Chapter Eleven;

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"Diane, what a pleasant surprise."

"Your majesty," Diane smiled as she spoke and curtsied. "I heard you were at court. I was hoping Elizabeth would be here as well."

"Do not worry," Alaina placed her hand on Diane's arm and offered a sweet smile. "You shall see the young princess soon. Are you here for the ice festival?"

"Have you not heard the news?" She asked, her eyes growing wide. "Francis has gifted Bash with lands and the title of Baron. Bash, of course not being one for lands and titles, has gifted me some in turn."

"Congratulations, Diane," Alaina pulled the older woman into a warm embrace. "I can only imagine how hard it has been on you with Henry gone. I am aware you and Catherine never quite saw eye to eye."

"No, of course not. I have been managing, however. Do tell me how are you? I have heard from Bash you now have two more countries."

"Yes, the late king of Denmark named me his successor and now I call Denmark my home."

"Will you be taking Elizabeth back with you?"

"How could I when her family is here in France? You, my mother, Sebastian, and of course her uncle."

Diane smiled softly. "I have not seen her since she was a babe, is she beautiful like her mother?"

Alaina started to laugh, "It will do you good to say she is, but it is quite obvious who her father is."

"Ah, mother, I see you've found Alaina."

"I have, and we have just been catching up," she then turned to Alaina. "Have you met Bash's wife?"

"Mother," he warned.

"She was also Henry's mistress before he forced her to marry Bash. I heard she wept through the ceremony."

Alaina noticed Bash growing agitated by the minute. "I have met the Lady Kenna, and she is quite a lovely girl and very much in love with Sebastian. She has also done a magnificent job on reacquainting father and daughter. Have I forgot to mention that she is one of my ladies?"

"Is that so?" Diane snorted. "My, what won't she do to get to the top?"

"I am sure you would know the answer. It was nice to see you again Diane, I am now late for my meeting with the king."

Alaina nodded her head before leaving Diane alone to simmer in her thoughts. Some women never change, she thought as she turned a corner and headed off to meet with Francis.


Alaina stopped dead in her tracks so that she could turn around to see who was calling for her.


"Thank you," he said to her with a huge grin on his face. "For what you said to my mother about Kenna."

"Sebastian, Kenna is your wife and I have to accept that. I also can not deny that she is an exceptionally remarkable woman. She is family now and I protect my family, even against other family members. Well, some."

Bash chuckled softly, understanding what she meant by some.

"I must admit, you have changed a little. Although you may strike fear into the hearts of your people, you are still a kindhearted monarch and that is rare. I am proud of the woman you turned out to be."

"As am I," she replied as he placed his hand against her cheek. Alaina placed her hand over his and smiled. "If only our daughter would follow in my footsteps."

"Careful of what you wish for," he said, his smile fading. "I want her married before she produces an heir."

Alaina shook her head gently as she laughed. "I must go, Sebastian."

"Yes, I have matters of my own to settle. And now Claude is curious to know why Catherine blames her for the death of the twins. It never ends with this family."

"I'll have Jane look into it," Alaina said. "She is maturing while here at court. It breaks my heart to see her grow."

Bash chuckled again as he removed his hand from her cheek. "She and Kenna seem to get one rather well."

"Yes, and now I must find Maria a new friend. Good day, Sebastian."

"Majesty," he bowed.

Alaina turned around quickly to hide the huge grin on her face and picked up her pace so that she would not be any later than she already was.

"Where have you been?" Francis asked the moment the doors closed behind her. "I have been waiting."

"Sorry, I ran into Diane and then Sebastian and I had a short conversation after."

Francis collapsed into his chair and rubbed his hands over his face. "Oh, I'm so exhausted." He groaned.

"Could always just slip away and leave me as regent. I've been quite bored being away from my countries." Alaina walked around the desk so that she stood at Francis' side.

"Mary would not like that."

"Mary is queen consort, her authority is not valid in this country."

"But her opinion does matter to me, Alaina. She is my wife."

"Your wife or your queen?"

"You've heard the gossip," he muttered as he looked down at the map on his desk.

"When does one not here at court?" She asked as she sat down carefully on the chair's armrest and placed her hand on his back. Francis sighed as he rested his left arm on her lap and ran his thumb over the silkiness of her skirts.

"I see your point," he patted her leg. "She wants to lead separate lives. She doesn't even want to give us another chance."

"Then let her have her way," Alaina said as she played with one of his curls. "Let her see you with a mistress. Let her feel what is like to lose the respect of her people because she wants to lead separate lives."

Francis tilted his head so that he looked up at Alaina. "Easier said than done," he said.

"Very well, then let her see you with another queen."

"Ah," he rested his cheek against his other hand. "I knew it was in there somewhere."

"It never left," she replied as she played with his hair some more, a small smile appearing on her lips. 

Have I ever mention Kenna or Bash's title at all before this? If so, ignore it. lol Alright, well I think that is it for tonight. I may get started on another or I may just finish the episode of Reign I was watching. Probably the last part because my eyes hurt so badly and I am ready for bed. 

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