charlotte x ezra

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It was late, moonlight shone through the windows and her raven black hair was tied up into a half bun as she padded down the hallway. She was nervous, an emotion she didn't feel very often, but they had been playing this back and forth with each other for the past few weeks, stealing glances while the other was thought not to be looking, or gazing when they would be doing the simplest task, like drawing a rune, or reading. However, tonight was not about that. Tonight she was going to ask Ezra for help, (yet another thing she did rarely). 

She walked up to his door which stood across the hallway, and knocked gently, almost hoping he was still asleep. That hope was immediately shut down when she heard his groggy, tired voice call out to her, while obviously unaware it was her.

"Yeah, I'm coming, just hold on.." She waited, with baited breath, biting her lip (her bad habit), until he answered the door, hair messy, eyes half asleep, and sweatpants riding low on his hips. It took everything in her not to jump him immediately. She spoke in a quiet voice, more vulnerable than anyone had ever heard her sound.

"Can I come in? I.. I sorta have a question.. about, um, spanish?"

"Spanish? Uh, yeah, come on in, I guess.."

"So.. my issue is.. well, not my issue, but, ever since I found out I was adopted, I've wanted to know more about my background and.. and since I can't meet them I figured a good way to get close would be to learn? God, that sounds dumb." She flopped back onto his bed, still being cautious as she kept her boundaries, feeling the tension in the room between them, but relaxing when he put an arm around her and sat her up, pulling her into a hug, whispering into her ear,
"It isn't stupid, Char. If you really want, I'll help you."

As they pulled away, she smiled at him. She had softened as her training at the institute continued. At least, in her attitude. However, she could still be a tough as nails bitch when she needed to. But she couldn't help it. Around him, she just... melted. Ever since her first night at the institute it had been a little awkward for the two of them, but they were getting better. She could look at him without feeling butthurt, and he didn't get that blush just above his collarbone every time he tried to avoid watching her walk away. But she still tried, and she didn't know why, because she knew what he wanted from her, and she couldn't give that to him. Not with Kyle still in the picture, even though she wasn't sure she could ever feel the way she did with Kyle, as she did with Ezra.


It had been a long day, she had gone through training she thought tedious and annoying, and all she wanted was to get to sleep for a little before dinner. Unfortunately, Ezra had other ideas, and instead of walking into her room and falling asleep, she found a tipsy, puppy eyed boy sitting on her bed and staring up at her, an empty bottle of beer in his hand. She knew what was coming, but knew she didn't have the time to argue with him, so she let him ramble

"Charlotte, I know you said you can't promise me anything, but then why did you kiss me? And you know how good we could be together, and... and how good we almost were, y'know? A-and, come on, Char, just one night and I can show you-"

And suddenly the anger overflowed, and she snapped.

"Listen, Ezra, you and I both know what would happen tomorrow morning, and it would be you, getting upset with me. It would also result in me feeling guilty for taking advantage of you being drunk and, frankly? I can't deal with you right now, so you might as well just leave."


They had set up a schedule, to study together. Every other night after training, he would come into her room, or vice versa, and they would study for 30 minutes, he helped her, and she ended up helping him, whether she realized it or not. In about a month, she had learned enough to hold a basic conversation with Ezra, which made her happier than she thought she would be.

But one night, he came at their scheduled time, only to find her door shut, and locked, when he tried the knob. So he began to knock ceaselessly, knowing something was quite obviously wrong. Of course, once he pressed his door against the ear there was no question. He could hear the quiet sobs and didn't have to be an idiot to know she shouldn't be alone. After another round of knocking, Charlotte finally called out.

"What?! What could you possibly want from me now, Ezra? I mean, you're just so needy, and-"

"Charlotte, I'm not an idiot. I know what you sound like drunk. Would you let me in? Because if you have drinks, I will be more than happy to take some off of your hands." Her head whipped around as she stood from her spot, her arm and leg dangling off the edge of the bed, only to stumble over to the door and throw it open, being greeted by a surprisingly pleasing face.

Oh, please. She knew he was pleasing, drunk or not.. She just didn't think she would be happy to see him, much less excited. Of course, when she handed him a bottle of liquor, it wasn't something that would get him too drunk. Because if she did that, he'd probably get into that mood.. all clingy, and needy, and sappy.. And with everything else changing in her life, it certainly wasn't something else she needed to pile on. Even if he was really, really cute. And smart, and strong, and charming, and a really good- But that was besides the point, because they had come to the conclusion that the two of them would make a terrible couple. They were too alike, egotistically. They clashed enough as friends.. trying to squeeze more of that out? Please. So instead, the two sat on her bed, at a safe distance, drinking and talking. Unfortunately, Charlotte, while she could hold her liquor, was a small thing, and the alcohol quickly took over. It was then, that things took a turn for the worse.

Y'know when people try to do the right thing for each other, but there's always tension between them? And how sometimes, just a little drunken haze can smooth over all those issues sober you had seen? Here is where Ezra and Charlotte's similar personalities gave them trouble. Because when Charlotte kissed Ezra again that night after he offered to help her get to bed, he didn't stop her. Maybe he didn't want to, or maybe he was too drunk to notice. But Charlotte was drunk enough not to care, and sober enough to ignore her conscience, pleading with her to stop. The night continued like that, Charlotte fighting down that voice in the back of her head, while she kissed someone she knew she would have to see the next day, when she woke up beside them. Oh, well.

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