Chapter 20. Ms. Lees, your pregnant.

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(4 years later)

(Hailey POV)

My band and i had at least released two albums and Andy i are going great and one night we were celebrating our anniversary and itwasn't long after that night in the room that i started having these weird cravings and morning sickness. Andy made me take home home pregnancy test and it came back positive. So he made me come to the doctors to make sure it was right.

So now here we are in the parking lot till its time for the appointment. "Baby if its true that you are pregnant. I want a little mini me, and then in a few years i want a daddy's girl." Andy said.

He's really excited about this. He's constantly touching my stomach and saying he hopes he will be a great dad if its true. I know he will be a great father. It was finally time to go in.

I signed in and we waited for my name to be called. "Ms. Lees." my name was called. "Hi, I'm Mrs smith and I'll be your doctor for today."

This was an overly happy lady. We followed her to a room and she had me lay down on a thing that did ultrasounds. Then she had me pull up my shirt and she put some of that cold jelly stuff on my stomach and spread it around.

And then she said that i was pregnant. Andy got super excited.  "If you decide that you want this baby i will be you doctor through the whole pregnancy."

When we got done in the room she made an appointment for us to come back in three months so we can find out the gender of the baby. 

When we got back home Andy finally let some of his happiness out. He calmed down when he got a call from Ashley.

Andy - hey dude. Whats up?

Ashley - dude why do you sound so happy? Did you get laid last night?

Andy - no not last night. And i won't be getting none of that for a while

Ashley - why are you happy about that. And i did not need to know that

Andy - I'm happy about that night because that night of our anniversary me and Hailey created a child.

Ashley - She's  pregnant?

Andy - yep three weeks pregnant.
Ashley - so I'm going to be Uncle Ashley and Angela will be Aunty Angela. Is this a joke Andy. Cause if i'm excited for nothing i will rip your balls out.

Hailey - no Ashley please don't do that cause Andy wants to try again in a few years for a little girl. And it is true that we are going to be parents

Ashley - hang on little H Sarah wants to talk to you.

Angela - So I'm going to be an Aunty in a few months right?

Hannah -yep that's true.

Angela - is it okay if me and Ashley come over in a few minutes?

Andy - yeah its fine.

Ashley - alright man see you in a few.

It wasn't long till they showed up and were giving me and Andy hugs. They got to see the papers that said i really was pregnant because they didn't believe It over the phone. After they left Andy called the rest of the guys over so we can tell them.

When they all got there we told them to sit on the couch. I stood up in the floor with Andy behind me. He wrapped his arms around me. And he said guys I'm going to be a daddy. All the guys cheered. CC was the one to yell "I'm going to be an uncle." He was so excited.

It was a good 3 hours later that the guys left.

(three month time skip)

Andy and where at the doctors place to find out the gender of the baby. We were sitting in a room waiting for my name to be called. We finally heard my name get called.

"Welcome back." said Mrs smith. When we got to the little room i got up on the machine and pulled my shirt to reveal my mini baby bump.  She put the jell on and the spread it around. "There's your baby, would you like to know the gender?" yes please.

She moved the wand around a bit and then she said "congrats, your having a boy."  oh my god Andy. Your getting a mini you. Just what you wanted.  She made an appointment for us to come back in three months again.

When we got back to the house Andy got called all the guys and girls so we can tell them what the gender was.  When the guys got there we made the them stand in the floor and we told them it was going to be a mini Andy.

"Not another Andy. One is enough" we heard CC over all of them. Your to talk Christian. You and Lauren are eventually going to have a Mini Coma. I said he just blushed and sat in the floor.

The guys decided to crash at our house last night. So the next morning i had to walk over four of the five guys. They all woke up when they smelt bacon and eggs.

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