Good Thing (Yair Rodriguez)

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Requested by: BlakeL97

I literally thought about the plot while we were travelling and legit forgot about it when we got back home 👏

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I literally thought about the plot while we were travelling and legit forgot about it when we got back home 👏


"Sofia, 3 minutes are up!" my coach yelled and pulled me up from the bench.

I helped him put on his mitts and then we start as soon as the timer buzzes, giving the first throw a jab.

I'm not an MMA fighter, but what's bad into training, right? I assist here around the gym, I'm more of the conditioning coach. If one of them has a fight, I'd probably be on their corner.

We finished up the last mitt session and looked around, only a few were left and the majority of them was the fighters and the few left were the ones taking private lessons.

I decided to call it off since I need to go home, it's already 9:33 and the gym closes at 10pm.

I was ready to go when my coach called me from across the gym, my movement getting restricted because of the sweaty clothes I'm wearing.

"Sir, what can I help you with?" I asked. My jacket in hand as I walked beside him, slinging my bag on my right shoulder.

He put a hand on top of my shoulder and motioned to the man in front of me "Sofia, this is Yair.-" he moved his hand to Yair, our eyes met and we shook hands "Yair, Sofia"

"Wait, you're from UFC right?" I asked, realizing he was the one who fought BJ Penn in his return fight and was schedule to face Frankie Edgar on May.

"Yeah, that's me" he answered, smiling at me as he does.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" I asked, holding the strap of my bag as I looked to my coach -and probably his. Our coach?

"He has a fight coming up, like you said. And well, he needs to work on his conditioning and cardio a bit more" our coach answered, his eyes down to Yair, arms crossed then looked back to me.

"Okay great, can we start tomorrow?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yeah sure, what time are you available?" Yair asked, looking up at me since he was sitting down on one of the bags on the floor.

"I'm here all day, what time are YOU available?" I asked, highlighting on the word 'you'

"How about 4 pm until whatever time you think I need?" He suggested

After thinking about my schdule, I knew I had no fighters scheduled for tuning up "Sure, 4 pm"


I walked inside the gym and went to the locker, changing into my gym clothes as I look at the time, it's only 1 pm so I'll have time to just kill it here.

I went out and do my usual routines, cardio, bags and all that fun stuff.

I stopped to take a break and looked around, spotting Yair walking towards me with his handwraps done.

"Hey Sofia, you're early" Yair said when he reached me, compared to me, he looks a fucking giant

I remove my handwraps as I shook my head "No, I really come here around this time. How's training?" I asked him, eyeing him from head to foot.

"I feel wrecked, so that means it's good" he answered with a chuckle. He shook his head then asked me "Did you grabbed lunch already?"

"Are you even allowed to talk about lunch?" I answered with a chuckle, my hands placing on my waist

"I am, trust me" he said, putting up his hand for a promise then the other to his chest "So, lunch?"

I thought about it for a moment, then agreed "I'll be watching you then" I jokingly said

"So that's a yes?" Yair asked cautiously

"Yep, let me take a quick shower first before anything else." I said then he moved aside, letting me past through as he put an arm out.

I got read in a simpls jeans and shirt since we still have a session ready for later on.

"Hey, ready?" I asked after I approached him, sitting down by the bench with his phone.

"Yeah, let's go" he stood up then put his phone back on his pocket, openin the door of the gym for me then lead me to his car.

Being the gentleman he is, he opened the door of the car for me, closing it as gentle as he can then jog go his side "You're good at this"

"Thanks, I'm trying" he answered then backed away from the parking spot, now driving at the busy highway.

"Thanks for accepting the lunch offer, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, not looking at me since his eyes were on the road

"No, I don't have one" I answered, seeing a faint smirk on his face "You?"

"Oh no, I'm not looking for a boyfriend" he joked, chuckling later at his response.

I shook my head at his answer, a smile forming on my face "That is a bad joke" I said and looked at him, catching him stealing glances at me

"I'm working on it."

"Work better" I answered again, reaching the place which was t
at the local Dominos "Bad choice" I told him as he parked the car, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Choose the food for me then" He said when we got out the car, entering the place as I ordered him the salad one.

"I'm not cutting weight yet" he whispered beside me as he paid the food

"Don't care" I said as my pizza is placed on the tray beside his salad "I'm choosing right?" I teased him, Yair carrying the tray as we searched for a spot

"Good thing you're cute"


Hey Sofia, sorry this is so so bad and very late! I literally ran put of ideas. But I promise I'll make it up to you! I'll do another one real soon.

As for the others, keep it coming I guess ~R


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