Chapter 16. I'm sorry about your loss

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(Kellins POV)

It was raining on the way to take Snow to her appointment. There was this one car in front of us that started spinning. I slammed on the breaks but the car came back and slammed into snows side. Her door dented in. I tried to move her into my lap to try to calm her. My forehead started stinging from where i hit the wheel.

But it hurt when she started crying for Andy. I knew she missed him but she didn't want to admit it. The driver of the car beside us called 911. When the ambulance came she had calmed down a little.

They put her on a stretcher and took her into the ambulance i tried to get in but they wouldn't let me in without knowing what relationship i had with her. I told them i was her boyfriend. And then they let me in. I held her hand through it all.

But then she went unconscious. By the time that we got to the hospital they had woke her back up. About in hour later the doctor came in. "Ms. Lees did you know that you were pregnant." She said thought she might have been. "Well you were,but the accident caused you to lose your baby. I'm sorry for your loss." After he went out Hailey started crying. "Baby we were going to be parents. Then that stupid accident took it from us."

Baby its okay we can try again in a few years. You were to young for this one anyway. Your only eighteen far to young to be a mother. I told her. Then she got mad and said. "I was doubting this in the beginning thinking i was to young. The last night i was thinking that i would be a good mother. That i would have a little daughter to teach things to. That you would like to have a daughter to protect from boys. But i was wrong Kellin. You don't want a kid."

Then thats when i lost it. What do you know about what i want. I didn't want you to have  that kid. I was only trying for your sake to make you feel better. And plus if it got out to the media that i got you pregnant what do you think that would have done to my band. I could have lost half of my fan base. And i can see the headlines now "Sleeping with Sirens losses half of fan base because lead singer Kellin Quinn got 18 year old women pregnant." Do you think i want that Hailey? Do you?

Then she started crying. Only then did i realize what i did. I yelled at her. That's one thing i had never did. I tried to hug her and she pushed me away. "Get away from me Kellin. Don't touch me.  We're done Kellin. When i get out of here I'll come get my stuff from the bus. I'll go stay with the bvb boys.

That made me even more mad. What are you a slut? Cause all you do is stay with me. Where there men while you were with me.

Then she slapped me. "Don't you ever call me a slut. And no i stayed faithful to you. But i know about those times you came home from the "studio" with katelyn to screw her on our couch. Well now its your couch. Cause after this tour is done I'm leaving you."

That hurt. Baby you don't mean this. Your only mad. Baby don't leave me. Please.

"Don't call me baby.  And yes i do mean it.

After that she told me to leave and to call Jinxx and tell him to come get her.

Loving The Singer (Andy beirsack Ls) !!Editing!!Where stories live. Discover now