Drastic love

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         Cindy and her new boyfriend held hands as they went into Cindy's late best friend house (Bless). They laughed as they came in.
"This is my home Ronald,at least it now mine,it was my friend's but now dead,well the evil child, the evil child killed her".
" that's okey,Cind,can I call you".
"You can call me what ever you want".
Cindy fell for Ronald because she needed a hero in her life after what she has gone through in the hands of the evil child, she deserve sometimes saving and after Ronald saved her from that hill,that day when no one heard her and he is also the only one not afraid of the evil child, she saw him as God's sent.
          At David father's mansion
" okay,you just came back from the hospital and you want to go back home,no you are staying here for today,tomorrow you will go back home,okay ".
" okay,sir".they started laughing.
Max came in with a sad face.
"How is it possible that you are alive".
" hi,Max".
" okay,I will go check on aunt".
"Okay,I will see you later".
And she left.
" I suppose you already thought I was died".
"Oh,I thought you wouldn't get to border me anymore".
" well that's why I am here ,to let you know that we are done,I am not going to be your friend until you actually kill me, bye Dave ".Max left.
" how was he able to survive that fall,he can't fly, well thank the gods he is gone".
                   At Ronald's back yard
Cindy and Ronald were washing Ronald's car ,Cindy accidentally poured water on Ronald.
"No,you didn't".
" I am sorry, it was an accident ",she said while laughing, he belled soapy water and poured it on Cindy." It was an accident, I am sorry ",mimicking her.
" oh you are so died".
And they started washing each other instead of the car.
           At David's father's mansion
David watched Cindy and Ronald through a small globe and made Ronald fall but it only just increased the laugher,then Kira came in.
"What are you doing?".
David quickly switched off the globe.
" ah,nothing just looking for who to devour next".
"What about that girl who you almost killed me for".
" I think her presents irritates me so I can't even go near her to kill her".
"Oh I will since she is the reason I got this scar".
" she isn't the reason you got that scare,your miscalculation and carelessness gave you that scare ".
" excuse me".
"Ah,I am sorry I don't know where that came from".
" then find it and pressed the stop button, get a hold of your self".
She leaves his room.
Few minutes later David came out of his room and met his mum in the kitchen preparing lunch .
"Where is Kira?, why is she not here helping you?".
" why son,Kira was here for 20minutes complaining and blabbing about how she got a scare because of someone and no one is doing anything about it because she isn't the last, she said even her dad didn't do anything about it,so she is going to do some thing about it ".
" what?".
"You heard me".
" oh my God ".
He appeared in his room and activated the globe, he saw Kira with a fireball on her hand towards Cindy.
" no.....",he said as he disappeared, he appeared just in time to suck the fire in,then he took Kira and sped off. Cindy saw just his back.
"What is the meaning of this, David?".
Said Kira after David dropped her off.
" you are ruining my plan,I am lucky I stopped you ".
" what plan".
"I have given her the worst punishment, killing her will only make her escape easily,I have taken every one from her,so I will take her lousy boyfriend and that would be the worst punishment ever".
" oh my God David,you are truly the evil child. The child chosen to bring evil upon this world,I bow to you".
Kira was about to bow.
"Don't, are you crazy,don't ever do that".
                  At the dinning room
David sat lonely and sad at the dinning room.
His mum went to him.
" what is it? Dave,do you miss your cousin? ",she sat down next to him.
" she has only be gone for an hour".
"No mum I don't miss her,not that I don't miss her just that I....".
" I get it, so what's the problem why are you like this? ".
" mum I don't know what's wrong with me,I feel sick".
"Then let's go to the hospital, rather than sit here all alone".
" mum I don't think the doctor can help,I think we should see a spiritualist".
"Why,what's wrong?".
" mum,I think of this girl like all the time, wondering if she is okay, I regret trying to kill her.....".
"You tried to kill her!".
David looked at his mum with an angry eye.
" okay continue ".
" I think I tried to kill her so I will stop feeling the way I do and I look for so many reasons to justify why I haven't still killed her but now I know those reasons where just excuses,I couldn't kill her because I care about her so much that I want to know if she has eaten, if she is happy, want to check out on her,I think I am going crazy, why would I care if someone I barely know is okay or not. I don't care about any body,I don't even care about you ".
" okay slow down there,but you cared for Kira, when she got hurt".
"Yes,I guess I did".
His mother knew this wasn't sickness neither is it craziness. She needed a checking point to see if it has gone far,so she asked.
" do you dream about her? ".
" yes,but I don't know why,you must know the dream is strange ".
" oh my God Dave,"with excitement she asked "what is the dream about?".
" she is in the supermarket, it was so bright that day,she is smiling, buying things happily and I am there too,only far away watching her,stood still just watching her for a long time, I didn't even buy anything then she also saw me and watched me,she looked at me ,I looked at her and our eyes jammed together then I started to walk towards her and as I went closer just by the time I got where she is,she screams and disappear."then I wake up. His  mum's smile went down.
