~~Nialls POV~~
I told Adele that the boys would break her if they knew about her. She laughed, I laughed. But in reality, I want her as mine and only mine. Because as soon as Harry or Liam meet her, they to will fall in love with her.
Adele might not be teenytiny, but she doesnt eat alot. She is always self concious. I constantly see her ruffling out her shirt so no curves show, and keeping her wrists and arms fully planted at her sides.
Im not going to ask her why she was out there, and what she was doing. If she really would like to tell me, I believe she would.
She has been with me for about three days, and she has come out of her shell quite alot. We have had lazy days, movie days, and on one of the days we got a burst of energy and played nerf guns.
Im careful about what I say, and what I do around her. She seems fragile that she can break any second. Im careful not to touch her to the point where she will shrink away. I cant yell, or get mad at anything yet. I have realized that scares her.
The other day I snuck a peak at her arms. There were small gashes on them, leaving scars.
A knock on the door breaks me out of my train of thought.
"Niall, mate can we come in"? Shouts Harry.
Louis bursts in almost breaking down the door. He wiggles his eyebrows at me. Soon all the boys pile in and stand there looking at me. I know what they see. They see two empty cereal bowls sitting side by side.
"Alright man. Wheres the pretty girl" asks Harry, smiling as he suductivly licks his lips.
"W-what are y-you guys talking about"?
Louis pounces on me and tackles me like the five year old he is.
Harry takes this oppurtunity to push Zayn and Liam into the next room, knowing that I am hiding somthing.I throw Louis off me as I run after there bodies heading straight to the guest room. Harrys the first one to not knock, but to just stroll in.
I follow them into the room, wishing for the best.
"Mate, theres nothing in here".
I let out a relieved sigh, but then intake a sharp breath. If Adele isnt here than where is she?
Theres an akward silence for a few seconds until I here a crash from the bathroom. Adele.
Louis makes a beeline for the bathroom door, and stumbles in. Again, acting like a child.
All the boys suddenly gasp at what they see.
Sorry... cliff hanger!
~~Authors note~~
Fourth Authors note! Thanks to all whos reading! Cant wait to start on chapter 8!
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VINE- Amy Gunzelman
Thanks!!! Update soon Xx

Mirror, Mirror
Teen FictionAdele was just a normal teenage girl that needs help. She had an accident one night, and ends up at a mental hospital. Some certain guy and his 4 mates show up, and... THERES A TWIST! READ IT!! Xx. (This is a 1D story but even if you dont like 1D...