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Dylann's POV

I really wish this twat would stop staring at me, like I know I'm fine as ever and all but I wish I could have my face back. Anyway hey y'all my name is Dylann Delane Ashley De la Santos. Call me that and see how long you live k? K. I'm 6 foot even and a senior in high school. I'm 18 years old and I live with my mother and my father who are always on business trips and have figured they can't leave me home alone anymore. I have piercing blue eyes that nobody else in my family has.. Well maybe that's because I'm adopted but we aren't getting into that. I've recently moved to Toronto from Brooklyn, NY. I have brown skin and dreads down to my ass. Nah not yet. I got a few tats though, few piercings too. Most say I'm a stud, but I do and wear what I want. So anyway this fine, I mean annoying ass female won't quit staring at me and I'm starting to get tight.
"Hello" I snapped my fingers in front of the girl named Dakota's face right before rolling my eyes. I looked back at her mother as if asking her to get Dakota's attention, when I noticed she had her back turned getting something from the refrigerator. K I guess I'll do this myself. I stood up from the table and walked out of the kitchen, finding the stairs I began to walk up. "Hey, what are you doing? You don't know where you're going you rude-" I cut Dakota off by raising my hand and I kept walking. Before I could turn around to look at her I heard her feet pounding up the stairs in quickness.. So... I took off running. Her pace picked up so I ran faster until I met the top of the stairs and a hallway. I ran down the hallway until I met a door and I ran through it and jumped into the first bed I saw on my back with my legs crossed and arms tucked behind my head. Oh this is nice.
A panting Dakota burst into the room red in the face and hair everywhere. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" I teased before winking at an irritated midget.
"Get. Off. Of. My. Bed" the fuming midget broke apart her words as if I was dumb, in my defense I didnt know this was her room. "Well since you asked so nicely... No" I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling. Seconds later I had a body ontop of me and my hands pinned to the bed. "I actually quite enjoy this view but if you would get off, that would be great" I teased once again. She really thinks she's stronger than me. "Listen here newbie, this is my house, my room, my city and if you think you're going to burst in here with all your glory and take over, you're sadly mistaken. You just got here and I already don't like you. Just hope and pray you don't make it to the top of my list got it?" Dakota spat. With one swift motion I flipped us over. "Okay miss everything is mine. I don't like you either and in my defense I didn't know this was your room, maybe if you hadn't of been staring through my soul and instead showing me around this hell hole I would know. K? And this list you say you have. I wouldn't recommend you make it to the top of mine either. I'm just as bad as you THINK you are. Got it?" I winked and got off of Dakota. I began walking to the door and before I could leave I turned around and saw a pillow flying my way, I ducked before laughing hysterically and walking out, slamming the door behind me. I'll find the damn guest room myself.

A few hours later I hear Mrs. Flemming calling Dakota and I downstairs. I slowly got off the bed and grabbed my phone off the charger. I made my way down the stairs and Dakota came pushing passed me. "Watch it midget" I half yelled before rolling my eyes. "I'm not a midget not everybody can be giants you ass hat." Dakota retorted. I heard giggles behind me and I quickly turned around locking eyes with this gorgeous red head. When did she get here? "Well hello there gorgeousness" I licked my fingers and smoothed my eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes and continued walking down the stairs behind Dakota. Hmm. I checked my breath and nothing seemed off. Oh well. I rolled my eyes yet again before continuing down the stairs. It smelled wonderful down here. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs. Flemming stirring a pot and a tall man standing beside her. I assume this is Mr. Flemming. The man turned around and looked me up and down before licking his lips. I scoffed before turning my attention to Mrs. Flemming. Then she spoke, "Would you girls mind setting up the table for me please? Dinner should be ready by the time the table is set." she asked nicely. "On it" Dakota, the red head and I all said in unison. I laughed as Dakota reached for the plates on the top shelf. "Not a midget huh?" I teased before pushing her out of the way, setting my phone on the counter and grabbing plates down. The red head giggled once again but is still refusing to speak. Maybe she doesn't speak English? I began walking to the table to set the plates down before I felt a foot right at my ankle. I tripped and all the fine China went flying out of my hands. I looked up to see a worried Mrs. Flemming and an amused husband. He tripped me. Mrs. Flemming immediately was at my side offering me a hand, but I pushed it away and stood up.
"I fucking hate this family" I yelled before stomping out of the kitchen and to my room, slamming the door in my trail.

I was laying on the bed with my back turned from the door. I really dont want to turn this place out. Not here too but this family is really pushing me. I hate that my parents think I'm not responsible enough to stay home alone. It was two parties damn. Plus I'm eight fucking teen. I'm basically an adult. I was in deep thought before I heard a soft knock on the door before it slowly crept open. "Dylann sweetheart" it was Dakota's mom. I turned over to see her with a tray. She set the tray down that has a plate of food and my phone on my night stand before sitting at the foot of my bed. "The first day is always the worst" she assured while setting her hand on my leg. First day? "What do you mean, first day?" she's took in other "troubled" teenagers? "Well Dylann you're not the first teen I agreed to take in, you're also not the first who's had a problem out of Dakota and sadly my spiteful husband." she spoke softly. "Who was the other?" I asked genuinely curious. "I took in another girl exactly two years before you, her and Dakota didn't get along at all for the first few weeks but after a while I noticed a change between them. Some months later I found out they were closer than I thought. In love even. Then one day Jesse just went missing. She was gone for months and Dakota was torn. Then that one day I was at work and I got this call. "Ma'am I've found that you are Jesse Herald's emergency contact" at that moment I knew something was wrong. Jesse was found in the woods, naked, beaten and not breathing." she began to tear up so I jumped up to hug her. I held her in my arms until she stopped sobbing. "Sorry" she apologized. I just rubbed her back letting her know I'm here. She continued "I rushed to the hospital from work as fast as I could with Dakota on the phone, I was speaking frantically screaming to Kota that she needs to meet me at the hospital before hanging up and speeding up rushing to get to my Jesse. I lost control of the car and I was side swiped by a drunk driver. I blacked out. I woke up in a hospital bed with a crying Dakota over me repeating "I can't lose you too, not you too" so I opened my eyes and grabbed her hand. Her head shot up and she stared into my eyes before telling me "we've lost Jesse" then I blacked out again."
I was tearing up myself listening to what's been going on in this house. I wonder what happened to Jesse, what really happened to her. Who hurt her? Who did this to Dakota? I was fuming. "Sorry I didn't meant to go this deep" Mrs. Flemming apologized again. I opened my mouth to speak but the shushed me. "Eat your food please, I'll see you in the morning" she kissed my head before turning to walk out. When she opened the door I heard hurried footsteps run away from the door and a bedroom door slam. Mrs. Flemming shook her head before walking out and closing my door in return.
I'm not even hungry anymore to be honest but I guess I'll eat so Mrs. Flemming doesn't worry. I touched the plate. Still warm. I ate all of my food before checking my phone. No missed calls or texts. Just Instagram and Twitter notifications. Good to know my family is thinking about me.
I really need to know more about Dakota, why she's so spiteful and closed off. I need to dig deeper. I need to find Dakota Flemming.

I set my alarm before taking off my shirt and turning over. Hopefully tomorrow is easier than today.

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