The evil child turns hero

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David stood in front of Max and Max looked him in the eyes. His classmates were surprise to here Max speak to David like that, is he not afraid?, wouldn't David kill him? was the question in everybody's mine.
"Get out of my class now,you are obstructing this class".
" every one leave ",David said while still looking at Max but the all kept quiet and no one moved,they didn't understand what was going on.
"I said everyone leave", he turned towards them and they saw his eyes literary on fire. They all ran out, some disappeared especially the teachers, some ran with super speed, and some screamed while they ran.
" wow,you have succeeded in ruining my class, congrats".Max was arranging his books about to leave the class as well.
"Max you don't understand, okay, I,I,I,am sorry, I am sorry for almost killing you".
" wow,Dave I never imagine you will be able to apologized, I forgive you,we are friends after all,we are best friends ".
" I can't believe it,Max from now on things will change ".
" really, you think it that easy, you will just come and say you are sorry and all will be well, it's not that easy Dave, if I died what would you have done?,gone to my grave and say you are sorry ".
" almost killing you was the second biggest mistake I have made".
"Second biggest mistake?"
"This is what I am talking about I mean nothing to you, why isn't it the first, why isn't it the most". Max tried to leave but David blocked him.
" no,you are getting it all wrong, you don't understand but that's exactly why I am here,trying to kill her is the biggest mistake that I have made ".
Max waited.
" who? ".
David showed him the drawing.
" who drew this? ".
" me".
"This is crazy,you never drew any one left alone Cindy, come on you could have drew someone else,Cindy, Cindy of all people".
" you see why I am here".
"This doesn't change any thing".
He threw the paper to David.
" who else am I suppose to beg you, help me out here".
"You are only here because you need my help".
" that's not true ".
" swear to me if you thought of me all this time ".
" as must as I hate to admit it,I did, I thought of you all the time, you are my only friend for a reason,you are the only one who really some pass the evil in me".
"So tell me what I have missed this pass few weeks".
They both sat down,few minutes later after discussing.
" so you can't go close to her ".
" no,she will just scream as she did in the dream ".
" have you tried?, have you gone to her? ".
" yes and she didn't only scream she ran away ,what my mum said happened".
"Your mum interpreted a dream where you were evil, you can be happy".
" what,how? ".
" you must turn good ".
" what!".
"It's your choice, who do you love most evil or Cindy".
" I love evil, I love Cindy ".
" you can't have both".
At dream's restaurant
Cindy is sited across the manager,in the manager's office.
"I am sorry Cindy but when the evil child came to look for you the other day,we lost so many customers still now some customers are afraid to come and eat here because they think they may meet the evil child. No one is willing to come back except you are gone,you are really good with your work and it's hurts me to let you go but for the good of the restaurant, you have to....".
" don't say it, no need, I know what you want to say,good bye sir".Cindy left.
Cindy came out of his office and pulled her apron.
"He is so in,in ruining my life, I wanted to start again, I wanted to leave on my own, but I started it the wrong way. I should have stayed in that restaurant when Bless asked me to, this is all my fault,this is all his fault."
At the play room
David was sitting down with his legs crossed starring at the ceiling as his chair spin,while Max searched some books on how to be good . Max dropped the books and faced David.
"Okay, Dave look at me" David looked at Max with wondering eyes.
"You start acting good, before you know it you are good, for example help the bullied instead of helping the bullies".
David remembered one day in school a boy was running away from a bully and he made the ground shaking and the boy fell,the bully caught the boy." Thanks Dave ",said the bully.
" whatever ",said David with a smile on his face.
David thinking about that moment made him smile.
" Dave, are with me".
"Yes I am, just remembering some fun days".
" well, being good has to be your new fun".
Max continued.
"Save people instead of killing them,help them instead of hurting them,be the complete opposite of your self, when you do that people will see the good in you, and when they do, Cindy will start seeing the good in you, and when she starts seeing the good in you...".
" she will fall for me".
"Yeah man".
At the park
David watched Cindy from afar and saw that by this time she is suppose to be in work,but she is just sited in the park. So he went to the near by payphone and dragged a man out.
" please don't kill me ".
" hey, go and find out why that girl isn't at work, come back and keep me informed or else I will hunt you down".
To David he spoke gently to this man. The man ran to Cindy going to have his last chat cause he knew in his heart that he was going to die,because the evil child never leaves any one.
"Hey girl".
" hey sir,I never imagined someone will want to speak with me".
"And why is that?".
" if I tell you, you wouldn't speak with me ".
" I bet I would ",because he knew being here wasn't by choice.
" so why are you here?".
"To enjoy the fresh air".
" I see,so why aren't you in school ".
" because I can't afford it".
"What about your parents?".
" they disowned me,can you believe that? ".
" I am so sorry, you look too innocent to disown, what did you do?".
" how can they disown you for doing nothing".
