Soul Evans x Reader - Guitar Lessons

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"Soul? Are you in here?" (Y/N) asked, stepping into the living room of Soul and Maka's apartment. She had come over to invite the both of them to go to an amusement park the next week, but was ushered into the house instead by Blair.

"Oh, Maka's not here right not, but Soul should be around here somewhere..." Blair had said before going off to take a bath, which left (Y/N) alone to wander the house, then leading her to her current state. Room after room proved to be empty. She almost gave up until she heard a soft sound coming from a room down the hall. Following it, she quietly cracked the door open. Sure enough, Soul was sat in the middle of the room facing away from her, playing a soft melody on an acoustic guitar. (Y/N) slowly stepped into the room, careful not to make any noise so she wouldn't interrupt him. Once she was in, she closed her eyes and let the music wash over her. She was so immersed she almost didn't hear him when he spoke.

"Maka? Is that you?" his back was still to her, so he had no idea that she wasn't Maka.

"No, it's (Y/N)" she said, going over and sitting on the floor next to him. "I didn't know you played," she said, gesturing to the guitar. Soul plucked a few of the strings before softly strumming once more.

"Yeah." was his only response. He launched into a new song, this one more melancholic than the last with a haunting melody and minor chords. Once he finished, (Y/N) clapped, then sighed.

"I wish I could play like that. It sounds so beautiful," She glanced out the window as Soul turned to look at her. His heart was pounding; the only other person who had heard him play was Maka, and now his crush had just heard. An idea sparked into his head, and before he could summon his better judgment, he asked her a question

"I could teach you, ya'know, if you wanted..." he scratched his head and looked away, trying to keep up his cool persona. (Y/N) meanwhile, was overjoyed.

"Really?! You'd do that? I would love to!" She stared excitedly at him, waiting for something. He stared back at her, bewildered. What was he supposed to do? He really hadn't thought it through before he had said it. He couldn't teach anyone. This would be a disaster.

"Sooooo, do we start now?" she asked, glancing at the guitar in Soul's hands.

"Yeah, sure" he said, then mentally slapped himself. 'No! You can't teach!' He stared down at the guitar, wondering what to show her first. "Fine, lets just start with some basic chords."

"Ok, I'll warn you now, your fingers are gonna hurt real bad after this" he warned her, eying her hands. She just nodded with a determined look in her eyes.

"Alright. First I'm going to teach you 3 major chords: A, D and E. Watch closely." He slowly moved his fingers in the positions and strummed the guitar, all the while conscious of her intent gaze on him. When he looked back up, he was distracted by how enthusiastic and eager she was to learn.

"Can I try?" she asked. Without thinking he handed her the guitar, then instantly regretted it. That guitar had been passed down through generations of his family, and he had just handed it to someone with no experience. Why could she do that to him? Why did she have the power to make him make bad decisions. Somehow, whenever she was in the room, his thoughts always drifted back to her.

'Is this what love is?' he thought, 'If it is then I hate it'. It infuriated him to no end how he couldn't control himself around her. Even when she wasn't around, he thought of her. He snapped back to reality when he heard a sour note emerge from the guitar. Both he and (Y/N) cringed as it rang through the room, then looked at the guitar. He could clearly see that she didn't have her fingers in the right place, which had caused the horrible noise. He moved around behind her and placed his hand on top of her, moving her fingers to the correct frets on the strings. Both he and (Y/N) blushed, without the other knowing. Once Soul had corrected her, he removed his hands.

"Now try strumming" he said, watching her carefully. Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) brought her thumb down on the string, which emitted a choked sound. She sighed and just as she was about to take her hand of the strings, Soul caught her wrist, surprising them both. They met eyes and slowly he let go, moving back without breaking eye contact. He could've gotten lost in those beautiful eyes. He almost did until he remembered he was supposed to be teaching her, not staring at her. 'Argh! get ahold of yourself!'

"You've got to press harder on the strings. I know it'll hurt, but the more you play the better it gets. Try one more time." he said as he diverted his eyes back to her hands on the guitar. He saw her tighten her grip on the neck of it and press down harder on the strings. She strummed the strings once more, and a clear sound came out this time. Looking up at Soul, (Y/N) beamed and began to strum some more, even once switching between chords. When the pain in her fingers finally got the best of her, she handed Soul back the guitar.

"Thank you so much for this," she said again and smiled that oh-so-sweet smile of hers. "Lets do it again sometime" she then leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek before grabbing her bag and letting herself out of the house. Soul only sat there, and after a few minutes he brought his hand up to his cheek where her lips had been and smiled.

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