Twenty Eight: Forgiveness

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I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update! But here it is now...

The next morning, Alex took me to my work on his way to the company, after taking me to a nice cafe for breakfast. I missed going to work, I missed my normal everyday life, but I was slowly getting back into my normal routine.

Alex and I hadn't talked about having sex, which I thought was slightly awkward, like he didn't want to talk about it, like maybe he sort of regretted it. He did seem sort of weird around me.

But maybe I'm just overthinking things.

Alex told me his interview airs at 9pm tonight, but he also told me he couldn't watch it with me because he had to be back at work at that time. However, he said he would come and see me later on before he has to go back to the company tonight.

I walked into work and greeted everyone while receiving multiple questions, mainly about my health. I was asked who stabbed me, even though I didn't know myself, I was asked how I was and all the questions like that.

I was a couple of hours into work and my break began. It was a ten minute break just to go outside and have a snack and what not. I sat outside with a couple of the others and sat on my phone.

I checked a couple of messages that Alex had sent me, which was a screenshot and a link to an Instagram post. The screenshot was a conversation between Alex and Emily, which I clicked on to read.

Alex: Saw your Instagram post. Even though you didn't name Lukas and I it's pretty obvious it was about us. You're really that sorry that you posted it on your social media?

Emily: Yes. But my career is screwed anyway, an Instagram post won't change anything.

Alex: And whose fault is that?

Emily: You don't have to throw it in my face. I'm sorry. I really am. We really need to talk, bring Lukas if you want. I want to apologise. What can I do for you to forgive me?

Alex: I'll speak to you later, got things to do. I'll have to let Lukas know.

I then clicked on the link and began to read the caption on the post, ignoring the photo above it.

'I've ruined everything I have. I know it's my fault but I just wish I could go back. I ruined one of the best friendships I've ever had because of jealousy. It never should've gotten as far as it did. I exposed my best friend all because I was jealous. I know I've ruined everything and I know it's my fault and I know it was never any of my business. I am sorry and I'm going to make things right. I want to start over, but not before I fix everything.'

I frowned down at my phone. After everything she's done she expects me to forgive her?

I took a quick look at the post that she exposed Alex and I on, just for old time's sake. The comments I saw underneath it were rather relieving. I'd never read them before.

I thought it would be full of people calling Alex a faggot or calling me a faggot or some shit like that, but apparently not. It was just full of comments against Emily.

Even some dude with a verified tick had commented on it saying: How is this any of your business? I've never seen anything so stupid and childish. I'm guessing this post is out of jealousy or hatred? Either way it's pathetic. What they do is absolutely none of your business. I recommend you take this post down because it is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Grow up.

Most of the other comments were similar and shorter, although there were a couple of negative comments against Alex and I, but it didn't bother me, I've heard it all before.

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