The Show Must Go On

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I knew the instant my eyes laid upon her, that everything had changed. Nothing would ever be the same. Before I embark on the journey of telling you a terribly wretched story, I must begin by telling you who I am...


I was but a poor young man. Orphaned at the early age of six. I remember very little of my parents, though I do remember bits and pieces. Like how my mother always smelled of baked bread and her hair shun like light itself. My father was one of few words, I can't for the life of me recall what his voice sounded like. I also remember our maid, Letty, who would always sneak me one of mothers baked goods. Always winking at me with her chocolate colored eyes, telling me not to tell mother.

Then there was myself. A scraggly young lad, who had hair a color somewhere between my mother's golden one and my fathers darken hair. I was the boy who people had a hard time looking straight in the eye, because one of them was a brilliant blue and the other green. My mother often told me that God couldn't decide which color to give me so He gave me both.

I recall living on quite a lovely little farmhouse, hills of rolling green with the sweet smell of lemon grass surrounding us, and daisys, my mother's favorite. Plus we were only a few miles from the nearest town. We also had had a horse the color of caramel who I would always sneak sugar cubes to. It was a nice life I was living, that is until everything went up into flames, and everything and everyone I ever knew was gone.

My mother and father were single children, who themselves had been orphaned just a few years prior to my birth, when a particularly deadly sickness came and swept through our town. I had no one to left to go to. There was only one place left for children like myself.

The orphanage.

And that's exactly where I spent the rest of my childhood years. There weren't many people at the time who were looking to take in children, especially ones that weren't blood related.

So when I turned the ripe age of 18, and was at last set free from my "imprisonment" so to speak, I realized how little I had been taught. There had been little schooling in the orphanage where I was raised, and it became very apparent to me that I would have a much more difficult time finding some sort of job then I had anticipated.

Three years I spent working odd jobs. Nothing that would lead to something more. I was in a rut. No place to go and was left scrounging for a place to stay and food to eat daily. It was a wretched life to living.


Looking back it was as if by destiny that that little piece of paper fluttered to a stop in front of me. I didn't know it then, but that little piece of yellowing paper would change my life. It read;

Marty's Carnival

Come see the unimaginable!

Freaks and monsters galore!

You won't behold what we have in store for you.

Of course I was immediately intrigued. A carnival! As youngsters one can only dream of working in a carnival, where all is fun and games. Why had I not thought of it before? Most carnivals are always seeking out people to do odd jobs. Of course being a young strong lad I was quickly hired and put to work.

This my dear friends is where my story begins.


Why hello there lovelies! This is the second book I've ever posted on here! This ones going to be shorter but I'm really excited about it because I L<3VE mermaids.

Hope you guys like this please share, vote, fan!

Lots of love ~ Cosmic_Tears

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