Contents (Stephen Thompson)

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Requested by Katanajade



It's amazing how race, religion, body, etc

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It's amazing how race, religion, body, etc. can make us who we are. It's amazing how those classification of ours can be the table of contents for other people.

Yes, I'm an athelete. Yes, I'm a Karate artist. Yes, I'm not beautiful. Yes, I'm still looking like a human tree trunk. In fact, I feel like a tree trunk would be offended if I compare myself to them.

I don't have the ripped bodies like most of them, the abs they have, the muscles they gain. My body is not thick yes, but I have no curves or anything that makes me standout.

My face is more than ugly. Boney cheeks, flat nose and really, really ugly feautures followed.

Everytime I walk in Jetrose Karate Acadamy, they made sure I knew about it. From my teammates, coaches and guests.

The small whispers, the hidden giggling, the continuos chatter as if I'm not there. I know, cause they made me know.

Today was just like every other day. Went inside, dropped my bags on the bench and wore my Gi on top of my tshirt.

I was on the process of temoving my shoes when my coach then approach me "You're late" he said with a cold tone, not looking at me and only to the ones training already at the mat.

I didn't mind him as I finally took my shoes off and wore my belt, my most treasured Brown belt "I was late for a minute, sir." I replied lazily, not wanting to put up with this day around them again, and their bullshit.

"I don't care, you're late"

"I just got back from a tournamen, give me a break" I reminded him. He listed my name to one of the tournaments at the Philippines, without even my knowledge. He didn't even told me about it 3 days before. If his plan was to embarass me, it didn't worked 'cause I went back home, last night, with a Gold.

My coach glared at me with my remarks while I stood my ground, tightening the knot of my belt "You're don't cost an arm and leg, I could swiftly replace you with a 2 years old kid who just learned the alphabets, wannabe"

With those insults saying my IQ is lower than a kid, I blew up "Seems like that those 2 years old kids have a higher chance of getting into an actual company than teaching a bunch of wannabe's" I sneared back and walked away. You have over hundreds of nerves in your body, and it's amazing how people can get to each one of them.

I warmed up on my usual spot, back right corner. In the entire gym, it's obvious I didn't just went here because I want something to post on instagram.

The others in front of me are taking selfies and just let their Gi and belts dangle around. That's okay I guess, what's something to be proud of a White anyways?

I finished warming up when my coach, our trainer, finally stepped in front of us, doing drills that made sure to prepapre our bones to get separated to our body.

While I finally had my stance, the door opened and made a 'ting' noise due to the little bell hanging from above.

I didn't mind it as I had my focus on the kickpad my coach was holding, imagining it was his actual head I was kicking "Spin kick" I did what he said as he rose the pad higher and higher each time, last one stopping above his head.

After those kicks, he moved on to the other girls, who can't even deliver a proper leg kick.

The others then start to whisper to each other, thinking it was because of me, I decided to just turn around to face them away.

My cold face then had a proper emotion when I saw a man sitting down beside my bag on top of a bench.

My hands went up to cover my mouth as he had a very wide smile, snapback and Black longsleeves shirt which made him way more pleasing than he was in his fighting shorts.


"OHMYGOD!ILOVEYOUSOMUCH" I yelled and ran to him, his arms wide open. He caught me for a hug and since he was slightly taller, he's 6 and I'm 5'6 -slight? he had managed to carry me. A chuckle escaped his mouth while doing so.

He put me down minutes later as I stared at him, it really is Wonderboy. Even though we had a fangirl encounter, he still have a sincere smile as we now exchange proper hugs to each other.

We broke the hug as the people in the gym started to crowd me over "Hey, you're Katana? The karate girl from the Philippines?" he asked. Since I was still starstrucked, I had only managed to reply a nod.

"Well, I'm-"

"Stephen Randall 'Wonderboy' Thompson. 33. Borned and fights out of South Carolina. You're a UFC Welterweight fighter, I really do believe you won that W with Tyron" I blurted. His face should've turn into a scared or disturbed one, but by the looks of it, he looks amused "Sorry huge fan"

"I can see that. Anyways, your fight was absolutely brillant, it was full out succession and accuracy. I was there, just looking for possible students and was supposed to ask you but your coach said you said no. I just want to confirm that one" he told me, his eyes traveled behind me then back to me "Is that really a no?"

"She doesn't want-"

"I don't even knew you were watching, I didn't knew you were at the Philippines at that time" I cut my coach off, replying him with a monotone voice, not even bothered to look at me

I then faced him with a smug look, not even guilt on his face "You told that I have a tournament within 3 days notice, didn't train me, because you knew he would be there and who ever gets Gold, Silver or Bronze would get called up. Jerk" I said as I rolled my fist, he was supposed to say something else when I faced away from him

"I'm going-" I said and remove my belt, which left my Gi open, my stomach now partially visible due to all the sweat. I took my bag which was just on arms reach and stuff my belt in "-I'm going with you" I said to Stephen, my bag now swung over my shoulder.

He plastered a cheeky grin, took my hand and walked out the place "Come back here!"

"Learn morals first then call me" I yelled back as Stephen opened the door for me, letting the door close behind him as we made our way to his car.

A conversation then started when both of us were in his car, on the way to wherever, whenever.

"You survived with him? I can't imagine he's your coach for..."

"9 years. I started when I was just 7. I moved here when I was 18 for college and I have regreted it ever since" I answered for him

"I can't last a day with him"

"Well you have to. There aren't any nearer acadamy"

"Nice kicks by the way." He then said immediatelty, obviously showing he doesn't want the conversation to die

"Thanks, been working on that for a while. And also, thank you for pulling me out that hell hole"

"No problem. You look too beautiful to get left in there" he remarked, another cheeky grin on his face. When he realized what he said, his confidence shut down and he went flustered "I didn't mean to sound like a complete asshole"

"Since you just saved me from there and had given me the best compliment I've heard for a while-" I said then turn to him, his facial structres, especially those damn jawline, shined from the sun "-the only 'a' word I'll call you right now is Angel"


I'm so sorry it's late and it sucked! I was really busy with my transferring papers yesterday and momma Wilde pulled me to get my haircut!

I promise to get one soon! REALLY! ~R

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