"Oh Dave that's a bad dream".
" what do you think, mum?".
"I am not a interpreter of dreams son,I got to go",she stood up.
" I have seen and heard that you interprets dreams for a lot of friends over the years,mum".
"Dave,you just need to know that she isn't meant for you, now good bye. I have to prepare dinner".
She left.
      At the kitchen in the mansion
David mother was chopping green beans,David came in and ask his mum politely,standing behind her and her sky blue apron," what do my dream mean mum?".
She didn't answer, she kept chopping then she stopped and screamed at this time David was holding the knife his mother was using to chop the green beans and faced it to her finger.
"I will ask just one more time, mum,what do my dream mean?".
His mum smiled and said
" FYI,you got this evil personality from me not your father ".
" I don't care, mum".
"Remove the knife and I will tell you".
Assured his mum.
" how am I so sure?".
"Because my words are my bound".
David slowly let go of the knife and his mother quickly took the knife and threw it away.
" very clever mum".
"Kids shouldn't play with shape objects".
She went to pour herself a glass of wine while David continued to stare at her. After she sip she said" your dream it mean that you will cause hardship for this girl,you will cause her pain,you will destroy her life... "
"That's good news".
" any time you get closer to her, you like her and you will want the best for her but because you are evil, evil shall follow you, don't be sad,it is who you are, you should be proud .you will fine another girl to like. "Consoled his mother.
" who said I was sad,who said I like her".
"Yes you do, you think of her all the time".
" not all the time ",David cut in.
" well most of the time and then you dream about getting close to her,you care about her when you don't care about anyone,you don't even care about me nor your self,son just accept it you are in love with her ".
" and I think because you almost lost your finger foolish things just start to enter your head, go see the psychiatrist,mum."he leaves.
David stopped watching her with the globe, he avoids her but when David  went to the play room, it was a little empty because Max wasn't around but David acted as if he didn't seem to care. So as he drove off from the play room having the intention to drive home,driving thinking of a lot of things,remembering when he almost killed his friend and the love of his life, oh wait what was that, he thought of Cindy has the love of his life. "What am I thinking?", he said to him self .
So he drove home just that the home he drove to wasn't the home he knew as home, he was outside Cindy's present working place, how he got to know that Cindy now works there,is not known to him, and he didn't know how he drove there and not his house. The truth he didn't know of is that as he thought of home and as he said to the car take me home,the car took him to the image he saw as home,where Cindy lies,and took him there.
" what the hell is wrong with me",he
wanted to start his car again but then he came out, as he entered the restaurant, the people ran out"where is Cindy ?",he asked the waiter.
With a cracked voice as he he wanted to melt"in the store room",he said.
David left him and he ran out, David went to Cindy.
Cindy sensed that someone came in.
"Can you give me an helping hand?",Cindy asked from the top of a ladder trying to reach for some salt.
As Cindy turned to see who isn't responding she saw the evil child and to her,he was here to kill her, Cindy wasn't ready to go join her friend anymore not now that she is with Ronald,because of fear in her heart,she didn't know when she let go of the ladder but David was fast enough to catch her because of his super speed. She gained consciousness and screamed.
" it's okay,I am not here to kill you ".
" I wish",she said as she ran out and found that no one was left in the restaurant so she ran out of it.
               At Ronald's place
"I am so sorry for not being there to protect you".
" oh my hero,you are not suppose to know when i am always in trouble, don't worry I will protect myself ".
" yes,like you always have","so he wouldn't rest till he kills you ".
" yes he is a killer and a evil guy,he has taken every thing a way from me,everyone, yet he would not still leave me alone,do you know that he sent his cousin to kill me once".
"No,when was that?".
" few weeks ago,some guy came to save me,I don't know him, I didn't get to see his face but if I find that guy I will be forever more grateful to him."
                          At school
David was painting in art class. They were asked to paint some fruits in a basket. David concentrated in drawing these  fruits but he drew the fruits of his hearts. The teacher came
close to him "wow,your drawing is unique".
" really "David was about to smile until his eyes opened and he saw what he has been drawing, he has been drawing Cindy, with her hair spreading and her smile so wild,she was more beautiful but the teacher could not scold him because she was afraid for her life. He removed the drawing and left the class,while the class continued.
He needed to talk to someone, and he didn't think of any other person but Max,his mum was not an option.
Max was in a class,so David went to the teacher and spoke to him.  He stood at the entrance to the class room.
" I wish to see Max".
"Max,you are excused,your friend wish to see you".
Max remained sitting on his chair.
" I don't have any friend and I do not wish to see Dave".
"Max this is important".
" and so is my class, I do wish to see you ".
David went into the class and went to Max." All these years that we have been friends have I ever come to you, you have always come to me,now I come to you, this is important ".
" I don't care ".

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