Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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(A/N: After few weeks after that attempting accident, the princess stopped trying and finally gave up. Leading to breaking of her hearts. She announced no one should call her Star, Astra or other names that have the meaning of Star)

After few weeks..

I proceed to the throne of my parents, as Glossaryck told me my parents called me.

Bummer. What could it be?? Another stupid talk show?

Not that far I saw my parents talking to each other with a monster, looked like a cat, but with wings.

"Oh there you are." Baby smiled as she munch her juicy apple.

My parents looked at me with full of concern.

"What?" I plainly asked them, showing that they just keep wasting my time.

"Your fairy godmother wants to talk to you.." My mother stated.

She should be in her bottle right??

Waste of time..

"So. Like what your mother said, I want to talk to you about announcing something.." Baby started.

I just raised an eyebrow. "Announcement?"

They nodded.

"Announcing to all that..." My father paused. "We are finding a groom for our princess.."

My eyes widens. As I was literally shocked because of what they've decided. Again.. I mean its the second time they want me to marry someone!!

"Announce- what?! Are you serious?!" I shouted, with rage.

"Star we need to-" "I told you that Star is GONE. GONE. GONE. And I will disagree with your decision!"

I stomped my feet. And turned around and start walking away.

"Wait St-"

A massive fire burned in front of me and after it, a carriage appeared.

Its familiar..

The door opens and someone stepped out.

"Tom?!" I said. Unbelieved to what I'm seeing.

"Oh hi Starship." He greeted.

I narrowed my eyebrows and got mad.

"This?!" I pointed to the fire bitch and face my parents. "This piece of burning trash is what you want to be a king?!" I continued.

"Shame on you! Fools! Are you really that very dumb?!" I added as I go away and decided to lock myself.

What the hell?!

The only thing I did was to sat on the floor, hug my knees and cry on it.
I'm so broken...
Like.. Like.. My wand...

I sob as I felt my warm tears flows down to my arms. I can't let them force me to marry someone I don't like.. Or.. I.. My heart.. Will shatter..

I'm completely uncontrollable..

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