Painful screams

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Tails woke up in the middle of the night as the moonlight shined into his face. He narrowed his eyes and sat up and noticed his messy fur. His bangs were fluffy and stood to all sides, not to mention his eyes. He let out a big tired yawn and fixed his bangs with his hand. Tails looked out the window to his left and saw the fullmoon shine bright on the starfilled sky. " *sigh* That sure is beautiful" Tails smiled to himself and looked to his right. Where Sonic were sleeping with his mouth open and making snoring sounds. Tails giggled at the sight and planted a soft kiss on Sonic's forehead. He stood up from his bed and sneaked out of their bedroom, careful not to wake up his sleeping beauty. Tails carefully closed the door behind him and spun his tails, so he could fly down to his workshop without making any loud noises. He switched on the lights to his workshop and walked towards his computer. Which was just a keyboard with some kind of flat device over it. Tails turned on the device and a big green-screen made out of pixels showed up. He typed in password and clicked on the file that he made not so long ago. The screen showed a bunch of research and some pictures. When Tails saw that everything was in place, he picked up a device from the drawer beside him. "Now to find out what you have in here little fella" Then he plugged it in his keyboard.

~Flashback~Normal POV

Tails sat in the Tornado with his goggles in front of his eyes to stop the snow from hitting him in the eyes. He have been flying for a long time and still no sign to Sonic. Tails grew worried and got scared. What if he wouldn't find him? Tails shook the negative thoughts away before they dug deeper. He looked down and narrowed his eyes to get a better look through all the snow. He gasped when Tails found a familiar blue figure with almost everything covered in snow.

Minutes later Tails landed and ran out in the snow towards Sonic. He dug away the cold snow on Sonic and lifted him up in bridal style. 'Man Sonic. You have to cut down on those chillidogs...' Tails put him down in the passanger seat and put a blanket around him for warmth. As well as fastening the seat belt.
He took off his glove and heldt it on Sonic's cheek, cold. Tails leaned over and kissed both sides of his cheek and finished with a warming kiss on his lips. "Please be ok Sonic..."
He sat back down in the pilot seat and were about to take off, when something caught his eye. Tails narrowed his eyes and saw something far in the snow that were blinking. He took a quick look at Sonic and flew over through the snow storm. Tails digged away the snow and picked up the device. It was a small battery-like thing and it looked like it was the brain of the robot or... Tails' eyes widened and stuffed it in the pocket of his pilot jacket.
Tails took off the plane with a sick Sonic and went home in a big snow storm at hand. 'Of all the zones, Eggman chose to battle Sonic here?'  

The way back home wasn't easy, it was in the middle of the night after all.

'I wonder... Why Eggman wanted to battle Sonic here? Oh well'

~End of Flashback~

After searching for awhile, Tails got really tired. Nothing new on the disk, but when he were about to take out the device he found. An interessing file caught his eye. It were named "Project dead - skull" and Tails clicked on it. Revealing a schedule on a type of attack. It were updated for not so long ago and it looks like it was supposed to happen... tomorrow? The fox grew worried and started checking closer and found the town name. It was blurry but came to sight in some seconds. It was...
Tails shouted accidentially. It was the day Eggman will attack, and no one knew about it... but it stood where he will start too. But before he got so far, he felt a strong wind, knocking him backwards and he got caught by strong arms. "Who's there!?" Tails felt his heart beat even faster when he heard Sonic's protective voice. He then took at deep breath and got on his feet. Tails held his hands up to Sonic to calm him down.

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