Twenty Seven: The First Time

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Once Alex and I got back to his house, I followed him into the kitchen where he offered me a drink. I accepted as I could use an alcoholic beverage right about now, even if it was only weak.

"So what do you wanna do?" Asked Alex as he handed me my drink.

I shrugged and thought. "We could watch a movie in your cinema room."

Alex nodded and smiled at me, before we walked down to the cinema room. He turned the lights on and grabbed the remote, before turning on the screen. Music began playing, which must have been music Alex was listening to while I wasn't here.

"What do you want to watch?" Alex asked.

I didn't reply, I just stared him. Everything about him is just so perfect. The way he stands, the way he does everything.

He turned around and looked at me, waiting for an answer, but I just stared at his face. I quickly moved closer to him and grabbed his beautiful face, before planting my lips on his. He immediately kissed me back, his arms wrapping around me tightly. We slowly moved towards his giant sofa, not breaking the kiss, before falling gently into the sofa, Alex on top of me. I tugged at his shirt and began to pull it up, for he broke the kiss and sat up, straddling me.

"What?" I asked, frowning in concern.

"Do you want to..."

He stopped, but I knew what he was going to ask. I bit my lip and nodded. "If you're talking about doing it, then yeah, I do."

Alex grinned and bit his lip, moving back in to kiss me, until I stopped him, my hand on his lips.

"Could you turn the light off please? It's just really bright and I look awful in this lighting." I requested.

Alex sighed and got up, an amused look on his face. "You don't look awful. You look amazing. But anything for you. I'll get the light changed just for you. You want a throne too?"

I laughed and nodded in response as he turned the light off.

"Better?" He asked as he walked back over to the large sofa.

I smiled, "better."

Alex got back on the sofa and continued the kiss. His tongue pressed against my lips, asking for an entrance, so I opened my mouth and let his tongue in. We made out for a few minutes, slowly and gently in the beginning, then it got harder and much more heated.

The kissing wasn't the only thing that got harder though.

Alex pulled away a little, his hands either side of me holding himself up. His eyes scanned my face, a small smile growing across his own face. He put a little more weight on me, leaving no gap in between our bodies. He pecked my lips with his own, slowly moving his lips down my jawline, planting gentle pecks as he moved. His lips were soon down at my neck, sucking on my skin.

The sparks in my stomach almost turned into fireworks as Alex began to slowly grind against me. My hands traveled down to his backside, my hands roughly squeezing his ass, causing him to grind harder against me. I felt his hardness pressing on me and a grin grew on my face for a few seconds.

One of Alex's hands moved from beside me and slid up my shirt, his warm hands gently rubbing up and down my stomach, until his hand made its way down to my waist. It continued to make its way down my body, until it reached the hardness growing in my pants. I quietly gasped as he began to rub me through my pants.

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