~~Adeles POV~~
The only reason I am here is because he feels pity for me. I mean, why else would he take me in? Im fat, and not very pretty. I have been writing in one of five items I brought to his house with me, my diary.
I have been letting out all my emotions, with tears staining the paper. I know Niall has the right to kmow about everything, but I am scared to tell him.
I set my diary down beside him and walk into the bathroom. I sit down to do my business, but somthing gleaming catches my eye. Nialls shaver. A blade.
After Im done doing my business, I stand up and walk over to the blade.
Step 1, pick it up.
Step 2, take out the blade
Step 3, put the metal blade against your skin.
Step 4, trace lines down your arm.
Step 5, watch beeds of blood show up.
Step 6, cry.
Step 7, repeat.
The seven steps to evil.
All of a sudden the bathroom door bangs open, and there are four guys standing there staring at me in shock. Then Niall shows up behind them.
Niall pushes through the boys whom I am assuming is Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis. He picks me up with ease, and its my turn to be shocked, im fat, he shouldnt be able to pick me up.
He lays me on the bed, and then tells the boys to go out to the living room. Surprisingly they listen, and then its just me and Niall.
"Why do you do this to yourself"?
I dont answer.
He shows me the blade, handing it to me.
"I want you to look me in the eyes, and cut me as many times as you would yourself."
I stare at him in shock. There is no way I can do that.
I shake my head in protest, and he looks me directly in the eyes. And at that moment, I understand everything.
~~Authors note~~
Fifth Authors note! Thanks to all whos reading! Cant wait to start on chapter 9!
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Thanks!!! Update soon Xx

Mirror, Mirror
Ficção AdolescenteAdele was just a normal teenage girl that needs help. She had an accident one night, and ends up at a mental hospital. Some certain guy and his 4 mates show up, and... THERES A TWIST! READ IT!! Xx. (This is a 1D story but even if you dont like 1D...