morning! wanna have kids? (matt POV x cas)

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I looked down at the tired mess that was my fiancé- god, I love calling him that. My fiancé. I blinked away the sleep in my eyes before ruffling his hair just to see his drowsy smile that got me going in the morning. In my haze of sleep, the first words of my day tumbled out of my mouth before my brain could catch up.

"Have you ever thought about kids?"

Cas proceeded to give me 'the look'. The look that made me regret everything that had come out of my mouth. And then, he did the strangest thing. He smiled, and he kissed me.

"Actually, now that we're settling down.. yeah, I think I'd like kids. You wanna adopt?"
"Um... I'm sorry, what?"
"Well, we could either try to adopt or we could have a surrogate. Ooh, like TATUM, or penny, or-"

As he rambled off his endless list of practically-sisters, I thought about myself as a parent. As a kid, it was something I never saw. I thought I would be riding professional motorcross, not investigating cases wearing a badge. Then, I looked down at Cas, and as I saw his eyes alight with excitement, I knew it was the right thing for us.

"Hey, why don't we go do some research and we'll head to an adoption agency?"
"Yeah.. yeah, Matt, that sounds perfect."

I mean, I'd have to get my act together a little more, but as I kissed my fiancé, the man I wanted to spend my life with, I realized I couldn't be happier.

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