*Chapter Five*

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My hand reached out and touched her face, caressing her cheek. I gently cupped her chin in my hand an pulled her face up towards mine, she did not resist me. My instincts told me I shouldn't want to kiss her, she wasn't human like I was. That if I kissed her, if I was to lay my lips on hers, my future would be entertwined with doom and disaster. While I knew all this, could hear my brain screaming at me to stop and to move away from her, my soul, heart, and body were telling me something completley different. They wanted her. They wanted to be solely hers, they pushed me towards her till I could feel her soft lips ghosting mine.

There was a soft pause in our movements. Both of use probing the others limits. My heart was thrumming in my throat, I couldn't wait much longer.

"Astoria..."I breathed out, feeling my breath hit her lips. Her own breath hitched, a small smile etched its way onto my face, and with that I closed the distance.

Her lips trapped by mine, she began to move hers in sync with mine. The salty taste of her lips filling my mouth. In that moment with her lips intertwined with mine, I felt everything change.

I had never believed in soulmates. It had always sounded like a bunch of bullocks, like a women's ploy to entrap men, but now I understood. In this moment I understood. With my lips taking all they could from Astoria's, I couldn't imagine ever touching any others. Her lips were soley mine and mine soley hers.

Her small delicate hands wrapped around the hair at the nape of my neck, pulling me in towards her, making the kiss more desperate. Out mouths and tongues danced together, almost violently. I couldn't get enough of her.

She pulled away from me, her breathing ragged and she'd placed her forehead on mine. We stayed like that until our breathing normalized. Her hands stayed in my hair, while mine traced her face. Trying to engrave all her features onto my fingertips.

"I think I have fallen in love with you Astoria Blythe." I whispered, giving a quick kiss to her soft lips. She laughed, throwing her head back. The musical noise filling my ears and my soul.

"And I with you, Charles Bailey." She kissed me on my lips. My tongue flickered out of my mouth, trying to capture hers, but she pulled away. Her eyes were twinkling mischeviously.

"Would you like to see something Charles Bailey?" Without saying another word, she pushed me back, until I was stepping down from the stairs I had been on. I watched as Astoria pulled herself up out of the water. She swiveled her tail around and in front of her, and she took a seat on the edge of the tank she had just been in.

I opened my mouth to ask what she was doing. I could feel my face twist in confusion, I had no idea what was going to happen next.

"Shh," she cut me off before I could say anything. "Be patient my love, you will see in a moment." I watched her patiently waiting. Then I began to see it.

My jaw dropped in shock.

I could see that Astoria's tail slowly disapearing. Almost like it was being pulled back into her body. I began to see toes peaking out of the edge of her disappearing tail. Next came her feet, then her knees, until she was sitting in front of me with nothing on. She moved her feat back and forth, stretching them out.

"It has been a while since I had my feet." Her musical voice broke the spell I had been in, and I looked away curtiusly, glancing around the tent until I spotted what I was looking for. I grabbed a long piece of printed fabric, that was lying on a bench. I stepped towards Astoria, giving my hand to her, to help her walk down the small stairs. I kept my gaze away from her as she took my hand and stepped down onto the stairs. Suddenly I felt her snatch her hand out of mine. I snapped my head up to her. She stood there hands on hips glaring at me. Hot damn, if she didn't look like the finest lady I had ever seen mad.

"Charles Bailey, why is it that you are not looking at me? I have shown you my entirety, but you glance away from my body that I am giving to you. Mother always told me that when it was true love I would be able to tell! She said that when my soul became intertwined with another I would know! I guess she was wrong! I can't believe I let you see what a betrothed is only allowed to see!" She sauntered towards me, hips swaying, eyes engulfed in fury. Sweet lord! How am I supposed to control myself in front of a women so beautiful. I wrung the cloth that was still in my hands.

She looked at me pointedly and tried to snatch the cloth out of my hand. I was quicker though, and grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her bare body.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to offend you. I am truly honored that you have chosen me. I am blessed." I tucked a rogue piece of hair behind her ear. She sighed into me, leaning closer she pressed herself into me, until her face was pressed into the crook of my neck. I groaned as I felt her hot breath hit the tender spot on my neck.

"I felt it." She whispered, I wasn't sure if she spoke to me or to herself. "I know I felt it. The connection, our two souls entertwining into one. I could feel it. It was just like mother said it would feel."

I pulled her away from my body, ignoring the confused look she gave me. I wrapped the thin cloth around her, tying it into a knot just above her breasts, ignoring the urge to just indulge in her body.

I brought her close to my body once more, wrapping myself around her, I brought my lips to her ear.

"I need to get you out of here."


Tehee... I know it was one of the sappier chapters, but it had to happen sometime! (*゚ー゚*)

I think there's only going to be two more chapters after this one then we are done! *excited face*

Anyways song for this chappy is: Jem Flying High

Love you guys! ~ Cosmic_Tears

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