Chapter 15: Grown

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Johnny smacked his hand over his phone as he answered it. It was still dark out "What" he whispered as he glanced at the body next to him. "Dad... She's sleeping. I can't talk that loud. I don't want to wake her. " Johnny stated as he rubbed his head. It was four in the morning. "Dad... Tell James later... He talked with me three months ago when we moved in here. " Johnny sighed as he nodded "Yeah... I'll talk to you guys when we get up. Uh... Shut up dad. Go to bed for once in your life" Johnny mumbled as then put the phone down before snuggling back under the covers. His arm wrapped around the female as he exhaled a breath. Johnny hated to admit it. But he truly loved Kali. He couldn't wait to marry her. He wanted her to be his main priority. Yep... Definitely going to make that happen.

Johnny sat backstage. He sighed as Mr Moon walked back "That was great! Wow! They loved it!"Moon stated as Johnny and the others nodded. Johnny had been surprised. Kali had convinces his dad to come. He didn't come to many shows, but he wouldn't deny Kali what she wanted. Much like her father. The four met up back stage as Johnny's father patted his back "Good job son. It was great" Johnny smiled as Kali and James waited "Let's head home. It's the weekend. Might as well pop out some alcohol" James laughed and elbowed BD. The kids just groaned "Last time you two drank you broke the table!" Kali scowled as they turned towards her. "We didn't say we were drinking alone" Johnny brought his hand to his face as he walked Kali to his car " Let's try to be moderate with the drinking tonight. " She agreed.

The two teens sat there, as Johnny aimed and tossed. The ball went into the small plastic cup as he high fives Kali. The father's wanted to play what they used to play as kids. They were shocked though when their kids were winning, after a small time of playing. Eventually, after the third game the odds were stacked on both sides. Johnny and Kali were partially drunk, making it harder for the two to win. Eventually the game ended. Both father's ended up falling asleep on the couch. Johnny and Kali covered them up and then headed towards their own place

"I... Can't believe... They had us do that... After that first time we accidentally drank.... Haha" she smiled and latched onto Johnny's arm. " Leave... It to them... " It took him a two tries to unlock the house before heading upstairs "Bed never sounded so good" Kali agreed slowly walking behind him. The two got into proper night attire before slipping into bed. Johnny rolled over and pulled Kali close to him as he exhaled a breath. He pushed his forehead against her own as he smiled. "I love you" he stated as she sighed and smiled in the dim light. "I love you to Johnny. " She leaned in, kissing him softly before wrapping her arms around him. He blushed and then returned the kiss, pressing his own lips firmly against her own.

Johnny stepped into the room, he had just got back from the studio, where he had met Ash. Months he had prepped for this. Her producer wanted to hear from him, as he had seen Moon's shows a couple times. It was quite the big deal, and the producer was impressed. He was searching for fresh new talent. Surprisingly enough, he had made the cut. He walked into the back room, as he noticed everyone in a meeting. Though James ushered him in once he saw that Johnny was back. Johnny stood there as he set his keys, sun glasses and a small box on the table and sat down.

James raised a eyebrow as he stared into the box. He closed it and pushed it towards him. "Very nice. How long did it take you to pick it out" Johnny shrugged " A hour... Or so" James nodded as he glanced around the room. "Alright listen up. Johnny here is joining the family soon. I expect everyone to be nice to him..... Or you know Kali... Don't want to deal with her when she's angry" all faces turned. Nope. No one wanted to deal with her. Not when angry. "Welp. I promised I would be home soon. I wanna give her present tonight" BD smiled and then looked at James as they waved him off and went back to their plans.

Kali yawned as she finished putting the dishes away. She heard the door click and then smiled to herself. "How did it go?" She questioned as Johnny walked over towards her. "Ah Kali. He loved it... He wants to sign me.... It's just more then I ever could of imagined. " He stood there as she chuckled "Yeah moon told me he talked to him about you and he was very interested" Kali pushed his dinner towards him as she wiped the counter down "I already ate....Haha I got hungry. So go ahead and eat im going to shower. " Johnny nodded, sitting down as he ate silently. The box in his pocket. He really hoped she liked it.

The two sat there, Johnny glanced at Kali. His face flushed. The female had borrowed his shirt, as she was catching up on laundry. She looked good in his clothes. He exhaled a breath as he walked up behind her. His head resting on her shoulder as he opened the box in front of her "I.. I hope you like it" he stated, nervously. She stated at the ring as she raised a eyebrow. It was beautiful. Simple. Perfect. Solitaire style with a white gold band. "Oh... Johnny... You shouldn't. " She stated as she leaned back against him "Well I thought you needed a ring... Your birthday is in two days. So... It's about time we discussed a date." She thought for a moment as she turned towards him. "How eager are you? I know... It's scary and we don't have to jump into this right away. Your finally getting a big break" she smiled as he placed a arm around her. "I think. The sooner the better" Kali blinked in shock. "O-Okay. But we are doing this my way" Johnny nodded.

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