Peace is love

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After what already happened, Sonic and Tails have decided to take a short break. Away from all of this chaos, away from their friends and Eggman. Why? They needed some time to think and relax. The two of them to be alone. Look forward and what's going to happen. Especially to the two of them as a couple.

Tails put the last bags into the back of the Tornado for their weekend off. Sonic had packed an entire bag of food and it was way to heavy for him when he picked it up. Tails lost his balance so that he tripped.
Sonic came rushing in and grabbed the other end of the bag so Tails got his balance back.
"You okay Babe?"
Sonic said in a caring voice as he smiled warmly.
"Again Sonic... You don't need to call me that..."
Even though Tails loved being called "babe" it was still a little weird coming from Sonic. 'I guess that's something I have to get used to...' He thought.
"Heh. Nah. I'll keep calling ya babe~"
When Sonic threw the bag full of food in the back of the biplane. He grabbed Tails by his waist and kissed him deeply. That came a little too fast for the two-tailed fox, so he began to blush, madly.

Even though they are together, it doesn't mean that Sonic and Tails are used to being so close to each other. Not this close.

When Sonic broke the kiss and saw Tails blushing and his ears half-way down. He blushed too. 'Aww~ My love is way too adorable~' Sonic couldn't help but think that. It was a long silence with the two only looking at each other. Lost in each others beautiful eyes. Sonic could look into those ocean blue eyes all day. He couldn't imagine something more beautiful than them. At night they were even more pretty. Tails broke the silence with a kiss on the blue blur's cheek and he walked up to the cockpit of the Tornado.
"Are you coming Sonikku~?"
Sonic flinched a bit of that name. Amy usually call him that. It always made him flinch, but when Tails called him that... He blushed and it sent shivers down his spine. A good feeling.
He said still blushing and ran towards the wing of the plane. He sat down and looked at Tails as he were ready to start the plane's engine. Tails only looked at Sonic with confusion.
"Um... are you still going to stand on the wing of the plane?"
Tails asked. Sonic looked more surprised than confused.
"Um... Of course! I have always been standing on the wing of the plane when you fly bud"
Sonic smiled friendly and pointed at the plane's cockpit.
"Are we going or what?"
Said the impatient hedgehog. Tails snapped back to reality and ran up to the cockpit and flew inside it. All of their needed things were with them in the back of the Tornado and they were ready to have a relaxing time together.

Tails took off the red and yellow biplane into the air at a high speed. Sonic stood on the wing of the Tornado and felt the fresh air through his blue sapphire quills. He took a deep breath and out. The blue blur haven't been on a plane trip for awhile and he loved the feeling to be free. The wind, him and his lovely fox, Tails. Finally they are going to have some fun.

They haven't been flying for long and Sonic is getting even more excited to where they are going. Tails told Sonic that it was a surprise, so he doesn't know where they are going. Every now and then, Sonic look over the side of the wing of the plane to see if he can recognize the surroundings, but so far he haven't.
Tails have noticed for a long time ago that Sonic, his lovely hedgehog, has been so curious for every kilometer they are flying. So Tails have flown higher up. So the curious hedgie couldn't see through the clouds. The place where they are going is really noticeable for Sonic. He has been there before.

"Tails... Are we there yet?"
Sonic sighed and looked at his twin - tailed genius with tired eyes.
"Come on Sonic. We have only flown for thirty minutes... I know that you need to run. I promise that we are there soon"
Tails smiled at Sonic with warming eyes.
"It won't take long"
Sonic leaned down and gave Tails a kiss on his cheek. As usual, Tails blushed.
"I know it won't"
He gave his fox a wink before standing up again. Tails had a thought I mind and smiled.
"Hold on Sonic"
His ears twitched to that sentence and he quickly held his hands on the tip of the wing. Tails pressed his foot on the pedal, making the plane go faster. Way faster. He turned the plane around in circles and played zig-zag with the clouds at massive speed. Both Sonic and Tails laughed and had fun. It felt amazing to be free with the wind for once, but when Tails began to move the plane more upwards he began to feel a little uncomfortable. Soon it was in 90° and Sonic held on tight to the wing. To Sonic's surprise, he thought that Tails were thinking of doing a loop.
"Uh... Tails..."
Sonic said in a little scared voice, but it was a little too late. Tails have already flown around half - ways in the air. Of course, Sonic being upside-down, couldn't hold on to the plane. So he lost his foothold and fell.
Sonic fell through the air and clouds that were beneath him. He heard the propeller of the plane close by and quickly saw Tails smiling in the cockpit and the blue blur reacted fast by catching the wing before falling any further down. He landed safely on the top and looked surprised down at Tails. He were just smiling and winked.                                                                                                    "Did you really think that i wouldn't catch you?"

