Chapter 4

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I tightly close my eyes shut and mutter a string of curses. Guess I was inside thinking to myself for a time longer than I thought I am. God I am such a moron for getting lost in my thoughts. You know why? Well I'll tell you why! It's because before me there's a guy lying in the bed naked and that's not it, his hands were quite busy and he was sweating! (U know what I mean) well I didn't really see the actual thing but it wasn't hard to guess what I guy would do while lying on the bed naked and sweating. I quickly turn around and shout at the person to put some clothes on. I hear some shuffling and a zipping sound. Taking that as a clue of the guy being decent enough to be looked at, I face him. And to my utter surprise he's the elbow guy! Well god has been very very kind to me today that I have been meeting the elbow guy over and over under not at all embarrassing circumstances! Note my sarcasm.

Before I could say anything, he asks " what are you doing in my room?" I look back at the door and then at him. I am about to open my mouth when he commanded " Wait don't answer that. I know what you are gonna say. Just remember don't ever mention anything about this situation to anyone ever. Understood?"

I retort " Is this Vampire diaries where I am a human victim and ur the hot Salvatore brother compelling me to forget whatever happend!" I snap my fingers and continue "Sorry to break it to u but dude wake up this is real life"

He takes a step closer to me with a crooked smile and I out of instinct take a step back. He looks at me as a predator would look at its prey. I gulp nervously and he simply raises his right eyebrow with that arrogant smile back on his face and says "Darling you find me hot"

I snort very unladylike and mentally face palm myself with a cactus for falling for his stupid traps.

I say say with a sickly sweet smile " yeah I found it so hot to watch u jerk it off just a moment ago. I was wondering when will it finally rain in this barren dessert because there was a lot of pumping happening from a long time." While patting his cheek I say "You really have some stamina there boy." I put my finger to my chin for extra effect and say "But now I guess the dessert has to wait for the night to come where there won't be any disturbance and then you can finally make it rain. Ain't I correct?" I finished with a smirk plastered on my face.

The expression the elbow guy held after hearing this was priceless. I wish I had my phone with me so that I could capture his expression. There was a mixture of shock, embarrassment and shame. I guess no one has ever hurt his ego as much as I did just now. Well poor guy, his fault that he messed with the wrong girl.

Author's note-
How are my sweet potatoes doing? How is your new year coming along? Until now my new year has been crap. But I am still hoping that the rest is great. I have a very important result coming up. Plz pray for me my sweet potatoes. I really need all ur prayers.

Anyways here's the new chapter. I know it's a little short. But I promise that from now on there will be bigger chapters and more frequent. I hope you guys will like this one and if u do plz like, comment and follow.


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