"It is impossible but yes it true".
" how do you survive? ".
" with my job ".
" why aren't you at work? ".
" so many questions!!!".
"I am sorry, it just seeing a young girl here alone, it's dangerous".
" well no matter where I go,I am not safe,yes you may run from me now but here It goes,the evil child is after me and when he came into my work place to kill me, my manager didn't like it so I got fired,and yet again I have no job because of him, he should just kill me already ".
" I should be going now".
"It's okay".
" I am not leaving because the evil child is after you I am leaving because I must go now".
In his thought he is not leaving because the evil child is after her but because the evil child is after him. He went to David because he knew there was no way to escape especially hearing all what Cindy has said.
"She is not at work because she lost it, because of you, when you came to her work place to kill her, the manager wasn't please, so she was fired,can I go now?",asking if he could go to the world beyond.
" you can go ".
The man closed his eyes,David didn't notice he just walked away, the man got tired of closing his eyes and opened it,David was gone.
" oh my God, unbelievable, the evil child did not kill me".the man shouting as he went down the street.
At the play room
David sat on a chair across Max.
"She lost her job because of me,I must go to the manager and make him suffer,he will give her back her job".
" no,no,no,that is what you shouldn't do,if you do that she would hate you ".
" but she would not know ".
" the truth always find away to come out".
"So what now".
" I will get her a job at the evils kitchen ".
" will she agree?".
"She will agree if she knows it didn't come from you".
At school
A bully locked a kid in the locker. David was passing by.
" help, help,get me out",cried the kid from inside the locker.
David went on but then he remembered
"Help the bullied instead of the bullies".
So David turned back,then turned forward and turned back again.
" Dave please make up your mind",he said to him self.
So David went to the bully.
"Hi Dave you want to help me shut this boy up,God he is so loud".
" let him go".
" let him go",the bully opened the locker and let the boy go.
"Have you gotten soft,evil child".
" watch your mouth or you may lose it
".the bully ran away.
At the school cafeteria
The lunch woman gave them food when it's got David turn, it was a different set of food.
" no,no need woman,I want the same ".
" are you sure?"
"Yes,I want to have what they are having".so the woman changed the food.
"Hey,Dave I found a free table,"Max saw David's food." why are you eating that?".
"This is what I want, Max".
" I can see you are changing ".
So they went to the table.
As they sat to eat.
The kid who was bullied earlier came to David.
" hi".
"Hi", said Max.
" I don't know what to come you since you are not so evil after all".
"You just insulted me".
" hey,Dave listen ".
" I am sorry, what I want to say is thank you, for saving me earlier."he left.
"Oh I didn't know you saved someone, now how does it fell?".
" it's sucks,didn't you hear that kid saying I am not evil, and this food sucks".
"It is a good thing not to be evil, Cindy will love you that way remember and get use to the food".
Outside a shopping mall
Cindy starred at the cloth Max came out.
" you can buy that if you want ".
" how can I with no money",Cindy said as she turned back.
"You will have money when you have a job".
" am I speaking to a ghost, I can swear that the evil child killed you or was that an illusion".
"He tried but he didn't, do you mind if we go to that diner and I will explain".
He pointed to a diner opposite the shopping mall.
" I don't want anything to do with people who has something to do with the evil child ".
" and why will I still be with him after he tried to kill me ".
" you are right ".
They went into the diner.
" waiter ",Max shouted.
" I want coffee with a lot of milk and a lot of sugar ".said Max.
" I want coffee with light milk please, no sugar".
"Nice choice".
" so you were not unconscious right, you pretended to be unconscious ".
" I was unconscious ".
" you died and woke up again,oh my God,you are a zombie, please don't eat my brain ".
" I am not a zombie, and zombies aren't real".Max smiled a little.
"There is no way,you could have survive that fall, you don't even have broken bones".
" if you let me talk,I will tell you how I survived ".
The waiter dropped their coffee.
" okay,I am sorry, go on".
"At that moment I never expected Dave to do what he did to me..."
"Whose Dave?".
" Dave, David ".
" who is David ".Max was shocked that Cindy didn't even know his name.
" David is the evil child according to you guys,his name is David Glory".
"Oh he has a name, cool".
" of course he has a name, listen,when every one feared him, I didn't because I knew Dave will never get to the point of killing me, so when it happened, when he held the fire ball to me,I wasn't afraid because I knew Dave would never used it on me, but when Dave shot me with the fire ball,it was like a dream, a night mare that I would soon wake up from, my stomach still hurt by the way,I fell unconscious and went over the hill But it wasn't my time to die, and Dave wasn't in his right mind ".
" you still defend him ".
Max looked at Cindy.
" right sorry, continue ".
" as I fell, Elsa saw me,when no one did, she flew and caught me,just as I was still on air,she took me home and healed me ".
" she has super powers,healing powers ",assumed Cindy.
