Chapter Twenty Four

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She help me to stand. Of course Kendall was behind her. But her face expresses deep sadness that can lead to depression..

Sad Kendall..
Crying StarFan13
And beside me was a frowning older sister of mine..

"Hey. Delilah?"

I look back at Star with a confused face. Strange moments like these never happen to me..

"You're the only one who I never say goodbye. So.. I come here again."


In Nowhere:

Unknown P.O.V.

The liquid substance keep dropping from the sword. As I was standing next to a lifeless body, I touched the tip of the sword.

Blood started to run down from the sword, and it started to cover my hand.

"Is it lovely to have morning tortures??"

I smirked, and pressed my finger which was touching the tip of the sword deeply, my own blood started to poor slowly, I gasped and pull it out.

"I found this body, guilty" I stated, as looking at a family.

It was the body's family.

The wound quickly healed when I lick it, it disgust the body's family.

And it annoys me.

"Guilty." I point the sword to them and my soldiers started to grab them one by one to make them stand near me.

They started to beg for mercy.

But mercy is not in my dictionary..

"Aren't you happy? I'm freeing you. All of your pathetic souls. All of them are just waiting for this right time.. All of your souls, will finally take its form of an angel and fly to heaven.. If yours will be an angel.."

My little speech frightened them. Fears enlightened me.. Morning tortures can do too..

"Please. Spare my child. Spare my daughter please.. I'm begging you!" The mother spoke, dragging a 5-year old girl near me.

I shot a glare.

"Its against my own rules." I draw the sword and slash the kid's head off to its body.

Everyone in her family..

Stare at the delightful moment..

Thinking it was very horrible..

"Aren't you all happy for her? She just follow her father's footsteps." I chuckle, but still with royal accent.

"And you will too!"


The bodies dropped on the floor, as their heads show their emotionless stare and jaw dropped mouth.

I smiled, full of determination, determined to kill all of those people who believe in love.

"I want to be an angel.. Having white feathered wings and rise and fly in the sky.. Living in the clouds.."

I twirled around.

"I'm still in this demonic body... What a shame.. " I frowned.

"Queen Priscilla?"

Dang it..

"I'm not a queen without a king" I scowl to my butler.

His eyes suddenly showed fear. I keep telling him this.. I swear one day, he will get it..

"I deeply apologize, Lady Priscilla."

I face him, dropping the sword down.

"And what could be your excuse? Excuse to my morning schedule? I hope it is important."

"The princess of Mewni, your highness.. What have you expected becomes true bit by bit of it. I wish this is important that it can get your attention.."

I smirked.

"Well then.. Meet me at my office after the morning tortures, butler, but I wish you won't interrupt me next time.." I ordered.

He bow down slowly.


His head fall on the ground before his heavy body.
What a trash..
I thought my 67th butler satisfies me.

His body falls down then blood pours heavily. It was like a majestic and beautiful waterfalls, but more better than it.


My personal maid and another three castle maids approach me.

They bow down and look at me again.

"Find another butler, but make sure its better than my 67th. And ready my books about Mewni, right now!"

Then they started moving..

The Blood Moon's prophecy.. is now ruined.. again..
It failed to keep those two lucky souls together, alive, love together...
Its true brains of the demons is more smarter than the legendary moons or astral bodies..

What a relief..
I guess my love and I are competing..
His revenge doesn't make sense, either the princess of Mewni's determination to go back to time..


I spilled too much..

Just like how the headless body spill its own blood..

It could mean anything..

It can change everything..

And I'm going to avoid it..

By getting her trust.. with her nightmare..

And one day.. She will wake up.. If she can.. And say while I succeed..

Its all just a nightmare..

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