to build a home (anelise l.)

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The boy with the curly hair who always tripped over his feet
The goofy girl who never knew what to say with words
An unlikely pair to all
Her best friends were unlikely, too
The tough girl and the sweet one with the golden hair, and the goof
Three years in, a tipsy spin around the floor and drunk fumbles
A hungover kiss and a smile that melted her heart

The day her mother died may have been the worst, but the day her father did was even worse
She sat in her room and cried, days on end, scared to see the face of her sister,
With the beauty of her mother, and bravery of her father
She feared seeing her best friend, because she did not want comfort
She yearned for her boyfriend, but had told him to leave her be,
Because she did not miss heart ache

As they left school, all had reconciled
And the day he proposed was the day the light fell back into her eyes
The wedding was small, but still lovely -
The kiss they shared was their truest yet
Their vows short, awkward, and perfect -
And their time together wonderful

The news of their most precious gift came,
She wrote to her father and mother, for the first time since-
He held her by the waist as she cried onto the parchment -
Every night before bed, he would kiss her stomach, for 9 months
He would kiss her

It was a boy, with brown eyes and dark brown hair,
He ran wild around the house, but calmed in the arms of his mother
No parents were perfect, and they had never been perfect people
The boy grew and they sent him to school, growing older together,
As they'd always wanted.

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