I'm Bored

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Why did they always have to shift the conversation to politics? They were both ranting on, and I'm pretty sure Penny's in the middle of explaining one of her conspiracy theories to Baz. I let out an exaggerated sigh, trying to gain their attention. When that doesn't work, I let out another, this one slightly longer. Still nothing. I take in a deep breath of air, filling my lungs to its maximum capacity before sighing once more, making sure they can here me. Penny makes an exasperated sound, whipping around to face me. I'm laying upside down from my bed, so I have to look up to meet her gaze. "What is it Simon?" she asks, only mildly annoyed. I shrug, saying, "I just don't understand why you have to take politics so personal."

"What if I told you," she started, grabbing my face in her hands to pull me closer, "That these politics," she pulled me even more, almost causing me to fall off the bed, "Affect me personally?" I roll my eyes, adjusting my position on the bed, "But can't you talk about it another time? Preferably when I'm not there to listen to you drone on and on?" Baz looks at me before saying, "Knowing you, you probably don't even know what we're talking about," he said calmly. I narrow my eyes at him, "Wrong. I just choose to ignore you guys talking, but that proved to be boring."

I let myself slide down from the bed, landing on the floor with an ungraceful thunk right next to Penelope. "Pennyyyyy, pay attention to meeeee," I say, definitely not whining, no matter what Baz says. She sighs fondly, saying "I swear, you're part puppy or something," before she runs a hand through my hair. I smile contentedly, closing my eyes and leaning into the touch. Growing up without a home or real family made me touch starved, and I was never shown any sort of physical affection before coming to Watford. The thing is, I didn't even know what I was missing out on. When Penny first realized this, she made it a point to always touch me. A pat on the shoulder, a friendly hug, just touching me any time she could. At first I was a little overwhelmed, not used to being the center of so much attention, but now that she "domesticated" me as she calls it, I've grown quite fond of it and even crave it at times. It makes me feel safe and loved.

I hear the conversation pick back up where it left off, and I open my eyes, letting out a whine. Penny chuckles, "What Simon? What do you want?" I look up at her, doing my best impression of a puppy and jutting out my lower lip to look even more pitiful. "What's that face you're making? You look like a damn fish, Snow." I shoot a glare at Baz before turning back to Penny, resuming my begging. "You are being boring. I'm bored," I told her. She rolls her eyes at me, "So you want us to entertain you, is that it?" she asks. I nod, smiling happily. Her face brights up as she gets an idea and looks down at me, a smirk on her face. "I know something fun for us to do!" she exclaims. Baz, still sitting on his bed quips, "Oh please, do tell. I'm dying of anticipation."

When Penny opens her mouth to speak, I cover it with my hand, turning to look at Baz. "Wait a minute, lets see what happens." Baz glares at me, throwing a pillow at my face. When I throw it back, I feel something wet and slimy glide across my hand. I yelp, pulling it back and wiping it on Penny's skirt. "Eeeeeewwwwww!"

"Oh your fine," she said dismissively. "What is it you suggest we do?" Baz asks, bringing us back on track. "Well, it's easier to show rather than tell." Baz furrows his brows and I tilt my head in question. "And since Simon was the one complaining," she trailed off, choosing instead to finish her sentence by poking my stomach. I let out an embarrassing squeal, jerking upwards and scrambling to my feet. I noticed the amused smirk on Baz's face, that smug tosser. "What was that?" he questioned, though thankfully didn't make to move. "Yeah, I"m quite curious Simon, do tell," Penny started in. I shot her a glare, "You're smart enough, I'll let you figure it out."

As soon as the words left my lips, I realized my mistake. Never offer Penelope Bunce a challenge. And what I just said was as close to one as I could get. Regret and panic washed over me as mischief flashed across her face. "Wait wait waIT PENNY DON'T!" I started to run to the bathroom door, ready to lock myself in only to get two steps.

"Stand your ground!"

My feet stuck to the floor, leaving me immobilized. I looked at Baz, who was sitting smugly on his bed, twirling his wand in his hand. "BAZ!" I yelled out angrily as Penny cackled behind me. "Unspell me now!" Baz lifted his wand to his chin in thought, tapping it twice before answering, "I don't think you're in the position to be demanding things, Snow." I was so close to safety only for Baz to ruin it. "Don't make such ugly faces, you're already ugly enough without the help."

"You know Simon, Baz is right. You look much better when you're laughing!" She reached out, gently scratching at the base of my neck. I let out a squeal, squirming and trying to get away, but my feet might as well have been cemented to the carpet. She skittered her nails over the thin skin, lighting up my nerves. I slammed a hand over my mouth, not wanting Baz to hear my laugh because I know he'd say something embarrassing or demeaning. I mean, he's Baz.

"Awww, c'mon Simon, won't you laugh?" Penny prompted. I shook my head, screwing my eyes shut and trying to block out the feeling. My free hand was swatting at Penny's in a futile attempt to stop her. She skittered her evil fingers across my belly and I let out a loud laugh, both hands reaching down to catch her wrists. I probably look like a bloody fool right now: immobilized, giggling, and flailing all to no avail. Penny's hands trailed upwards, prodding my ribs. I gasped, twisting my torso to try and do something, anything to get away. Oh I bet Baz's having a field day with this. Probably plotting right now about how to use this against me.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Penny starts gently pinching my ribs, bringing me to hysterics. "Wow Simon, even after all those scones and butter I can still feel your ribs!" And as to prove her point further she ran her hands up and down my ribcage, and I could feel myself slipping into insanity. I practically screamed when her nimble fingers worked their way underneath my arms, scratching the sensitive skin there.

Once my laughter turned to a mixture of wheezing and hiccups, she finally showed mercy. Baz also released the spell that was keeping me in place and my knees buckled underneath me. I had to catch myself on Penny's shoulders. "You were right, that was entertaining," Baz quipped from his seat, that same sly smirk plastered upon his face. I glared at him before turning to Penny, playfully shoving her onto her butt on the bed next to Baz. "You both suck," I said, though I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh please, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't get under your skin all the time?" she asked as Baz kicked her off his bed. "An enjoyable one," I said fondly. She sticks her tongue out at me, and I smirk. "You know, both of you should be smarter than to mess with the World's Greatest Mage," I started, walking over to my bed and sitting down, secretly grabbing my wand. Baz rolled his eyes, "And why's that Snow?" he asked the same time Penny said, "Ooo I'm sooo scared."

I could feel my magic well up within me, ready to spill out. My eyes filled with mischief and I smiled as I pulled out my wand, pointing it at the two of them and yelled, "Tickled pink!"

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