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│ s t a r g i r l │
‣ chapter seven ‣

"So, what's the deal with you and Chris?"

Sana places her lips on her straw strategically, sipping on her iced mocha.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I begin to hesitate with my words.

It's about time I should tell them. Not entirely the truth but some of it that will prevent them from questioning me again.

"Erm..I'm sleeping with him."

"I knew it! What'd I tell you, Sana?" Noora exclaims.

I raise an eyebrow. "Wait, what?"

"Oh, Eva, you didn't think we were that oblivious to you and Chris hooking up again?" Noora replies with a roll of her eyes.

"Is it just fucking, though? Or is it getting like..serious?" Sana questions.

"No, it's definitely not like that. I mean, guys, it's Chris we're talking about. Penetrator Chris. Last time I checked he doesn't do relationships."

"But," Sana interjects "There's going to be that girl, you know, that one who will change him for the better."

Noora doubles over with laughter, repeatedly smacking her thigh. "Oh, Sana, you really believe in all that? Remember when I thought that about Willhelm? Yikes, I guess I thought."

Sana rolls her eyes, melodramatically. "William is stupid for not returning. Everybody knows that. But it's not over yet. The story of Willhelm and Noora can't end like this! I can promise you that."

"I don't think so, Sana. Not a single text or call. I'm pretty sure that's his way of saying 'it's over'." Noora nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe I can ask Chris about his whereabouts?" I offer.

Noora hums. "You can try."

I send her a comforting smile.

"Besides, I've made a male friend," Noora announces.

"You have?" Sana asks.

"Yep," Noora grins from ear to ear "He's called Nathan and he's really nice. In fact, I'm meeting him later for a study session."

"Study session or fuck session?" Sana remarks, rather bluntly.

"Sana! There are people around." Noora scolds.

"Shit, sorry," she mumbles.

"Besides, it isn't like that. Well, it could be...but it's still early."

"Ooh, Noora. Dirty girl." Sana teases.

After our small meet up, the three of us then part in our individual ways. Sana ends up heading to the library as Noora makes her way back to our dorm room for her 'study session' with her new male friend.

I decide to take a walk somewhere near campus. The cold wind running through the streets of Oslo chills me to the bone. I pull my jacket closer to my body.

Finally, a little time to gather my thoughts.

I'm getting used to Chris now. If I don't see him one day, it'll bug me, it'll concern me. I'm growing attached to him and I know it's going to end up badly.

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