Their normal powers are called powers while healing powers are called super powers because it is rare.
" no,she did the normal process every doctor do,she did first aid and when I got home the family doctor did the rest".
"Your story is just like mine,similar to the way I met Ronald".
" please don't compare your Ronald to my Elsa".
"Are we quarrying?".
" no,we are not never mind the way I reacted,the truth is I want to help you, I am working on a project to help everyone, well not everyone but few people, I can help that Dave has destroyed ".
Cindy hearing his name again thought.
" the evil child, someone so evil yet he got a name from the Bible,so how do you wish on helping me?",Cindy asked him.
"I wish to give you a job at evils kitchen".
" I do not wish to go where evil reigns".
"You live where evil reigns".
" what ".
" look, it named evil kitchen doesn't mean it evil ".
" but it owned by the evils child family ".
" I am the one who is giving you the job, I will be so hurt if you refuse it".
At school
David was looking at Max so anxiously.
" she accepted ".
" oh my God, I am so happy ".
" you are happy she accepted because now she will be okay and that's makes you happy, because you love her".
"Yes,I do".
A girl was holding some textbooks,another boy was with a hot cup of coffee, a fat boy was texting with his phone, and there all went the same way.
The boy with a hot cup of coffee was about to drink his coffee while the fat boy jammed him and poured the coffee away and there by falling but also dragged the boy along with the intention of holding on to someone so he doesn't fall, and the other boy fall on the girl with books, the girl textbooks flew along with the fat boy's phone.
David sense what was about to happen, saw the boy hot coffee poured on the floor, and the fat boy fell on the floor,and dragging the other boy along and the boy about to fall on the girl so he speed up and caught the boy and the girl along with the books and the phone at once.
Every one saw this and clapped for David. The girl pecked him" thank you my hero",she said.
"Thank you so much", said the boy.
" thank you for saving my phone ",said the fat boy.
Another day in school
Max saw a multiple of school newspaper and collected one.
" looks who's the hero now".
In the school newspaper there was an article titled"the evil child saves the day".
"Well it didn't say I am the hero,but still the evil child".
" very soon, you will be known as the hero ".
" and that's a good thing!!! ".
" yes".
"Hey,evil child I just wanted to say thank you, for getting that guy off my back".
" you should call him hero now, instead of evil child, do you still think of him as evil?".
"Of course not, you are my hero", she leaves.
" you know you should stop that, I love being called the evil child ".
" well you got to start loving being called the hero ".
At the mansion
A teenage girl whispered in the David mother's ear.
" oh,that what's going on ".
On the street
Max and David walked on the street.
" I wonder why you insist we walk when we have cars".
"I think we should walk once in a while".
Max see Cindy texting with her photos across the road.
" I don't think we are walking because you want to walk,I think we are walking because of her,you want to be able to see her right ".
" I didn't even know she was here".
"You know she must not know I am with you".
" I know ".
" teenagers of now a days look at the way she is texting ".
" she isn't looking at the road ",David speed off as he was talking and carried Cindy from the road before a lorry that was getting close to her could crush her.
Few minutes ago
At that same road,two people were walking as they talked,a man and a woman.
" the evil child hasn't killed in months ".
" do you want him to kill ?".
"No,just that since he was born he has always killed".
" it is true that for the past 16years we feared more in this land,I mean his father is evil but not as evil as his son,maybe he has turned a new leave "
"The evil child turn a new leave, impossible".
"How is it impossible, he is only human".
" he is not human, a child who enjoys killing isn't human ".
" you might change your words someday".
"Never," just as he spoke the David speed off and saved Cindy from the lorry.
"You were saying", the woman smiled and crossed the road to meet David and Cindy.
Cindy came back from the shock and saw David holding her, she screamed" get off me,get off me,you ".
" that kid just saved your life young lady,the least you could do is thank him or else you would have died".
"Thank him, he must have saved me but he will take something more", she pushed him off and went away.
David saw her phone on the road, he speed to get it and saw that she was texting Ronald. He gave it to the woman to give it to Cindy.
" you are indeed a blessed child, you have changed but people still refuse to see it, you are a hero, always remember that ".
" thank you ".
As David speed off, TV reporters came because they heard a girl was saved by a boy from a lorry.
" madam,did you witness the saving".
"Yes I did, I was walking with a friend when the boy saved the girl from the lorry, she would have died if not for him, he is a hero".
" can you described this boy?"
"Yes I can,".
" go on".
"He has black hair, red lips,brown eyes, long legs and pointed nose".
As she described the sketch artist drew and when she was through they shown it to her.
" is this the boy? ".
" yes,that's him ".
The reporter looked at the drawing.
" but this is the evil child ",she said.
" looks like he turned a new leave, he is no longer the evil child but the hero ",said the artist.
The reporter shown the viewers the drawing and referred to the evil child as the hero.

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