Chapter 4

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Nigga what the fuck you still doing here.? Adrian asked to Jay'Ceon.

Because i can be muthafucka we her family not yo busted ass get the fuck outta here.! Jay'Ceon said back.

Jay just calm down obviously he has feelings for Milan and she had some for him. Cha said in the most calming voice ever.

Naw fuck that Cha its suppose to be me and her....

You fucked that up when you let her sit in prison for 6 years over some shit she aint do.! Cha said interrupting her

Bitch ass nigga.! Adrian laughed.

What nigga.?! Jay'Ceon yelled standing up.

Nigga you heard me you's a bitch.! How you let her go to jail for some shit she aint do.? Only BITCH niggas do shit like that.! Adrian said standing up too.

You don't know shit and you talk to much i shoulda been put the bullet in yo shit first time i seen yo punk bitch ass.! Jay'Ceon said so codely.

You don't want smoke with me.! Adrian said.

But you already took it there. Jay'Ceon said with an evil laugh.

I couldn't really open my eyes all the way but i heard their voices clearly as they argued outside my door. My chest was burning with pain. All the monitors started  going off and a team of doctors started coming in checking me and giving me meds.

Nurse.? I asked as she was leaning over me.

Yes.?! She asked.

Could you send Jay'Ceon in here.?

Which one is that.?

The pretty eyes one. I said with a sly smile. I remember the first time i looked into those eyes and how they had me trapped.

She walked out and a few moments later he came in. I could feel his anger filling the whole room.

Im so happy your alive.! He spoke after a while. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Me too.

I love you.! He said with a smile before letting my hand go. Tears where swelling up in his eyes and he walked out before he started crying. Adrian came in with a smile.

I thought i lost you for a second. He said smiling with tears dancing on his tongue.

"No im still here" i said with some laughter.

Good, Listen.! I don't know you and home boy history but i could see you still love him or got feelings for him. Ima just fall back for a short.

What why.? Thats not true Adrian.

It is i mean its cool yall got history we still can kick it from time to time. He said before kissing my forehead and disappearing.

Even when Jay'Ceon not in my life he still manages to ruin my life. Cha came in and started bugging out crying she couldn't even get any words out she was crying so hard before she had to leave out. She was so dramatic. I was completely fine besides the pain i was in. I have officially been threw hell and back. I been to prison, shot, lost a baby and all my family, been raped, and im still here. I couldn't figure out why God wanted to keep me alive so bad. But deep down i was ready to give up and die.

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