Chapter 2

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After dropping off the gifts and parting with Erica, Alex recognized Shannon, a former Fashion Design classmate who bore a passing resemblance to Sam, though with a more orange tint to her wavier hair.

"Heey, how've you been," Alex said, giving her a hug.

"Good! I haven't seen you since Fashion Design. How're you?" Shannon replied.

"I'm okay. Been getting more classes in my major; Veterinary Science," Alex said, hands clasped behind her back. "That Versailles trip was unforgettable," she added, recalling the time spent bonding with her classmates, both before and after the crisis part of it had passed.

"Yeah, definitely!" Shannon agreed. "I had a weird dream once, though," she said looking off in thought. "Me and some of the others were captured by some villain. Then you, Sam, and Clover were superheroes in sweet outfits, and we all fought these living statues!" she said waving her hands excitedly.

"That's- quite an imagination you have," Alex said with a strained smile. Honestly, she was surprised that WOOHP's Memory Eraser seemingly couldn't prevent one from dreaming of past experiences in this case.

Alex glanced over to the nearby drink table, then noticed Trent pouring coffee for a young man.

"Hey Trent!" she said, walking over to him with Shannon.

"Hiya Trent," Shannon said.

"Hmm. Apple cider please?" Alex requested. He poured the drink, handed it over, and smiled.

"Alex, glad you could make it," he said. "Shannon, what can I get you?" he asked courteously.

"Information," she said straight-faced, as if in a movie. Trent raised his eyebrows at this.

Her serious look crumbled and she snickered. "I'll have some of that coffee, thanks," she said.

"But seriously, for information..." she trailed off, accepting the quality blend in its paper cup by the protective sleeve. "Thanks," Shannon said, then thought for a moment. "Have you ever considered asking Mandy out?" she asked. Trent, who'd poured himself an apple cider, had nearly set the bottle down, but almost dropped it as his eyes bulged.

He recovered his composure, and set it down carefully. Alex looked on with interest, sipping her drink.

Trent looked around cautiously. Satisfied it was safe to speak, he looked back to Shannon.

"No. Way. Mandy's only interested in guys that are incredibly handsome and wealthy," he explained. "And I'm neither," he added.

"Hm, that's her loss. In my opinion," Alex said to them, holding her cup with both hands. "You do so much for her. She must've been yelling at you all week getting this party ready. I don't know how you can put up with her," she added.

Trent glanced around, alert for any sign of Mandy, then nodded. "It was a tough week, but she said she's not yelling at me tonight," he said. "I put up with her all this time as a test. If I can be patient with her, I think I can handle almost any boss in the workforce," he said somberly. "Her being very attractive helped a lot. Oh, and my internship ends after next semester," he added.

A few people approached the table, asking Trent what drinks were available.

"Okay, nice chatting with you Trent," Alex said.

"See ya, Alex. Shannon," he replied, turning back to those ordering drinks.

"Bye," Shannon said with a wave. She and Alex walked over to the snack table.

After dropping off the cookies, Clover got some water and contently took in the sights and sounds of the room. The nearby tree was adorned simply with white Christmas tree lights and tinsel that spiraled down around the branches. Tables were covered with decorative plastic tablecloths. There was even a sprig of mistletoe and holly hung by a string from the somewhat low ceiling.

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