Chapter 2- Kale

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Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Matt looking down at me. "Elaine and Jack asked me to say thank you for last night, but they also asked me to say goodbye to you guys because they've gone home." My heart plummeted but I nodded, thanking Matt for telling me. I opened up my Snapchat and posted a snap with the caption 'I'm sorry Elaine, please come back...' She replied 10 minutes later, telling me to go have fun with my friends, that she loved me and that her and Jack were waiting to board the plane. Oh how glad i was that not the next stop, but the stop after that was Maryland...

Putting my phone onto vibrate, i ran back over to my friends who were sitting at the edge of the stage, hugging. Stopping just short of them, i paused to take a photo of them and then walked over to jump up onto the stage next to Jay. As i jumped up, my phone started buzzing in my hand and i looked at it to see the name 'RY!!!' flashing up on the screen. I answered the call, put it on loudspeaker and immediately regretted it. "KALE I'M WITH BENNY AND JESSIE!!" Was the first thing that i heard through the screaming. "WE'RE OUTSIDE COME FIND US!!!!!!" I laughed at Jay's facial expression, his eyes were wide open whilst Rae had collapsed into laughter with his head on Jay's shoulder. 

Pulling Justin off Rae's lap, I jumped off the stage. Justin and Raegan ran after me, out through the doors, to find everyone. I ran straight towards Ryan and we collapsed into a hug on the ground whilst Benson picked up Jay, and Jessie and Rae hugged. Benson picked Justin up carefully, trying to avoid hurting Jay where he'd had his surgery nearly a week ago. It felt so nice to finally be hugging Ryan, after being friends for just more than 6 months.

Jessie had been recording me and Ryan, and as we picked ourselves up off the ground, Jessie gave Ryan his phone back. Benson had put Justin down, and had been given a piggyback by Jessie, whilst Justin was on Raegan's back. Ryan jumped onto my back, and we all raced inside. As we collapsed, me and Ryan onto the stage, Jessie and Benson next us and Jaegan on the floor, Matt gave us the 'I'm not going to ask' look. We all lay there laughing as Matt walked around checking that everything was OK for the event. It didn't start for an hour, but there were so many people not here yet. Kana, Fynn, Stef, Damon and Tish were all coming later.

Rae started laughing at something behind me and i turned around to see Rizzy looking over my shoulder. "Cliff, jeez, don't do that!" I lightly punched him, and he jumped on the stage to hug Jay. Suddenly, everyone was arriving and and the next thing that i could make sense of was the fact that we had 5 minutes until the event started. Lukas had arrived out of nowhere, and Rizzy was laughing, hugging his best friend.

Then, the event had started, and the audience laughed, screamed, cried, shouted. We messed around on stage, and Jay even prank called Cash. Then the meet n greet was happening, fans were surrounding me, my gifts and letters pile growing ever larger. I let a couple of people post on my SnapChat, and i followed a couple of fan accounts. After the meet and greet had finished, i saw a girl with brown hair, aged about 14, looking a bit lost by the doors. Lukas looked over at where i was looking and his eyes widened. He opened his phone's camera, set it to video and gave it to me. He called her name, she turned and they ran towards each other. Rae and Rizzy ran after him, and they all squished her into a hug. 

As they let go of her, I suddenly recognised her, and me and Jay ran towards her. Hugging her tightly when we got there made her cry even more than she already was. "I love you guys so much!" Was all she could say through her tears.

Can you guys guess who the girl is? I mean it might be obvious to some of you, but to others it might not.

Also, i do know that Jaegan, Damon and Tish aren't going to the meet up, this is just a story. And i'm trying to not include Danny because he asked us to not put him in fanfiction. LOVE YOU GUYS xx

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