Chapter 2: Not Alone

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I slowly wake up and sit up stretching. I yawn and rubs my eyes slowly. I blink a few times to regain my vision. "God damn that was one of the work naps I have ever taken." I say as I get up slowly, picking up my backpack and looking around. I can see that it seems like it hasn't gotten darker nor brighter. I shrug as I take my sword and I make my way down the steep hill, trying not to lose my balance. I make it down to the bottom and look in every direction to see if there is any clue of what direction I should head in to get out of this place. I start heading west that is very mildly wooded with very strange trees. As I am walking, I examine the trees, that have a a very dark maroon color, and the branches seem very stretchy and thin with orangeish yellow leaves in the shape of different shapes.

I walk for a while, not being able to tell what time is it, or even know if time exist in this place. As I am walking, I start coming to realization that I never brought food, and the only creature I've seen was those nasty demon pigs and the hideous bird that look like it could rip me into shreds. I sigh as I try to look around more closely looking for something that looks actually edible and something that won't kill me in one swipe. After a bit, I sit down breathing slightly fast. "I have been walking for who knows how long and not a single creature in sight to hunt." I say under my breathe putting my head down closing my eyes, knowing I am gonna die in here. Couple of seconds later, there is faint rustling in the bushes that are fifteen feet away from me. I look up and at that direction to see them perfectly still and I shrug it off. Instantly as I shrug it off I hear more rustling from behind, but once I turn around I see monkey like creature with big eyes and is about three feet tall hanging from one of the trees above me. I take a second to process this through my mind and not long I scream slightly getting up and taking several steps back, "Wha...what the fuck is that!!". I make sure to stay several feet away from it and I watch it drop down and crawl closer to me. I tilt my head and it repeats the same thing, as if it is mocking me. I stop moving back and I get on a knee and reach my hand out slowly. The monkey reaches out and with his smallish hands, grabs a finger and almost instantly it howlers loudly and dashes off and it looks back when it is 20 feet away like it is waiting for me. "What the hell is going on" I sigh as I get up and chases after it.

I chase it for a bit and I push my way through the bushes only to halt almost immediately when I am on the ledge of a humongous ravine that seems to go right through the floating island. I look down to see just dark space and the stars. The monkey begins hanging from a vine, that is from a huge tree above me, and it hangs right in front of me. It swings and sudden pushes me off. I fall down the ravine for a while until I am stopped from a vine that was caught around my foot. I hang from the vine just under the floating island and I look up through the ravine, seeing the monkey climb down the vine. "No no no, bad monkey thing don't you dare untie that!" I say angrily as I try to shoo it away. It tilts it head and it plays with the vine around my ankle. I am begging in my head and praying to Satan that I don't die from being dropped into eternal dark space cause of a fucking monkey. 

I take a deep breath as I watch the monkey undo the vine and I fall just for a couple of feet till I close my eyes then suddenly hit something that feels like pure metal. I groan as I sit up and rub my back and look around and I am floating in thin space, but it feels as if i'm sitting on something hard. I stand up slowly walking away feeling around for places not to step. I walk around connecting everything and come to the vague conclusion i'm definitely walking on something extremely large and sorta smooth and curvy in certain place. All of a sudden the area starts shaking very lightly and after a several seconds the area i'm standing on slowly begins to have color and more detail. To huge amounts of belief, I'm standing on top of a giant, dark blue spacecraft. The thing is massive and seems like it could hold a crew of at least four hundred soldiers. I walk a bit till I get to what seems the middle top of the ship an a small roundish bump on the top. I get closer to see that it is a hatch. "A way to get in most likely, let's hope these people love intruders" I say sarcastically and I reach for the handle.

Right as I am about to grasp the handle, it flies open sending me into shock and I shoot back five feet landing on my ass. I look up after I hit the ship hard and I see a very darkish skin female, who seems to be on the younger side with very bright green hair, that are in ponytails and has very blue cheeks and looks my way tilting her head. "Are you the thing that fell on top of our ship here?" She says very puzzled. "Ye..yeah I was trying to follow this little creature and i feel down a ravine and onto your ship" I say a bit nervous and hesitantly. Right after I say that, the monkey thing comes down and lands next to the girl. "Oh you mean JuJo here, oh sorry he didn't mean harm, he just sometimes like to go out and explore and pull pranks on explorers. Hey! Why don't you come in and we can return you home." My eyes widen when those words hit my ear drums. "You mean it, you'll take me home, I have been trap here for quite some time now!" I say with joy overwhelming my voice. "Well yeah, come on silly" She says laughing as she goes down and I get up climb my way down and closing the hatch behind me. Let's hope these people can really take me home. I miss them all, I promise I will get home, no matter what it takes.

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