hating the satisfaction

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you've been told it's a strong word. it is really. even if we don't notice it. or how we mean to say it.

I hate her.

I hate that music

I hate when that happens.

You don't hate them, you dislike that part of them

You don't hate that music, it's just not your style

You don't hate when it happens, you just wish something else could be happening instead

When I say I hate my body. Or hate myself.

I wonder if I mean it in the strongest way possible.

Some days I think I look decent.

Some days I want to not even look at myself in the mirror. I don't even want to look down and see some of myself in person.

But I don't know if I hate myself.

I may just wish I could look like someone else instead, because I don't like a certain part of me, it's not my style.

I've been told to love myself. But I really do not love myself. I'm told I'm pretty, cute, I should love this part of me because someone else loves it on me.

But sometimes I debate whether my personal happiness on how I look will affect us and how you will see me. Some people say that it's the heart that matters. But do your looks affect it at all. I feel like it does. Because I think I'm experiencing it. I don't know if we should take a break until I figure this out myself. But where will I get my answers if we take a break. I'd be looking for answers without the resource. Yet I hate to think of this like an experiment. So I'll put my personal feelings aside just for now. So I can satisfy you. :)

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