Chapter 17. Welcome back

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(Jinxxs POV.)

I was in the living room area of the bus playing with my guitar when i got a call from Kellin Quinn.

J- Hello
K- Hey Jinxx. I need you to come to the hospital in this area and come get Hailey. We kinda had a breakup after she lost our baby.   And i pissed her off. So she broke it off between us.
J- thats to bad dude. Sure I'll come get her.
K- thanks dude see you later.

I was actually kind of happy that they had broken up. Maybe she and Andy could get back together and Andy would quit writing sad love songs.

Hey guys I'll be back in a little while. "Where you going?" asked Ashley. Don't tell Andy but I'm going to get Hailey. Her and Kellin broke up.

His eyes lit up with the mention of Hailey. "Finally, we might get our Andy back and not this sad, depressed Andy." then his girlfriend came out of the back bunk room. "Baby what are you guys talking about?"  Andys ex girlfriend may be coming back. I told her. She got an Excited glint in her eyes. "May i go with you to get her? Please, i know this may come as a shock but I'm her Adoptive sister Sarah."

Sure. You can come. And with that we where off to the hospital.  We finally got there and Kellin was there to meet us with Hailey When Hailey saw Sarah she ran up to her. "Oh my god Sar-Sar It was horrible." "Shh little sister you can tell me what happened when we get back to the bus."  Sarah said while glaring at Kellin. Kellin got a scared look. Cause i know that if this is Haileys sister than she would be just as scary as Hailey  when she was mad.

(Andys POV)

I miss her. I miss her smell. Her smile. I miss everything about her. She was my everything. After Jinxx and Ashleys girlfriend left. I was alone because Ashley went to the store with Jake.

It wasn't long before i heard Jinxx yell that they were back. I suddenly smelt that same perfume that Hailey was wearing before she left that night i told her to leave.

I turned around to see her there i talking to that girl that Ashley was with. Then Jake and Ashley cane in. "Hailey,Your back." said Jake. But Ashley was hugging her and telling her welcome back.

I guess he knew that she was coming back. But she looked like she had been crying. Her hair was black and she was wearing neon green contacts. I guess her dating Kellin changed her.

When all the others went into the other the back to leave was alone to talk. You know i missed you right? I asked her. She then came a cross the room and hugged me and simply nodded. I missed her hugs and her smell. 

"Andy, do you know that i still love you. I never quit loving you Andy." That was all i needed to hear to kiss her. She kissed back. Which was shocking. I expected her to push me back and tell me not yet. I'm guessing she never truly loved Kellin.

You want to get back together? I asked her.   "Not yet.  Because Kellin and i just broke up. Plus i just lost a child." You were pregnant? She slowly started crying and nodded yes.


Loving The Singer (Andy beirsack Ls) !!Editing!!Where stories live. Discover now