*Chapter Six*

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I tried to hurry my footsteps, taking wider and wider steps. I tried to ignore the throbbing in my chest that only grew with every step that took me further and further from her.

As the tips of the tents came into view, my body stiffened and became rigid. I had never been one to be deceitful and mischievous. I had always told it as it was, and spoke my mind. If I wanted to save Astoria, I needed to relax and act natural. If I kept up this act, I would be able to leave with Astoria before dusk. And as far as I could tell, it was a little after four, so I had a limited amount of time.

After passing a few rows of multicolored tents, I turned sharply to the left and began dodging and weaving in between tents, looking for one in particular. I could hear people chattering inside the tents as I passed, occasionally the soft sound of music or the smell of food cooking, would engulf me. I almost considered stopping by a tent when the delictable smell of chicken wafted around me, but I had to stop myself, for I was on a mission.

I almost thought I had walked past the tent in my rush to get to it. I took a few more steps forward, and just as I was about to retrace my steps, I saw the small torn tent at the very edge of the circus grounds. I sighed happily and briskly walked over to it. I placed one hand on the discolored fabric.

"Mary-Beth? Are you in there Mary-Beth?" I asked announcing my presence, for I could already tell by the lamp that was on, that she was in.

"Charles? Charles Bailey is that you? Her silky slick voice asked.

"At your service." I heard her laugh, and although it was a quite small and flirtatious laugh, it paled in comparison to Astorias.

"Hold on a minute while I make myself decent." I heard a shuffling of clothes, before a petite young women stood before me. She tied the blue silk robe, around her curvaceous body, tighter. She glanced at me seductively from underneath her eyelashes. Her dark brown eyes shining mischeviously.

"Well I'll be damned, it is Charles Bailey. Right here before my very own eyes." She slowly tucked her dark brown curls behind her ear, and slowly bit her bottom lip.

"Well come in, come in." I bowed towards her as she ushered me into her small worn down tent.

Judging by the outside of her tent, many would assume that the inside would be in the same condition, but that was far from the truth. The inside of Mary-Beth's tent was nothing short of luxurious. Small Moroccan lamps hung off of the dented poles, fabrics of such rich and brilliant colors draped around every available surface, and a deep maroon cleopatra-worthy love seat drew the attention of all. I fingered a sheer material to my left, and let it slide off of my fingers. I turned to Mary-Beth. She was much closer than I had been expecting.

"Mary-Beth, isn't it about time you bought yourself a new tent?" I questioned, looking at the patched up holes that littered the tent.

"I would much rather spend the petty amount of money I get on something much more enjoyable." She sighed as she sunk into her love seat.

"There is the reason I came here." I awkwardly shifted in her direction and coughed. "Mr. James has recognized your impeccable style and has asked me to borrow a dress from you for our new act. She is about your size, and it would be returned as soon as she is able to aquire her own wardrobe." Mary-Beth slowly prowled out of her seat. She came straight at me. Looking me deep in the eyes.

"You ain't conning me, now are you Charles Bailey?" She placed one finger on my chest and pushed every so slightly. I looked down at her and gulped. I stood there shifting from foot to foot in an uncomfortable silence.

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