Dakota's POV

*beep beep beep... Beep beep Beep beep*
I turned over to shut off my annoying alarm. I sat up on my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I patted the empty spot next to me feeling that Summer was no longer laying beside me. I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my towel and wash cloth heading out my my bedroom to go take a shower. I stopped by the bathroom door when I heard the shower running. "Damnit Summer you should of let me go first you twat" I yelled banging on the door. I set my towel and cloth down in front of the door and went downstairs to go make coffee. As I was pouring the coffee beans into the Kurig I heard feet padding down the stairs, so I turned around to see a shirtless Dylann. I quickly turned around pretending like I didn't see her. "I saw you take a peek Dakota" she smirked. "Oh and hey I left my suitcases in the car and I'm going to get them.. Don't lock me out." I rolled my eyes and continued making coffee. A good morning would've been nice. I heard the shower stop so I made my way up to get my turn before the coffee was finished. Looks like Dylann's gonna get cold water today. I laughed to myself as I entered the bathroom and got in the shower.

Dylann's POV

I walked back into the house suitcases in tow. I walked back outside to grab my duffle bags and lock my car. I made several trips up and down the stairs trying to settle all of my luggage, damn I hate this and why has the shower not stopped yet? damn. I rolled my eyes remembering Mrs. Flemming warning me that the shower gets cold after a while so it's best I make it in first. After I set my bags down I peeked in Dakota's room to only see her friend moisturizing her legs. So the midget must be occupying the shower. Not for long I thought to myself. I began banging on the bathroom door "Dakota get out, I need to shower with hot water you inconsiderate bastard." after a while of banging I realized she was ignoring me. Okay fine we'll do this the hard way. I slowly opened the bathroom door and began taking my clothes off. Smirking I stepped in the shower behind Dakota, touching her butt while doing so. "Oh my God what the hell are you doing? Get out you pervert what is wrong with you?" Dakota screamed while attempting to cover herself. I pretended like I couldn't hear her and proceeded to wash my body. "Need me to wash your back?" I urged before laughing hysterically. Dakota screamed in frustration before stepping out of the shower leaving me all of this nice hot water. I stepped forward and continued washing up. Damn she has a nice body.

Dakota's POV

Damn she has a nice body. I thought to myself, nice six pack, perky breast, nice clean and shaved.. Wait. Why am I thinking like this I can't stand that female. I stomped out of the bathroom and burst into my room startling my red headed friend. "Summer tell me why that dread headed asshole got into the shower with me?" I fumed. Summer started laughing and I looked at her like she had grown two heads. "Well maybe if you weren't ignoring the dread head, and trying to give her cold water she wouldn't of gotten in with you.. Plus do you not know your door has a lock?" Summer stated between laughs with her high and raspy voice. I walked away from the bubbly ginger and grabbed my lotion from my dresser. "You can leave." I retorted with my back turned. I already know she's flipping me off so I don't even bother to turn back around. What to wear what to wear. Well it's pretty cold outside so I'll wear my light blue skinny jeans, black top, olive green jacket, cream hat and black boots. Okay good enough. I began getting dressed after lotioning my legs, I paused when I heard a scream. "Ah this fucking water." Dylann yelled out before punching the wall and shutting off the shower. I smirked before pulling on my jacket. I looked at Summer asking with my eyes if she's ready to go so we can catch the school bus. "Why don't we ride with Dylann? It is a little chilly outside today." Summer asked, her big blue eyes lighting up with excitement. "No." I rolled my eyes before grabbing her hand and walking out of my room. I grabbed two to go coffee mugs and made Summer and I cups. We walked out of the house hand in hand and began our troop uphill to the bus stop.

Dylann's POV

I was mumbling a string of curse words as I got dressed in my room for school. That girl has one more time to try me. I pulled on my Adidas joggers and my white t shirt. I put on my gold chain, gold watch and ring. I tugged on my charcoal yeezys and my olive green trench jacket. I pulled my dreads up into a high bun and brushed my shaved sides down. Checking myself out in the mirror I smiled before winking. Spraying myself down with cologne, I licked my lips and grabbed my keys and phone off the dresser. When I made it downstairs I saw Mrs. Flemming sitting at the island reading a book and driking what I assume is coffee. "Good morning sweetheart." she put down her book before smiling at me. I gave her my award winning smile showing my deep dimples and walking over to hug her. Sitting down in the chair next to her I began. "Okay so what's the name of the school I will be going to?" I asked before taking a sip of her coffee. She grabbed her cup out of my hand before rolling her eyes and wiping off the ring of her cup. Pretending like a was hurt I dramatically put my hand over my heart and fell backwards out of my chair. "Tracey how dare you?" I cried out from the floor. "You'll be going to Vaughan Road Academy. Its in York so leave now." she stated before picking up her book and sipping her coffee once again. "Ew that sounds snooty as hell." I laughed before walking out of the door and getting into my car. Okay you can do this, I told myself before putting the school in my gps. Pulling out of the driveway I started down the street.

Dakota's POV

"And she had these tattoos, I didnt even see them when she first got here. She even had on a short sleeve shirt." I was telling Summer about my experience with Dylann in the shower when a familiar car rolled up and the window dragged down slowly. A smirking Dylann sitting in the driver seat. "No keep it pushing" I rolled my eyes before turning my back, slightly shivering. "Oh come on Kota you know it's freezing and this bus wont be here for another 10 minutes" Summer urged bouncing like a whining child. "Oh so she does speak English" Dylann questioned herself outloud. I turned around when I heard a car horn blow. It was my dad. He waved me over and I rolled my eyes to myself. "Lynn you ride with Dylann, I'll go ride with my dad." I pushed Summer towards Dakota's car before walking away and getting into my father's car. Dylann sped off down the street as I was putting my seatbelt on in my dad's car. "I'm glad you chose to ride with me." my dad smiled creepily before putting his car in drive and placing his hand on my thigh. "Only because if I didnt you would try me again" I retorted while staring out the window. "Now now my love, all you have to do is be a good little girl and let daddy handle his business then you're free to go." I rolled my eyes once again. As we drove down the street I kept quiet as his hand crept up my thigh even more. I tried to push his hand away but that only made him squeeze my thigh earning a yelp from me. "Take off your pants" he demanded. I kept my eyes out the window as a tear rolled down my cheek. This is gonna be a long ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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