New Generation

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  " Is this really a good idea?" Hikari asked, gazing up at her older brother who was climbing a tree. If he had slipped, it was possible that he could break something from that height. 

" What is your idiot brother doing now?" Masami asked, crossing her arms. 

" We dared him to climb that tree without slipping," Toro said with a bit of pride in his voice. " I didn't think he could do it." 

" think you could?" Satomi asked quietly. 

Hikari continued to watch her brother, making sure he doesn't fall. " I'm afraid that something bad will happen." 

" We all are," Emma said, clinging onto the young dragon slayer. " Ryuu is not a good climber. He can fall and hurt himself." 

" The worst he can do is break something," Toshiko agreed. She looked at her older cousin. " Right Ari?" 

The young girl nodded her head. " Right." 

" Well, I bet you three gold coins that he falls from that tree," Masami said to Toro

" Like I said, he's going to fall. There's no point in betting that." 

" You know I can hear you fall from up here!" Ryuu called. " Don't worry Hikari! I'm almost to the top!" 

" That doesn't help my worry. You're still in that tree no matter what!" 

" Have some faith in the poor boy," Fumiko said. " He deserves some credit we're about to give him." 

Toro snickered. " It will be even funnier once he falls. Imagine from such a height too. I don't think he'll break something, more so a sprain." 

" I do not trust your reasoning Toro," Fumiko told him. 

The children continued to look up at their friend, making sure he doesn't fall. When he reached the top, they all sighed of relief. Though, in the mix, the branch broke and the young dragon slayer fell to the bottom, along with a snap, echoing through the park along with a scream. 

Masami moved closer to Hikari, ignoring her brother's cries. " I told you." 


" Explain, why was he up in that tree in the first place?" Mirajane asked. She seated the children at a table while Ryuu was getting his arm checked by Wendy, who was still nursing her daughter at the time. 

Hikari looked up to gaze upon the demon, but retreated her eyes back to her lap. " Hikari, I trust you have something to say." 

" I don't." 

Lucy sighed. " Hikari, what happened that your brother fell from such a height?" 

" Some...of us wanted to know if he could make it to the top without falling," Satomi admitted. " It was interesting to watch." 

" Was it interesting to see him fall and break his arm?" Mira asked. 

Masami scoffed. " Not the way you make it out to be Mom." 

" It's worse enough you were watching," Gray joined. He quickly glanced over at his son." Toro, say sorry when he's all better. That fall had an effect on him." 

" He broke his arm," Masami explained. 

" Broke his arm and then fainted," Fumiko added. " Remember? You're the one who dragged him to the guild." 

" Not really. Honestly, if it can shut his mouth I'm fine with how he is at the moment." 

" Masami!" 

" There's no harm in me wishing such a thing. Ryuu is rude as is and isn't considerate about anyone else. So tell me, am I suppose to care about him?" 

Before Mira could answer, her daughter jumped off the table and sprinted out of the guild. It was silent for a moment before Mira turned to her long time friend. " I'm sorry Lucy." 

" Don't worry about it Mira." 

" It's a good thing Natsu isn't here," she said, with a sigh of relief. " Unless he would yell at the poor girl." 

" Where is Dad anyway?"

" On a job with Laxus and Erza." 

" Oh...that's why we weren't yelled at right away," Toro muttered. " That person saved our lives." 

" You mean your lives," Hikari corrected.


By evening, Ryuu had woken up in a small room with a cast wrapped around his arm. The young dragon slayer tried to move quickly, but was held back by his arm, wincing in pain. 

" Don't move around like that," Wendy told him. " You're still hurt from your fall." 

" What fall?" he asked. 

" The others said they dared you to climb the tallest tree that was in the park. know the result of that now," she said, referring to his wrapped up arm. 

The young dragon slayer sat up in the bed and found Wendy feeding her daughter, covering her chest with a small blanket. " I-I didn't know you were-" 

" It's alright," she said, glancing down at her daughter. " Everyone is worried about you at the moment." 

" Worried? Oh? The others are in the guild?" He then let out a small chuckle. " That means Mom and Dad are giving them a hard scolding about this." 

" Actually, I think it's Mira. Natsu is out on a job with Laxus and Erza." 

" I'm screwed." 

The demon was lurking his way. 


By the time night came down, Natsu returned back to his home, where he was greeted by Lucy. As he sat down, he noticed the cast around his son's arm and the guilty look on his daughter's face. 

" What happened?" he asked. 

" A bet," Ryuu answered. 

" And lots of blood," Hikari added. 

" There was blood involved?" 

" When you fell, you hurt earned some cuts. Fumiko tried to bandage them up, but that didn't do any good. You needed Wendy's help." 

" And Wendy is still breast feeding Satu," Lucy said, putting plates on the table. " She wasted even more energy when it could have been used for Satu." 

" We're sorry," Hikari said. 

" Sorry? I'm the one who fell from the tree!" 

" You didn't have to go," Hikari argued. " You wanted to prove Toro wrong." 

" If you were me, you would want to prove him wrong too." 

" Not to risk my life," she muttered under her breath.  

" As long as you're both okay," Natsu said, grabbing some meat. " Did you win the bet?" 

" Of course! I climbed the tree! All the way to the top!" 

" But you fell and hurt yourself," Lucy reminded him. " Natsu, don't encourage him into doing it again." 

" As long as he showed that Popsicle's son, it doesn't matter. He's alive." 

" This is a weird family," Hikari muttered under her breath. Lucy ruffled her daughter's hair. 

" I'm there with you Hikari." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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