Just listen Chapter one - Aly

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"I just cant believe he would do that" my best friend cried through my phone.

"I know, hes a dick, but don't worry though karma is a bitch. She'll take care of him." I said reassuringly

"But i dont want her to take care of him!" She said sobbing louder.

I honestly didn't know what to say anymore. I was doing my best to help her out but, she kept on crying. I didn't feel like much help in these moments. I was saying the truth, he was a dick, she was giving it her all in the realtionship, but he just played her, and made her believe that she was the only one that mattered. Almost taking the most important thing from her... I sure know how that feels. Then it hit me, I knew what to say.

"Look" I said

"He has done some horrible things, but no one can make you feel anything unless you let them. You decide if you want him to keep hurting you. Or will you get up, brush off the shit from your shoulder and then walk away with your head held high, because you know you deserve better."

"Yeah... your right" she said

"I won't let some stupid guy just make me feel like shit, i DO deserve better"

"That's the sprirt Margaret!" I said

"Thanks sis you really know how to cheer a person up, I'd hug you right now but I'm home and it's 2 in the morning." She laughed a little at the end.

"No problem you should come over tomorrow, so we can watch some movies and stuff our faces with pizza all day after school." "I got that new space between us movie" I added for good measure.

"Yeeessss!!!" "Lord knows i need some relaxing time" she said and sighed a little.

"Alright then tomorrow it is, and don't forget Margaret, your worth more than you think."

We said our goodbyes and I went- well tried to go back to sleep I couldn't. I had so many things on my mind. He was one of them and I couldn't deny it. Why can't I get him out of my head. I'm obviously not on his.

"Ughhhhh" i groaned

"I don't understand, how can i help other people... but not myself." I murmured to myself.

I wasn't tired, not at all. My mind kept playing back some fond memories of him. I couldn't help it, i shed a tear. Then my phone buzzed. I assumed it was Margaret, but boy was i wrong.

I put it down, and fell on bed. Covered myself with sheets, and tried to forget everything.

"Whyy" I said as my mind found it's way back to sleep.


Hey, my name is... Well let's just stick to shytype. Hope you enjoyed this first part of just listen... I'm working really hard on it. I promise I'll make the next chapters longer than these. Well goodbye for now ;)


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