Chapter Three;

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"Is there to be a feast tonight, my Queen?"

Alaina turned from the stained glass window toward her ladies; Anne, a tall and beautiful German noblewoman who had been by Alaina's side since she took up her role as Egypt's Queen; Natalie, the newest lady in waiting, sent from Italy as a gift from the Pope himself; Jane, a noble Englishwoman with pale blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes, also a gift from Elizabeth; and then lastly, little Maria, with her dark ringlets, chocolate brown eyes, and a thick Spanish accent, she had been the daughter of her mother's former lady in waiting and now like her mother, served the Spanish Princess.

"There is to be whatever his majesty wishes there to be," said Alaina, her hands clasped together as she walked away from the window to join them near the roaring fire in the hearth. "But I have no doubt, his mother will have planned some sort of celebration in my honor. She is quite fond of me."

"Much more than her own daughter-in-law, it seems," giggled Maria. Beside her Jane placed a hand to her mouth, hoping to contain her own laughter to avoid being scolded by Anne.

"I couldn't help but notice the way the people bowed to you compared to how they bowed to their own Queen. Is she not catholic, after all? A true daughter of God?" Natalie, the niece of a cardinal, was always the first to voice her observations, especially when religion was involved.

"She is," said Alaina as she sat down on a cushioned chair closest to the fire. "It is why the Pope supports her in her claim to the English throne."

"Yet her own people, catholic people, do not show her very much respect." Natalie looked up from her embroidery, her hazel eyes reflecting the fire.

"I trust you will keep your eyes open to see why that is then?"

"Yes, Majesty." said the Italian as she bowed her head. Although new to Alaina's household, Natalie proved herself to be quite as useful as Alaina's other ladies within her inner circle.

"And I trust lady Jane and Maria will keep their ears open?"

Both Maria and Jane sat up, their childlike faces fixed with a serious look. "Yes your majesty," they said in unison.

"Not even here a day, and you're already scheming with your ladies."

"Your Grace, I did not hear you come in," Alaina stood up to greet the young Duke who was also her most trusted adviser. He stepped forward, taking Alaina's hand in his to kiss it, much to Lady Anne's annoyance.

"I did not wish to disturb you while you plotted with your ladies," he said with a sly grin.

"No," muttered Anne under her breath while she glared at Henry, "of course not."

Ignoring her head lady, she led Henry over to an empty sofa and sat him down beside her. "Tell me, how do you find French court?" she asked, her hand still in his.

"So far?" His blue eyes peered into her's, "Not at all like our court, back home. I see these people have no respect for their sovereign rulers."

"You see," spoke Natalie, "I was not the only one to notice this." Alaina nodded her head at Natalie and turned back to face Henry.

"And I see that the King and Queen lead two separate lives as well as if the Queen has no real interest in her King though she only pretends to for the sake of appearances."

"My Grace, you are just as bad as my ladies," teased Alaina. "But Francis did say that Mary has experienced a rather traumatic experience recently, so we shall give her the benefit of the doubt, shall we not?" Her ladies nodded their heads. "As for why her people seem to lack the proper respect for their Queen, well we can not sit idly by and not be curious as to why."

"No, my Queen, we can not," said Anne from her new position near the door where she had just taken a letter from a pageboy. "And this matter will be further discussed later, as for now, it is our duty to prepare you for the celebration to be held tonight in your honor. Your Grace, if you'd be so kind as to please leave us."

"No, of course, her majesty must look her best," he said as he turned back to Alaina and smiled. "By your leave, my Queen."

Alaina nodded her head as the Duke kissed her hand, bowed and took his leave. Her eyes soon darted from the closing of the doors to her Lady Anne who looked all too relieved to see him gone.

"Anne," Anne turned to her queen and smiled. "He has proven himself, you will do well to be kind to him."

"As your majesty commands," she replied. "Shall we?"

Alaina stood up from where she had been seated and followed her ladies so that they could remove her free from her morning gown and into something appropriate for a celebration.

"Perhaps your sapphire gown?" suggest Jane as she removed a beautiful sapphire blue gown embroidered with gold, a gown that had also been a gift from the English Queen. "It goes well with your eyes, your Grace."

"And it does make you look like a Queen," added Maria as she held the skirts of the blue velvet up to examine them.

"But I am no Queen," Alaina said as she peered into the stained looking glass two other ladies held up for her to see herself. "I am much greater than some Queen."

"Indeed you are," Natalie was the only lady still seated. In her hands, she held the most elegant necklace adorned with large sapphires, specially made by the Pope for Alaina. "But they are not to know of this, not yet."

Alaina could see Natalie behind her, smirking as she placed the sapphire necklace down and picked up a golden crown with the same gems as the necklace. "Am I to wear those?" she asked her lady.

"If you wish so, Majesty."

She turned to face Natalie and moved to look at the jewels closer. "Very well," she turned to Jane and Maria, the ladies still holding the blue velvet dress in their hands. "Then I shall not wear that dress," she said as she approached the chest and began to search through it. "I shall wear this one. My dress must not take away from such elegant jewels the Pope has given me. I shall look every part a Queen."

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