Chapter 20 - Excepted

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John's POV


The car ride was rough, but i made it to their house, or what was supposed to be one. It was not in the best condition. One story and I could easily go into Paul's room which was on the side. Lights turned on and i waited till i heard Paul mumble something to himself and began to cry. 

I hurried in through the window and sat next to him. He looked at me with a bit of surprise.

"Where did you come from?" He asked.

"Home. Just came with you." I whispered and grinned.

"Cant i go back with you?" He asked.

"Go ask her." I pointed to the door. Paul looked at the door and frowned.

"No. Im running away."

"No your not. Im gonna  do something." I pointed at him and hopped out the window. I told him i would be back then went to the nearest house. They were a little surprised to see me but i asked to use their phone real quick. I called the police and told him about Paul's mum, and how he was being treated. They were being really difficult but i finally made an agreement and they met at the house i was calling at. Then we drove there.

They did have a bit of an argument, the bobbies and Mrs. McCartney. 

"Im sorry, kid, but im not taking her away." The officer turned to me.

"But don't you know how she's been treating him?" I pointed at the now shut door.

"i can take you off the the jail."

"No thanks. I don't wanna do Jailhouse Rock."

"What?" He looked at me weirdly.

"I just said i--never mind. Bye." I waved good bye. They then drove off and i walked to Paul's window. The light what on and i heard yelling. Mainly from his mother, she was accusing him of calling the coppers.

"What are you doing?" A girls voice spoke softly behind me. I stood up quickly and faced her.


"What are you doing?" She asked approaching me.

"I was checking up on me friend." I put my hands behind my back and walked on. She followed.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"John. Yours?"

"Do you play guitar?" She smiled.

"Yeah i do." I smiled then suddenly from behind us i heard a pop, then a scream. Then Paul came jumping out of the window and ran the other direction. 

"Do ye have a mobile phone?" I asked the girl.

"Yes, here." She took her little phone out. 

"Wait, never mind. Come on." I handed her her phone and ran in Paul's direction.

"Paul! Stop!" I shouted as i ran after him. I finally caught him and turned him to face me. He was shaking, more then i do when im at the dentist.

"John, it was them in my dream. One at least...they killed her..." Paul moaned.

"Why her?"

"Aimed for me but shot her...they waned me to be alive. So when i refused they shot her."

"Im sorry Paul. Come'ed lets go home."

"Home...I missed home."

"I know, now come on."


Paul slept late the next morning. Richie, me and Dylan went for a walk, with the two girls. 

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