Chapter 1: Unknown Lands

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I kept falling, looking around enjoying the night-like scenery as I continue to fall down the what seemed like an endless vortex. Suddenly, I hear what sounds like cheering, but as it slowly got closer I started to sound more and more like some futuristic beam. I try spinning around to look at it and before I even have a chance to react, a very flat and thin space craft zooms right past me, shooting me out of the vortex. I start falling, feeling gravity getting heavier and just as I have time to react, BLAM I hit onto a rough, sandy surface.

I black out once my head hits the ground. After awhile, I start to hear the sound of lasers firing and large objects zooming above me, but I am unable to get my opens. I struggle to try and become fully conscious and after a bit, I slowly blink my eyes several times. I push my stand up feeling weak and a bit sick and unnerving.

As I take a look around my surroundings, I start feeling very cold and nippy chills run up my back, finally realizing where I am, The Dark Oblivion. I start to panic slightly as I look around and all of a sudden a dark red and black space craft speeds right above me, making me lose balance for a second. I start to dash slightly off in the opposite direction that the space craft was heading and I look around for somewhere to hide. I stop behind a tree that was more of a shadow purple color, but the leaves were a very mellow maroon color and we're shaped like a very thick pine needle.

I sit back against the tree and I try to regain my breath. I reach behind me for my custom mini sword, that I always keep on my backpack, and as I reach around I realize I don't have my bag. I look around the tree and I see it laying there half way covered under the sand. Right as I stand up to run for it, I see this boar like creature, but the tusk curve more like a mammoth's tusk wood and it has a reddish tint to its fur. It's eyes are a void like black and it walks around with hooves that have claws on the side. This is was one ugly ass creature, something not my father would come up with. I watch it sniff around my bag and as I shift my eyes to the left, I see my mini sword sticking right out of the ground.

I knew I had to make a break for it, especially if I wanted to survive in this hell spawn of a place. I take one deep breath right before I launch myself towards the sword, bolting with all my power. The devil looking boar springs it's head up and releases a very deep and squeal as it starts to charge. I jump and dive, grabbing the handle and right as the pig it near I throw the sword up and it clashes with the boars tusk. I open my eyes to see its face right there in front of mine. It was an extreme foul order it emits off as it breathes hard into my face. I groan as I push on my sword, cutting off part of the tusk sending it back a decent amount.

I stand back up and look towards my sword. It's about 2 and a half feet long, with blood red bone grip and a obsidian blare with a skeleton dragon marking going up the blade. The pig demon releases another horrifying squeal as it charges at me full force and I pull up my sword preparing to block. One it's gets closer. Both of its tusk start glowing a dark blue and right as it hits my sword, a mild explosion bursts as it sends both me and the pig demon back flying. I sit a tree and groan. Once I slowky open my eyes and look up the boar is three feet from my face. Without a moment of reaction, I quickly throw up my shield, slowly slicing and piercing through the pigs chest, puncturing it's heart.

I pull my sword out and it falls to its side and as I stand up it slowly leaks out a purplish red blood and it's body slowly dissolves, leaving it only blood and bones. I walk over towards my backpack, breathless and releaved. I pick up and equip my backpack, putting up my sword. I look over at the pig skeleton and shake my head. I start hiking towards a hill and I look around being precautious. I sigh as I think to myself "What have I gotten myself into this time."

I slowly climb myself up a steep hill, groaning with every step up. I look around to see a small pack of those pig demons surrounding the skeleton of the one I killed. They sniff it's skeleton and the little ones push at the bones. I sigh and turn back around continuing my climb.

I make it up to the top, only to see a small cave on the side of a much steeper continuation of the hill. I limp over to the cave too tired to walk correctly and I plop myself down on the back wall. I look out of the cave to see the horizon of star crafts battling and mysterious large looking bird link creatures. They remind me if eagles and wyverns were a mixture. I shake my head and I snuggle up and try to wrap my coat around me tighter. It's freezing and it hasn't gotten colder or hotter.

I knew I got myself deeper into a problem that would take all of my power into getting out safely. I lay down laying my head down onto my back pack. I close my eyes and all I can see is her. All I can think about is her. I miss her

(Hey guys hoped you like my first chapter, I have been really inspired to write more recently so I hope to be getting more chapters out :P)

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