Twelve: Flash Photography

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We soon turned up at an expensive looking café in the middle of the city and sat down. People around us stared at Alex, possibly recognising him, and probably not realising they were staring, while others tried to slyly take photos. It didn't look sly to us, though.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" I asked Alex, cringing slightly at the fact that a couple of people were just taking photos of him. Alex took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's just that people might think we're here on a date." I told him.

"It doesn't look romantic, people will just think you're a friend or a business partner." Alex said without a care, which kind of hurt. I frowned at him, but he didn't seem to notice.

Get over yourself, Lukas.

When we ordered and received our food, we sat and talked about things. I attempted to start a conversation about us, but I didn't think Alex was feeling that kind of conversation around so many people that could be eavesdropping, so I moved on from the subject. Later on in the evening, we left the cafe and made our way back to Alex's house.

I loved his house, the atmosphere there was so nice, making me feel happy as we walked towards the front door. We made our way into his kitchen, where he began cooking something.

"What are you making? We've just eaten." I asked Alex as he scanned his fridge.

"I don't know, I like food. You want anything?" He turned and grinned at me. I smiled and shook my head, "no, I'm full thanks."

Alex shrugged as he pulled something out of the fridge and began to cook it. I stared at Alex as he moved around, watching his muscles contract in his tight fitting shirt. I leaned against the counter island in the middle of Alex's kitchen as he stopped cooking and turned around. He walked towards me, standing in front of me.

"Got to let it cook for a bit." Alex told me as he moved closer to me. He rested his arms on the counter I was against, one arm at either side of me. I smiled as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine.

As he kissed me, he gently pressed himself against me. I opened my mouth, letting his tongue slide in, wrapping my arms around his neck, as his hands travelled down my back, to the back of my thighs. He slid both of his hands between my thighs, brushing against my manhood on his way, before picking me up. His gentle hands lifted me onto the counter, and I wrapped my legs around him as he stood in between my legs, his stomach rubbing against the front of my pants. The kiss continued, our lips pressed roughly against each other and our tongues almost intertwined with each other. My whole body was heating up and I felt myself growing down there as I pulled Alex closer.

However, things suddenly changed and I quickly pulled away as I saw a flash light up through my eyelids. Alex jumped away from me, as I quickly slid—more like fell—off the counter, almost slamming into the food that was cooking.

We both stared in shock as we saw Emily stood with a phone in her hand. It was held up to us as she took a photo. But by the time we had gotten over the shock, she was already looking down at her phone, probably doing something with the photo she had just taken. My mouth was wide open in shock as Alex glared at Emily, his jaw clenching as she smirked at him.

"Why the fuck did you just do that?" Alex snapped, his teeth gritting. Emily laughed, a smirk still on her face, but she didn't answer.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" Alex snapped again, moving slowly towards her.

Emily continued to smirk, "you left your door open." I stood back, leaning against the counter nervously as I watched the anger grow in Alex.

"Emily, why the fuck did you do that?" Alex almost shouted, his teeth still gritting. Emily's smirk slowly disappeared and her expression turned serious.

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