."

" All babies tend to be like Wendy," Lucy said. " She needs to be closer to you and Romeo. She just wanted to be comforted."

" Or hungry," Natsu added.

" So you were right," Masami whispered to Hikari, away from the adults. " She is quite small. I never thought a human could be that tiny."

" She is tiny," Hikari agreed. " I heard Mama and Papa were like that when they were born too. Why are all humans born like that?"

Masami shrugged. " I don't know. How about you ask your parents and I can ask mine. Hopefully, Dad won't be uncomfortable when I ask."

" I had asked my parents about that once. I asked them where babies had come from because Tetsu was born not too long ago. I remember the day he came into the guild holding Levy's hand."

Masami shrugged. " Well, there's only one why to find out."

" What?"

" Ask them ourselves again and hope that they won't mutter in embarrassment."

Hikari chuckled nervously, knowing that her parents would be uncomfortable by her questions later tonight.

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