Miss Evil

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In the play room David played chess with Max.
"Check mate".
" you just got lucky ".
" oh like I guess you like my luck because that luck has helped me for years now".
"You only win because I let you".
"Oh give yourself the glory but I will always win".
" you can win games all you want but I will always win the world,always ".
The investigator,or the innocent boy David turned to a investigator appeared.
" here",as he dropped the content.
"What is this?".
" every thing about Cindy ".
Scanning through the content.
" who are her parents?, they are not here".
"I searched it hard".
" do you want me to change you, if you can't get me what I need then you will be changed ".
" please don't, I will do every thing in my power to get it",he disappeared.
In the night along the street the investigator dragged another guy to a corner .
"What do you have for me?".
" nothing ".
"This is a matter of life and death, so what do you have for me?" He asked again with a more serious look.
"What do you mean".
" of course you know what I am talking about I mean Cindy's case".
"I know that, not that, what do you mean about life and death".
" the evil child threatens to change me for another investigator ".
" isn't that good news,accept it and be free from him ".
" if he changes me I will be free from him indeed".
"What are you saying?".
" if he changes me he kills me,you should know that ".
"That too bad, you know if I knew anything I would tell you but I don't".
"You mean it,nothing at all,this is my life we are talking about here".
" all I know is her last name".
"At least that's something".
" what is it?".
"It's Evil".
" the last name is a evil name ".
" no the last name is Evil, her name is Cindy Evil ".
" this is not funny ".
" I am serious, I read her résumé,it was attached with her birth certificate so it's true,believe me,she doesn't like it when they call her that and also she doesn't have many friends, no one knows her or her last name except her best friend and her employer, well and me".
"You are sure".
" 100%".
"Since you saw her certificate,who are her parents?".
" I don't know I only glace through her name ".
At Bless house
" Cindy you need to hide,and stop showing up at my house,it will get the both of us in trouble ".
"I am not hiding because of that guy,he has already ruined my life,because of him I lost my job, that was my source of income, how would I survive, the owners are scared that he could come after me at the restaurant. I am not going to spend my days a prisoner".
" you rather die than spend it as a prisoner at least on till the time being when he has forgotten you".
"I am not going to die".
" Cindy ".
" Bless".
In David father's Mansion
"Don't you think we need to prepare a safe heaven for our son".
" we have a safe heaven for him isn't that what"take care of the last" is for,no one can hurt our son ".
"Is not that no one can't hurt him, is that no one can't hurt him and get away with it,however they can hurt him".
"Have you forgotten that our son's powers are incredible".
" I know, but you can never tell".
In the play room
"How many months will take you to find out about some ones parents and family, she isn't even a foreigner,she lived in the neighboring town all her life,I even know that but you don't".
" yes all I got is her surname all her confidential are blocked".
"What is it?".
" what".
"The surname, what is it".
"oh well, it...".
" I thought you said you got it why can't you tell me ".
" yes I got it, it..".
"You are wasting my time".
" the surname is not like any other surname,only her employer and her best friend knows ".
" maybe a little fire will make you talk",he charged his hands with fire.
"It's Evil".
" you are still not telling me",he went closer with the fire.
"No,I just told you, her name is Cindy Evil."
"You must be kidding me,when you said Evil I thought you said the name was evil. I didn't know you meant the actual name is Evil."
"Yes,it is".
" alright you are use less this is your end ",as he went closer the fire increased.
"Please it the truth,that's her surname, maybe she changed it,maybe she gave herself ,look her case is tight, I have tired all I can and all there is, even if you kill me now and get some one else,it will still be the same".
" didn't you say she has a best friend, interrogate her or do you want me to do that myself ".
" no, I will do it".
In a company
Cindy is trying to get another job since she lost the first one, she went to several interviews and to no avail.
"Miss Evil,right."
"Yes,madam but I will prefer you call me Miss Cindy".
" yes,because Evil is pretty frighten,I am sorry there isn't any vacant space for the job of a janitor ".
" madam please any thing I beg you ".
" there is nothing I can do ".
A young girl just walked into the office and dropped a bullet.
" I quit".
She pulled off her work jacket written janitor and walked out.
"Madam" called out to the woman expecting good news.
"You are good and lovable, but I can't give you this job, it is for the protection of myself, my workers and my customers."
Across the road
The investigator pulled Bless and pushed her back to a wall in a quiet place.
Bless shouted as her back landed on the wall.
The boy closed her mouth with his hand and said"shhh"as he put the other hand's finger across his mouth vertically.
"You are going to tell me all you know about Cindy".
" why should I tell you? ".
" because if I sent the evil child here you will still answer but die,so what do you say answer and live or answer and die".
"I say nor of the above not only now that I know you are with that sick bastard ".
" you think you are stubborn, okay then I will send him, I will not die in your expense",he disappears.
At the back yard in the mansion.
David threw arrows to the trees around him, there was a board in each tree and he hit the bull's eye in all. As he throws with his power force mix with the arrows, one pass through some one's hair,cut it,just a strad though, she has strawberry blonde hair,she was fast, immediately it cut her hair she came out with speed, David was shocked.
"That was close".
" I can't believe you came all the way here ".
" well I miss my little cousin so much".
"I am not little anymore".
" oh that's hurt,my baby has grown and will soon turn to a man".
Went slowly to him, felt his hair.
"So handsome and yet so evil,how do you train?".
" first thing in the morning every day".
"Why don't you train, morning, after noon and evening, you will be more powerful".
She held his hand.
" how many hours do you train? ".
" 3hours".
"From now on train 5hours,you look fat how do you eat?".
" I don't think I am fat,so why are you here,Kira,I don't suppose you came all the way from the end of the town to advice me on how to train ".
" I am not advising you, I am instructing you. I came because I miss my little cousin that's all,I got to go now,ciao",removing her hand from him slowly, then speed off.
In the kitchen of the mansion
"Isn't it great that your cousin is in town",said his mum as she laid against the wall.
" and how do you know that? ".
" well words spread fast ".
" that's a lie mum,she just came and news are already spending I bet with her speed no body saw her arrive ".
" okay you got me,I saw her in the back yard with you, you feel tense is it because of her?".
"No,it's because of my training".
" please the training never make you tense,this is not the first time you have trained. What did she ask of you this time ?".
"Mum I would really like this topic to end now please".
" I don't want it to..."
"Enough", he disappeared.

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