Thirteen: Bad Luck

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My three days off from work went by too quickly, my hand was somewhat healed, but I was not ready to go back to work. However, dad gave me a lift there as he had the day off. I really needed to take some driving lessons and get a license and a car.

I'm too lazy for life.

When I walked into work and into the back, I was instantly greeted by my boss.

"How are you feeling now then?" She asked me, a blank look on her face. She seemed pissed—not at me—but at something. That's the way I liked her, I didn't like it when she was nice to me, it was too strange.

I lifted up my hand, "my hand has sort of healed and I'm feeling much better. I've slept better and I've eaten a lot."

She nodded and gave me a smile, "welcome back, get to work."

The shift was much less stressful than others, but it was only midday so I hoped I didn't jinx it. My boss kept an eye on me, which made me very uncomfortable, but what can I expect? After almost passing out in her kitchen and then burning my hand, probably creating lots of health and safety paperwork for her, I expect she'd like to keep a close eye on me. As my shift went on, the restaurant got a little more full, but I tried my best to stay level headed. I obviously wasn't made for this working world.

After the many hours of my shift passed by, I finally finished work. I left work and got a taxi to Amy's house as I wanted to spend some time with her. Not only that though, she'd been having some problems with her family and wanted me to take her out somewhere to have a bit of fun and relieve some stress.

We went out for food, then to an arcade. I hadn't been to an arcade since I was around fourteen, so it was definitely fun to go back and feel like a kid again, although I should really be growing up rather than turning back into a kid. We had many laughs while we gossiped about our other friends, who were all busy with university and work. I was the only one late to the hard-working party apparently.

After I spent a few hours with Amy, I made my way home. I walked there, though, as I wanted some time to myself to think about things. I wasn't necessarily stressed or overthinking, I just liked my own company and being in my own head.

I was almost home, but I got bored of drifting in my own thoughts as I walked, so I began to text Alex. We texted for quite a while, but then his responses began getting more and more blunt, leading me to believe something was wrong, so I asked him if anything had happened. He responded to my question not long after.

Alex: I'm scared about this whole thing with Emily. I know I said all that crap about why people shouldn't care about my sexuality, but I'm just lying to myself. This won't end well. It can't.

I frowned down at the message and read it again, then responded.

Me: What are you trying to say? Are you regretting everything we're doing? Whatever this is.

Alex: No! That's not what I mean. I want this with you. Whatever this is. But I just know that bitch isn't going to drop this and it's just going to end badly. I can already see it in the newspapers in my mind.

Me: If anything, a good response might come from this. People make a big deal at first when a famous person comes out, but they soon let it go and focus on something else. And if your career is affected by it then it's not your fault, it's the people involved with your business who are obviously just homophobic dumbasses. It's none of their business who you like and who you, you know, have sex with...all I'm saying is if this gets out, just go with the flow, people will forget about it soon enough. People love LGBT shit these days anyway so I honestly think the public would have a positive response. Maybe you'll get a good response from your company and other companies too. Who knows? Just look on the bright side okay?

After typing all of that, my thumbs were hurting, but it was worth it, I just wanted him to feel better. I refused to let him regret this yet again, because in the end it would hurt me. A few minutes passed and he finally responded.

Alex: If this does get out, I'm really hoping I get a good response. Thank you for all that, I actually really needed that. It's not just the public I'm scared about though.

I made it home and typed my message back to Alex, completely oblivious to the world as I strolled to the kitchen to look for food. After not finding anything appealing, I walked back into the living room.

As I entered the living room, I was faced with the back of my dad's head as he stared at the wall. The TV wasn't on and he wasn't doing anything, and I panicked for a second, my intrusive thoughts convincing me he'd died sat up. I shrugged away the thought and walked over to him to look at his face and ask him why he was staring, when I saw his eyes. They were filled with tears and his cheeks were wet and red from previous tears. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been crying for a while. My heart dropped, he never cried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my tone full of concern. Dad took a deep breath, wiping the tears from his face, but more just continued to fall from his eyes. He cleared his throat and looked up at me, staring into my eyes. It took him a while to begin, his hands rubbing together nervously.

"Richard...called." Dad said slowly, swallowing his tears harshly. I frowned, not knowing what that meant. I didn't connect the dots at all; my dad crying because Richard called, it didn't phase me. I didn't understand. I raised my eyebrows for him to continue, becoming increasingly worried.

"It's your mum, Lukas." Dad continued, tears filling up in his eyes again as he took shaky breaths.

"She had a heart attack," dad's voice trembled, finding it very difficult to get the words out, "she...she died."


Okay I made myself sad writing this lmaoo. Thoughts?

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