a single rose

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I walk through the door and look around me. From the outside, it looked big already but the inside looks even bigger and this is only the Entrance. I wonder how big the other rooms are. The walls are white, the floor has dark colored tiles on them, they feel cold under my bare feet which makes me shiver a bit. I look back at the guy as he puts his shoes in the there for a dedicated place. He gets something out of it too and walks over too me. He sits on his knees as he softly pulls up my feet and places some soft, black slippers on them.

'I don't want you to get sick because you are walking around on bare feet' confused I look at him. Was he just nice to me? A small smile creeps on my face, if he was always like this I wouldn't mind him buying me like that so much. I shake my head, Yeongsuk focus he is not nice and buying someone just like that is wrong. I will escape from here as soon as possible.

He walks through a tall door at the left sight of the Entrance and I walk after him, afraid I will get lost in such a big house. This room is even bigger then the entrants if that is even possible. In the middle of the room is a big couch, big enough to fit a whole class with students on it. 'Sit down' he says without any expression at all. Where did the guy I first met go? He looks so dead right now like he doesn't want to do this? It makes me sad, does he regret buying me for that much money? Why does he make me feel so useless? I shake my head again I should not think such things.

The guy walks out of the room and I look around. I should find a way to escape this hell hole before something bad happens. I stand up and walk from the couch to the window that takes up the whole left side of the room and looks outside. Maybe I can find my way out of here. My eyes spot on a lonely red rose, not that far away from the window.  Not that far away from the rose, I see a door. I walk to the door and feel if I can open it. To my surprise, it opens and I step outside. I look left and right, so which way now? Uhhm right I guess because the right is right, right? I giggle at my own stupid joke. The rose catches my eyes again. It is a bit weird to see a single rose in such a big garden. I look around I don't see any other flowers except for this rose.

I look back to the room I came from, he still hasn't come back. Slowly I walk to the rose. The closer I come to the rose the sweeter it smells. Like the cotton candy machine at the fair, the closer you get to them the sweeter the cotton candy will smell and the more you want to have it. Carefully I lower down, sitting on both of my knees and stretch out my hand to touch it. The rose has taken over my mind, the only thing I can think of is the rose. I almost am touching it as a hand pulls me up from where I was sitting.

'Did I say to you to look around and go outside'. The eyes I look in stare angry at me. Fear takes over my body and I don't know what to do anymore. 'I-I-I' words are stuck in my throat. I try to speak but I'm afraid the angry eyes will do something. 'I-I-I, can't you speak normally for ones' he shakes my body vigorously. 'Did I tell you, you could look around' I shake my head no, afraid that if I speak I make him angrier then he already is.

He pulls me back to the door. I look back to look at the rose one more time but it is gone. How is that even possible. He throws me on the couch and walks back to the door and closes it. 'Don't go outside without my permission, you hear that' his voice scares me. I nod and sit up straight trying to relax my body a bit.

It is then that I notice we are not the only two people in the room anymore. Next, to me and the guy who brought me, there are 6 other guys standing in the room. A guy with orange hair laughs at me with the happiest smile I have ever seen. The shorter guy with grayish brown hair rolls his eyes at me. 'Can we do this fast so I can sleep again' a guy as with a white as milk skin and black hair says when he sits down.

'Yes, I will start' the guy who smiled at me a second ago says. He stands in front of me 'I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm j-hope' he says with a smile on his face. 'You mean a fallen angel' the sleepy guy says. J-hope bows down to my ear and whispers 'you smell really nice, I can't wait to taste you'. His actions make me blush but soon he has pulled away from me. Wait did he say taste me?

'Stop that J-hope you are scaring her' a tall pink haired guy says. He looks at me 'I'm sorry about him, I'm Jin if something happens you can always come and talk to me' I slightly smile and bow at him, he seems like a good guy.

The guy who rolled his eyes at me stands in front of me now ' I still don't get why he wanted you, for his first time he should have picked someone sexy' he gets a piece of my hair and let it slid through his fingers. First time? Sexy? What are they planning to do with me?

'Jimin I already told you, it is his first time so let him pick the one he wants' okay so the weird rude guy is Jimin.' I'm V by the way' I look at the guy next to me he has light blond hair. I smile at him a bit nervous, I still don't get what they want from me. V seems nice but I get the feeling he is faking it for some reason.

'I'm Rap monster and the guy who fell asleep over there is Suga' I look at where the voice is coming from. He looks pretty nice too but I don't know something is telling me he is not as nice as he looks like. Then I look over at the guy with black hair sleeping on the couch, so that is Suga.

Learning their names will not be that hard but it will take some time. 'Now everybody out, I want to be alone with her for a minute' the guy who brought me said, the only guy I don't know the name of yet. Suga stands up without opening his eyes and walks out of the room. J-hope weaves at me and I weave back as Jin pulls him out of the room. ' You really are sure that you want her to be your first?' Jimin ask again, and he gets a dead star from v. 'Calm down, I was just asking' Jimin says putting his hands up. With that, we were left alone again in this giant living room.

I am so so so sooooo sorry for not updating for such a long time but right now I'm in China for school and I don't have wifi at the place i stay. so I'm freeloading of free wifi here. But normally I write my story's on my laptop but I'm not going to take my laptop with me everywhere I go. I will try and update more on you guys.

Roses and fangs (Bts Jungkook Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now