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All trolls go through and adult molt.

Adult Molt facts-

1.) Is a very painful experience 

2.) Lasts about a week 

3.) Young skin is shed for stronger, harder skin

4.) The body shifts all at once from thirteen years of age to a full-fledged adult

5.) There is no helping a troll in this situation. You can only throw them in their recoopracoons and pray

6.) After the molt, their sex drive is at it's peak, and remains that way for about a half sweep

7.) Normally, they become murderous and cold to adolescents. However, because of the beta and alpha trolls' situation of living, they force themselves to remember their friends and quadrant mates. Karkat must learn quickly. At the of his molt, Nepeta, his matesprit, is still a sweep away from hers. In this situation, sexual intercourse is dangerous and foolish to partake in. He is forced to seek help from the alpha trolls, though he never reveals who it was that saved he and Nepeta from his libido.

8.) Karkat is the first to molt. Because of his nature and support system, he is able persevere.

9.) Chronological List of Molts (Dancestors listed together)-

-Karkat and Kankri

-Gamzee and Kurloz

Vriska and Aranea 

-Terezi and Latula

-Nepeta and Muelin 

-Equius and Horuss

-Feferi and Meenah

-Kanaya and Porrim 

-Eridan and Cronus

-Sollux and Mituna 

-Tavros and Rufioh 

-Aradia and Damara 

10.) Obviously, the time of the molt does not follow the hemospectrum

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