Ao Haru Ride

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Favorite Character

Futaba Yoshioka: The main heroine of the anime

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Futaba Yoshioka: The main heroine of the anime. She acts like a tomboy and forces it upon her to make her less attractive in front of boys, which is the reason why she stood out to me. Unlike other heroines in other shows, she doesn't want to boys to like her. She just wants to fit in with the girls around her.

We as an audience were able to watch her grow and become more knowledgeable with the awkwardness of love

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We as an audience were able to watch her grow and become more knowledgeable with the awkwardness of love. Her feelings were real and relatable. She was displayed as a real person with a personality that we could see in the real world. 

Futaba isn't one of those perfect characters that all the boys falls in love with, granted she's great, but she also has some point people could dislike

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Futaba isn't one of those perfect characters that all the boys falls in love with, granted she's great, but she also has some point people could dislike. She is almost perfectly mirrors the average teenage girl going through puberty. 

Futaba Yoshioka- "Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down

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Futaba Yoshioka- "Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."  


Honorable Mention

Youichi Tanaka: The supportive older brother of the main guy

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Youichi Tanaka: The supportive older brother of the main guy. He displays great love and care towards his brother. I personally believe he should have a spin-off, so the audience could learn more about him.  He plays his role as an older brother properly. He doesn't even get any credit for being such a great wingman to Kou Mabuchi.

Youichi Tanaka- "Using that metaphor, this might be a situation where he forgot to make it with a doorknob at all, let alone a keyhole

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Youichi Tanaka- "Using that metaphor, this might be a situation where he forgot to make it with a doorknob at all, let alone a keyhole."


Least Favorite Character

Yuuri Makita: She's a cute girl, but she acts too helpless and that kind of personality isn't my type

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Yuuri Makita: She's a cute girl, but she acts too helpless and that kind of personality isn't my type. Nevertheless, she is a great character. She in fact was able to help progress the relationship of Kou and Futaba. Yuuri isn't a horrible character, but there were moments that made me cringe.

Did you read the manga? It's really good.

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