Tails only smiled and Sonic sighed out in relief. "You little..." Was Sonic's only response as he laughed with his lovely fox the rest of the way.

When Tails finally found a perfect place to land the Tornado, he and Sonic jumped out and off the plane. As Sonic landed on the soft grass, Tails walked up to him and held his hands in front of Sonic's eyes. "Oh come on Tailsy... Not even now!?" Said the frustrated hedgehog as he lowered his ears of sadness. "Nope. Just a little longer" Tails said as he lead Sonic towards the place he were planning for them to stay. When they reached the spot, the two - tailed fox removed his hands from Sonic's eyes. "Okay. Now you can look Sonic" He said as he took a step back. Sonic opened his eyes slowly and looked in front of him. The place were way too familiar to him, the place where Sonic and Tails first met. The cherry blossom tree swayed in the cool breeze, and the sun made the flowers on the tree cast shadows to the ground. And the beautiful ocean sight from the cliff end. The wide open ocean and the sound of the waves crashing against the mountain wall is so relaxing on a stressful day. Sonic's eyes were filled with joy as the memories from the past came back to him like the wind made it's way through the branches of trees in a forest. "I maybe thought that this was a nice place to stay for us. Because it mean so much to us both" Tails said as he walked up beside Sonic and looked at him. Sonic couldn't hold the happiness anymore, so he gave his genius a lovely hug. "Oh my little nerd~ This is perfect! I couldn't be anywhere else than here! Thank you Tailsy!" Sonic was so happy that he could smile forever.

Tails and Sonic were done with moving the bags inside of their tree house right beside the cherry blossom tree. "Phew. I think that's the last of it" Tails said as he wiped the sweat away from his forehead. "I think so too" Said the blue hedgehog as he locked he back of the plane and walked up to his fox. Tails were now sitting under the cherry blossom tree and looked in front of him. When Sonic sat down beside him, he didn't even move his head. Sonic looked in the same direction as Tails and saw a beautiful sunset. The remaining of the sun were bathing in a mix of red, orange, yellow and the last of light blue. All of the colors were mixed together in a beautiful color that were impossible to look away from. Sonic couldn't stop to stare and felt something warm touch his right hand. He looked down on it and noticed Tails' hand on it. He blushed and met Tails' eyes. They gave a reflection of the sky and made Sonic look at Tails in a whole different way. His yellow - orange fur shined in the last remaining of the sun and his tails swayed up and down of delight. Sonic smiled warmly to his lovely fox. "Tails... You look so beautiful~" Those words made Tails blush. His eyes were filled with love and hugged Sonic. He wrapped his twin tails around Sonic's sapphire fur and rested his head on his shoulder. They sat there until the sun settled.

The blue hedgehog sat up and picked up his half sleepy fox in his arms, bridal style, and walked into their cozy hut. 'he looks so adorable like this' Sonic thought to himself as he carried his sleepy love into bed. Covered him in the dark blue blanket on the bed and walked out the door to his own room, but before he got out the door, he heard his name. Sonic turned around to see Tails looking at him with tired eyes. "S-Sonic..." He tried to get out the words, but just couldn't. Sonic locked the door, turned off the lights and sat down on the bedside. "Yes Tailsy?" Sonic always had a comfortable warmth in his eyes that made Tails relax. "C-Can you sleep with me tonight?" He looked at Sonic with curious eyes as he waited for an answer. Sonic only smiled and put the blanket over him as well. He kissed Tails' forehead and looked him in his tired blue ocean eyes. "Of course my love~" Happiness filled Tails as he hugged Sonic close to him and kissing his soft lips. Sonic kissed him softly back and put his head on the soft white pillow. "Good night Tails. I love you~" "I love you too Sonikku..." After their words, they both fell asleep. Holding the hand of the other with their love.

What they are waiting tomorrow, is as unexpected as the unknown...

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