Love saves

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Tails' POV

I sat on the soft grass in the sunshine with my back against a tree. I had no feeling in my legs. They were numb once again. 'I don't understand... I just ran with Sonic, and the next minute I fell on the ground with no feelings in my legs'

Sonic were walking around in circles. He were calling the hospital for help or to get some useful information and I just sit here. Having no clue on what to do. I were still shocked after the fall. 'I got numb after the missle and then i'm fine, But now I get numb again?'

My brain were searching for answers, but it's like searching for a nail in the haystack. Sonic put his phone back into his jacket pocket and turned around to face me.
"I don't know, man... They said that it's impossible to get numb by just  running for, what was it, a minute? So they told me to just take care of you I guess" I sighed and closed my eyes to feel the sun warm my fur. "I don't know either Sonic" I easily told him.

Sonic carried me in bridal style all the way home and all the way I blushed more red than Knuckles... Sonic just smirked and enjoyed himself though.

I just relaxed on the soft couch with my head leaned on the edge of it. Sonic got a little stressed and asked me every second if I needed something. I got to admit: Sonic is quite charming once you get to know his romantic side. He care for me, alot. I watch him walk into the kitchen and often peek at me to see if I am alright. His actions is just to funny, so I giggled softly. Sonic heard that of course. "What's so funny?" He asked curious. "Oh, nothing~" I just looked away from him and still had a little smile on my face. 'Just that you are way to adorable~'

Sonic's POV

I walked over to my kitsune slowly with food in hand. He still looked confused and just stared at the wall in front of him like it was an open book. I put the food on the table and sat beside him carefully. It didn't look like he noticed me, because he only stared in front of him. I put and arm around his shoulders and hugged him gently by my side. "How are you feeling love?~" It wasn't meant to be that seductive... oh well. He heard me though, because he blushed and turned around to look at me. "B-better... but a little confused..." He looked down embarresed. 'Oh dear chaos... Why is I so cute when he is embarressed?'

I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. Tails giggled and looked at me lovely.
Blue met green, Ocean blue and emerald green. His eyes shone bright as always and he leaned in close to me. Tails' soft lips met mine and we shared a kiss. Butterflies started flying around in my chest as he moved over to my lap. A pink blush spread my cheeks and I closed my eyes to enjoy his warmth. I brushed his soft namesakes as they waved of enjoyment.

As I heldt him close, I felt Tails' legs, moving? I slowly parted myself away from his lips, it was hard though, and looked at him. He had a little confusion on his face too. "Your legs..." He moved them, they were moving! But, how?

Tails had his eyes wide open and looked at me as he slowly got up. He shaked a bit as he walked only a few steps. "S-Sonic..." He talked to me like he realized something.
"We have to go back to where the missle hit me"
I froze. The only place I didn't want to go to, my boyfriend did. I sighed without asking more questions and picked him up as I ran all the way back to the area were my angel got hurt.

Tails' POV

Sonic put me down on my feet, that I now, could move and walked around the ruins of broken houses and burned grounds. It was a terrible sight, but I shook my head away. I searched for only one place; Where I got hit with the missle.

Sonic wandered around behind me and looked at each scrap metal like it was a memory, but it's Sonic. He always looks at things like memories. If he just look at a random tree in the forest, it's a memory. His brain works so differently from everyone else's. Sonic is so unique... and that's why I love him so much.

I quickly turned my eyes away from Sonic's before I forget why I am here. A little pink blush formed on my cheeks and Butterflies were already flying in my belly.

I sighed and looked away to see a tree that was cut in half. 'The tree I hit!' My mind speaked and I flied towards it. I looked around the ruins and found what I was looking for. The missle that hit me. I picked up the remainings of it and scanned over it, trying to find some answers. I read over the instructions and my eyes widened. It was some kind of special powder inside of it. "Run killer powder 003?" 'Run killer...' I dropped the remainings of the missle and my eyes widened in shock. I picked up the logo of Eggman and growled, crushing it in my hand. Sonic heard that and ran over to me and bendt down in front of me, laying a hand on my left shoulder.
"Of course Eggman got pissed when the missle didn't hit you..."
Sonic looked at me worried and confused. My emotions mixed with anger, sadness and relief.
"If the missle hit you, Sonic. You... you would no longer be able to... Run, ever again..." I lowered my ears and looked at him.

Sonic's eyes were wide open in horror. His mouth were a little open as if he had something to say, but it didn't come any words. I just looked at Sonic and began to smile a bit. "Sonic, are you alright?" He looked at me with his ears lowered and eyes wide. "You... You..." His voice shook as he talked. I only waited some seconds before he spoke again. "You saved me..." Sonic looked at me surprised and I only smiled. My eyes moved to the ground and I chuckled. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"
I crawled over to him and kissed his lips lightly. Looking at his emerald eyes. "I love you, and that will never change~"

Sonic began to relax more now and he sighed. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me gently on his lap, hugging me close as he leaned against the tree I crashed through. " I don't know what to say.. You can no longer run" I only chuckled to his response.
"But I can fly. I don't care if I can't run anymore, running is your life Sonic. So i'll gladly take away mine instead that you do"

Sonic's POV

His words were so caring and lovely. 'Tails really cares for me, doesn't he?' I blushed lightly and smiled. "Thank you love~" I kissed his neck lightly and I think I heard Tails purr. We looked in each others eyes like they were glue and shared a kiss once again. I felt Tails' arms around my neck and his right hand slowly made it's way up to my quills. 'Oh no, oh no..' My mind screamed as he reached for my soft spot. Aaaaand he found it... 'shit'

I blushed more as he itched my soft spot with his hand. A little moan also escaped my mouth as he kissed me deeper. 'Jeez Tails... When did you  become so lovely~?'  I brushed his soft tails and played a bit with them. They were so soft, like silk.

My loungs began to scream, as I soon felt the need of air, but I didn't want to stop this amazing feeling. I saw my love had the same discussion too. He were shaking, but I decided to break the kiss. Butterflies hang in my belly as we both breathed heavy. Our cheeks had a red blush and our noses touched.

I looked at my sunshine with a smirk as I wispered into his ear.
"Let's continue this inside~"
I saw that Tails blushed more than ever.
"If you want to~"

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